{\bfseries First, a warning about names\-:} although this class is named \hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer}, it is intended to be an attribute nested inside the whole object which is indeed, the true \hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer}. This nesting object is called, most of the time the {\bfseries owner} in the following. But sometimes, for simplification it may also be called the \hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer}.\hypertarget{classKatabatic_1_1Observer_secImplObserver}{}\subsection{Observer Implementation Notes}\label{classKatabatic_1_1Observer_secImplObserver}
To retrieve the {\itshape owner} from the \hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer} attribute, we uses the offset from the attribute in the {\itshape owner}. This offset is computed once and for all the first time the template constructor is called.
The owner of the oberver is needed to compute, on the first creation only, the offset of the \hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer} attribute inside the {\ttfamily owner} complete object.