2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
\hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid} { } \section { Base\+ Grid Class Reference}
\label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid} \index { Base\+ Grid@{ Base\+ Grid} }
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
Abstract Base Class for Irregular \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1Grid} { Grid} } .
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
Inheritance diagram for Base\+ Grid\+ :\nopagebreak
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
\begin { figure} [H]
\begin { center}
2020-04-27 07:14:03 -05:00
\includegraphics [width=276pt] { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ _ inherit_ _ graph}
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\end { center}
\end { figure}
\subsection * { Classes}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
class \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ 1_ 1Axis} { Axis} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Graduations on a \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid} { Base\+ Grid} } \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ 1_ 1Axis} { Axis} } (H or V). \end { DoxyCompactList} \end { DoxyCompactItemize}
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\subsection * { Public Member Functions}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
void \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a3a80b6032f86a56bec74609034b3246f} { destroy} } ()
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
const \textbf { Box} \& \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a4b6cf5a28d88d7ad3e6ddeac28a35a0b} { get\+ Bounding\+ Box} } () const
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
unsigned int \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ aeaf0dae788f4c997e6172f9c734e3a91} { get\+ Columns} } () const
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
unsigned int \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a4bad6abc58473d953258a3230506291a} { get\+ Rows} } () const
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
unsigned int \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a47cf844f090417180d0bae098133565e} { get\+ Raw\+ Size} } () const
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
unsigned int \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ aae84726d9984c1df9905fc97d9b34f28} { get\+ Index} } (unsigned int c, unsigned int r) const
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
unsigned int \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a8108a276ab72226244d302fb1b59f3f1} { get\+ Row} } (unsigned int) const
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
unsigned int \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a21a8582c0c89a61d1963262fa053bc1b} { get\+ Column} } (unsigned int) const
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
const \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ 1_ 1Axis} { Axis} } \& \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a1e3eea49f6f58fb8d0b3fa73f5cf3fd7} { get\+ X\+ Grads} } () const
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
const \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ 1_ 1Axis} { Axis} } \& \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ ab11d8b83eaa19f5fe6fecc63a8bb203e} { get\+ Y\+ Grads} } () const
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection * { Protected Member Functions}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
\mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ ac479157e8ac115074615167e8a4a2789} { Base\+ Grid} } (const \textbf { Box} \& )
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\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection { Detailed Description}
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
Abstract Base Class for Irregular \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1Grid} { Grid} } .
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
An abstract class for a 2-\/ D matrix of objects. The grid is irregular in the sense that the horizontal and vertical cut lines may not be evenly spaced.
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
The coordinates of cut lines in horizontal and vertical direction are stored \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ 1_ 1Axis} { Base\+ Grid\+ ::\+ Axis} } structure.
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
The \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid} { Base\+ Grid} } contains all the non-\/ template methods of the \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1Grid} { Grid} } , that is that do not depend of the matrix element type.
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
The internal storage implemented in derived classes is expected to store \char `\" { } row by row\char `\" { } (rows are put one after another in the vector).
\subsection { Constructor \& Destructor Documentation}
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ ac479157e8ac115074615167e8a4a2789} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ ac479157e8ac115074615167e8a4a2789} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !Base\+ Grid@{ Base\+ Grid} }
\index { Base\+ Grid@{ Base\+ Grid} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { Base\+ Grid()} { BaseGrid()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid} { Base\+ Grid} } (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{const \textbf{ Box} \&}] { bb } \end { DoxyParamCaption} )\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [protected]} }
Construct a new \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid} { Base\+ Grid} } on area { \ttfamily bb} . Graduations, rows \& columns are sets to zero.
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
\subsection { Member Function Documentation}
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a3a80b6032f86a56bec74609034b3246f} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a3a80b6032f86a56bec74609034b3246f} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !destroy@{ destroy} }
\index { destroy@{ destroy} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { destroy()} { destroy()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily void destroy (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} { } \end { DoxyParamCaption} )\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [inline]} }
The user-\/ level destructor. \mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a4b6cf5a28d88d7ad3e6ddeac28a35a0b} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a4b6cf5a28d88d7ad3e6ddeac28a35a0b} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !get\+ Bounding\+ Box@{ get\+ Bounding\+ Box} }
\index { get\+ Bounding\+ Box@{ get\+ Bounding\+ Box} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { get\+ Bounding\+ Box()} { getBoundingBox()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily const \textbf { Box} \& get\+ Bounding\+ Box (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} { } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) const\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [inline]} }
{ \bfseries Returns\+ :} The grid bounding box. \mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ aeaf0dae788f4c997e6172f9c734e3a91} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ aeaf0dae788f4c997e6172f9c734e3a91} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !get\+ Columns@{ get\+ Columns} }
\index { get\+ Columns@{ get\+ Columns} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { get\+ Columns()} { getColumns()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily unsigned int get\+ Columns (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} { } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) const\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [inline]} }
{ \bfseries Returns\+ :} The numbers of columns in the grid.
Referenced by G\+ Cell\+ Grid\+ ::\+ \_ \+ post\+ Create(), Katabatic\+ Engine\+ ::create\+ Detailed\+ Grid(), Base\+ Grid\+ ::get\+ Column(), Base\+ Grid\+ ::get\+ Index(), Base\+ Grid\+ ::get\+ Raw\+ Size(), and Base\+ Grid\+ ::get\+ Row().
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a4bad6abc58473d953258a3230506291a} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a4bad6abc58473d953258a3230506291a} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !get\+ Rows@{ get\+ Rows} }
\index { get\+ Rows@{ get\+ Rows} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { get\+ Rows()} { getRows()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily unsigned int get\+ Rows (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} { } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) const\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [inline]} }
{ \bfseries Returns\+ :} The numbers of rows in the grid.
Referenced by G\+ Cell\+ Grid\+ ::\+ \_ \+ post\+ Create(), Katabatic\+ Engine\+ ::create\+ Detailed\+ Grid(), and Base\+ Grid\+ ::get\+ Raw\+ Size().
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a47cf844f090417180d0bae098133565e} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a47cf844f090417180d0bae098133565e} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !get\+ Raw\+ Size@{ get\+ Raw\+ Size} }
\index { get\+ Raw\+ Size@{ get\+ Raw\+ Size} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { get\+ Raw\+ Size()} { getRawSize()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily unsigned int get\+ Raw\+ Size (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} { } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) const\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [inline]} }
{ \bfseries Returns\+ :} The total number of elements in the grid (i.\+ e. $ rows \times columns $ )
References Base\+ Grid\+ ::get\+ Columns(), and Base\+ Grid\+ ::get\+ Rows().
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ aae84726d9984c1df9905fc97d9b34f28} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ aae84726d9984c1df9905fc97d9b34f28} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !get\+ Index@{ get\+ Index} }
\index { get\+ Index@{ get\+ Index} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { get\+ Index()} { getIndex()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily unsigned int get\+ Index (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{unsigned int}] { c, } \item [{unsigned int}] { r } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) const\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [inline]} }
An helper function that compute the linear index in the element vector from a { \ttfamily } (c,r) coordinate pair\+ : \[ index = c + r \times columns \]
References Base\+ Grid\+ ::get\+ Columns().
Referenced by Grid$ < $ G\+ Cell $ > $ \+ ::get\+ G\+ Cell\+ Down(), Grid$ < $ G\+ Cell $ > $ \+ ::get\+ G\+ Cell\+ Left(), Grid$ < $ G\+ Cell $ > $ \+ ::get\+ G\+ Cell\+ Right(), and Grid$ < $ G\+ Cell $ > $ \+ ::get\+ G\+ Cell\+ Up().
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a8108a276ab72226244d302fb1b59f3f1} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a8108a276ab72226244d302fb1b59f3f1} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !get\+ Row@{ get\+ Row} }
\index { get\+ Row@{ get\+ Row} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { get\+ Row()} { getRow()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily unsigned int get\+ Row (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{unsigned int}] { i } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) const\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [inline]} }
An helper function that compute the row number from the linear index in the vector\+ : \[ row = index / columns \]
References Base\+ Grid\+ ::get\+ Columns().
Referenced by G\+ Cell\+ ::get\+ Row().
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a21a8582c0c89a61d1963262fa053bc1b} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a21a8582c0c89a61d1963262fa053bc1b} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !get\+ Column@{ get\+ Column} }
\index { get\+ Column@{ get\+ Column} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { get\+ Column()} { getColumn()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily unsigned int get\+ Column (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} \item [{unsigned int}] { i } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) const\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [inline]} }
An helper function that compute the column number from the linear index in the vector\+ : \[ column = index \div columns \]
References Base\+ Grid\+ ::get\+ Columns().
Referenced by G\+ Cell\+ ::get\+ Column().
\mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a1e3eea49f6f58fb8d0b3fa73f5cf3fd7} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ a1e3eea49f6f58fb8d0b3fa73f5cf3fd7} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !get\+ X\+ Grads@{ get\+ X\+ Grads} }
\index { get\+ X\+ Grads@{ get\+ X\+ Grads} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { get\+ X\+ Grads()} { getXGrads()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily const \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ 1_ 1Axis} { Axis} } \& get\+ X\+ Grads (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} { } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) const\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [inline]} }
{ \bfseries Returns\+ :} The graduations on the X axis. \mbox { \Hypertarget { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ ab11d8b83eaa19f5fe6fecc63a8bb203e} \label { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ ab11d8b83eaa19f5fe6fecc63a8bb203e} }
\index { Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} !get\+ Y\+ Grads@{ get\+ Y\+ Grads} }
\index { get\+ Y\+ Grads@{ get\+ Y\+ Grads} !Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid@{ Katabatic\+ ::\+ Base\+ Grid} }
\subsubsection { \texorpdfstring { get\+ Y\+ Grads()} { getYGrads()} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily const \mbox { \hyperlink { classKatabatic_ 1_ 1BaseGrid_ 1_ 1Axis} { Axis} } \& get\+ Y\+ Grads (\begin { DoxyParamCaption} { } \end { DoxyParamCaption} ) const\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily [inline]} }
{ \bfseries Returns\+ :} The graduations on the Y axis.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files\+ :\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
Grid.\+ h\item
Grid.\+ cpp\item
Grid.\+ dox\end { DoxyCompactItemize}