471 lines
15 KiB
471 lines
15 KiB
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2009-2018, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | H u r r i c a n e A n a l o g |
// | |
// | Author : Damien Dupuis |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./LayoutGenerator.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <Python.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyBox.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/Script.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/Device.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/TransistorArguments.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/TransistorMultiArguments.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/CapacitorArguments.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/PyDevice.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/PyTransistorArguments.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/PyTransistorMultiArguments.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/PyBJTArguments.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/BJTArguments.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/PyCapacitorArguments.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/LayoutGenerator.h"
namespace Analog {
using namespace std;
using namespace Hurricane;
using namespace Isobar;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::LayoutGenerator::Logger".
LayoutGenerator::Logger::Logger ( LayoutGenerator* generator )
: _generator(generator)
{ }
LayoutGenerator::Logger::~Logger ()
{ }
void LayoutGenerator::Logger::popStatus ( const string& text )
if (_generator->getVerboseLevel() >= LayoutGenerator::Verbose)
cerr << text << endl;
void LayoutGenerator::Logger::popError ( const string& text )
string error = "! " + text;
cerr << error << endl;
void LayoutGenerator::Logger::popScriptError ()
string scriptError = "! An error occured while creating layout. Please check the python console for more information.";
cerr << scriptError << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::LayoutGenerator".
int LayoutGenerator::_verboseLevel = LayoutGenerator::Debug;
LayoutGenerator::LayoutGenerator ()
: _logger (NULL)
, _device (NULL)
, _box (NULL)
, _activeBox(NULL)
, _matrix ()
, _script (NULL)
_activeBox = new Hurricane::Box();
_script = Script::create();
setLogger ( new Logger(this) );
LayoutGenerator::~LayoutGenerator ()
if (_script) _script->destroy();
if (_logger) delete _logger;
bool LayoutGenerator::checkScript()
if (not _device) {
popError( "Try to check for script but device does not exist." );
return false;
FILE* fs = fopen( _device->getLayoutScript().c_str(), "r" );
if (not fs) {
perror( NULL );
popError( "Cannot load script : file does not exist or bad access rights." );
return false;
fclose( fs );
popStatus( _device->getLayoutScript()+" found." );
return true;
bool LayoutGenerator::checkFunctions()
if (not _script->getFunction("checkCoherency")) {
cerr << Error( "LayoutGenerator::drawLayout(): Module <%s> miss checkCoherency()."
, _script->getUserModuleName().c_str() ) << endl;
finalize( ShowTimeTag );
return false;
if (not _script->getFunction("layout")) {
cerr << Error( "LayoutGenerator::drawLayout(): Module <%s> miss layout()."
, _script->getUserModuleName().c_str() ) << endl;
finalize( ShowTimeTag );
return false;
return true;
bool LayoutGenerator::drawLayout ()
if (_device == NULL) return false;
cdebug_log(500,0) << "LayoutGenerator::drawLayout() " << _device->getDeviceName() << endl;
if (not _script->getUserModule()) {
finalize( ShowTimeTag );
cerr << Error( "LayoutGenerator::drawLayout(): Couldn't load module <%s>"
, _script->getUserModuleName().c_str() ) << endl;
return false;
PyObject* pyArgsCheck = NULL;
PyObject* pyArgsLayout = NULL;
if (not toPyArguments(_device->getArguments(),pyArgsCheck,pyArgsLayout,NoFlags)) {
finalize( ShowTimeTag );
return false;
if (not callCheckCoherency(pyArgsCheck,ShowError)) {
return false;
if (not callLayout(pyArgsLayout)) {
cerr << "Layout failed" << endl; cerr.flush();
return false;
// Eric passed by here
//cerr << "Python driven Layout successfully drawn." << endl;
finalize( ShowTimeTag|StatusOk );
_device->setAbutmentBox( getDeviceBox() );
//string message = _device->checkLayoutOnPhysicalGrid();
//if (not message.empty())
// popError( message.c_str() );
// Eric passed by here
//popStatus( "Layout done." );
return true;
bool LayoutGenerator::initialize ()
string moduleFullPath = _device->getLayoutScript();
size_t slash = moduleFullPath.rfind( '/' );
slash = (slash!=string::npos) ? slash+1 : 0;
string moduleName = moduleFullPath.substr( slash );
string modulePath = moduleFullPath.substr( 0, slash-1 );
size_t dot = moduleName.rfind( '.' );
dot = (dot!=string::npos) ? dot : moduleName.size();
moduleName = moduleName.substr( 0, dot );
// Eric passed by here
//cerr << "Path: " << modulePath << endl;
//cerr << "Name: " << moduleName << endl;
_script->setUserModuleName( moduleName );
return _script->initialize( Script::NoThrow );
void LayoutGenerator::finalize ( unsigned int flags )
if (flags & ShowTimeTag) {
string code = "";
// Eric passed by here
//if (flags & StatusOk) code = "import time; print ' -- Script SUCCESS2 --', time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',time.localtime())\n";
if (flags & StatusOk) code = "";
else code = "import time; print ' -- Script FAILED --' , time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',time.localtime())\n";
PyRun_SimpleString( code.c_str() );
bool LayoutGenerator::toPyArguments ( Arguments* args, PyObject*& pyArgsCheck, PyObject*& pyArgsLayout, unsigned int flags )
PyObject* pyArgs = NULL;
if (dynamic_cast<TransistorMultiArguments*>(args)) {
TransistorMultiArguments* tmArgs = static_cast<TransistorMultiArguments*>(args);
PyTransistorMultiArguments* pyTmArgs = PyObject_NEW( PyTransistorMultiArguments, &PyTypeTransistorMultiArguments );
pyTmArgs->_object = tmArgs;
pyArgs = (PyObject*)pyTmArgs;
} else if (dynamic_cast<TransistorArguments*>(args)) {
TransistorArguments* tArgs = static_cast<TransistorArguments*>(args);
PyTransistorArguments* pyTArgs = PyObject_NEW( PyTransistorArguments, &PyTypeTransistorArguments );
pyTArgs->_object = tArgs;
pyArgs = (PyObject*)pyTArgs;
} else if (dynamic_cast<CapacitorArguments*>(args)) {
CapacitorArguments* cArgs = static_cast<CapacitorArguments*>(args);
PyCapacitorArguments* pyCArgs = PyObject_NEW( PyCapacitorArguments, &PyTypeCapacitorArguments );
pyCArgs->_object = cArgs;
pyArgs = (PyObject*)pyCArgs;
} else {
popError( "Bad arguments" );
return false;
PyObject* pyDevice = PyDevice_Link( _device );
pyArgsCheck = PyTuple_New( 1 );
PyTuple_SetItem( pyArgsCheck , 0, (PyObject*)pyArgs );
pyArgsLayout = PyTuple_New( 3 );
PyTuple_SetItem( pyArgsLayout, 0, pyDevice );
PyTuple_SetItem( pyArgsLayout, 1, (PyObject*)pyArgs );
PyTuple_SetItem( pyArgsLayout, 2, (flags & ComputeBbOnly) ? Py_True : Py_False );
return true;
void LayoutGenerator::pyTransistorArguments ( TransistorArguments* tArgs
, unsigned m
, PyObject*& pArgsCheck
, PyObject*& pArgsLayout
, unsigned int flags
pArgsCheck = PyTuple_New( 1 );
pArgsLayout = PyTuple_New( 3 );
PyObject* pyDevice = PyDevice_Link( _device );
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsLayout, 0, pyDevice );
tArgs->setM( m );
PyTransistorArguments* pyTArgs = PyObject_NEW( PyTransistorArguments, &PyTypeTransistorArguments );
pyTArgs->_object = tArgs;
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsCheck , 0, (PyObject*)pyTArgs );
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsLayout, 1, (PyObject*)pyTArgs );
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsLayout, 2, (flags & ComputeBbOnly) ? Py_True : Py_False );
void LayoutGenerator::pyTransistorMultiArguments ( TransistorMultiArguments* dpArgs
, unsigned m
, PyObject*& pArgsCheck
, PyObject*& pArgsLayout
, unsigned int flags
pArgsCheck = PyTuple_New( 1 );
pArgsLayout = PyTuple_New( 3 );
PyObject* pyDevice = PyDevice_Link( _device );
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsLayout, 0, pyDevice );
dpArgs->setM( m );
PyTransistorMultiArguments* pyTArgs = PyObject_NEW( PyTransistorMultiArguments, &PyTypeTransistorMultiArguments );
pyTArgs->_object = dpArgs;
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsCheck , 0, (PyObject*)pyTArgs );
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsLayout, 1, (PyObject*)pyTArgs );
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsLayout, 2, (flags & ComputeBbOnly) ? Py_True : Py_False );
void LayoutGenerator::pyCapacitorArguments ( CapacitorArguments* cArgs
, PyObject*& pArgsCheck
, PyObject*& pArgsLayout
, unsigned int flags
pArgsCheck = PyTuple_New( 1 );
pArgsLayout = PyTuple_New( 3 );
PyObject* pyDevice = PyDevice_Link( _device );
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsLayout, 0, pyDevice );
PyCapacitorArguments* pyCArgs = PyObject_NEW( PyCapacitorArguments, &PyTypeCapacitorArguments );
pyCArgs->_object = cArgs;
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsCheck , 0, (PyObject*)pyCArgs );
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsLayout, 1, (PyObject*)pyCArgs );
PyTuple_SetItem( pArgsLayout, 2, (flags & ComputeBbOnly) ? Py_True : Py_False );
bool LayoutGenerator::callCheckCoherency ( PyObject* pArgsCheck, unsigned int flags )
PyObject* pTupleCheck = _script->callFunction( "checkCoherency", pArgsCheck );
if (not pTupleCheck) {
string code = "print ' -- Script FAILED --', time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',time.localtime())\n";
PyRun_SimpleString( code.c_str() );
finalize( NoFlags );
return false;
if ( not PyTuple_Check(pTupleCheck) or (PyTuple_Size(pTupleCheck) != 2) ) {
popError( "checkCoherency function must return a tuple: (bool,errorMessage)" );
return false;
PyObject* pCheckOk = PyTuple_GetItem( pTupleCheck, 0 );
if (pCheckOk == Py_False) {
if (flags & ShowError)
popError( string(PyString_AsString(PyTuple_GetItem(pTupleCheck,1))) );
return false;
return true;
bool LayoutGenerator::callLayout ( PyObject* pArgsLayout )
_matrix = _script->callFunction( "layout", pArgsLayout );
if ((not _matrix) or (IsPyCapacitorArguments(pArgsLayout))) {
string code = "print ' -- Script FAILED --', time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',time.localtime())";
PyRun_SimpleString( code.c_str() );
finalize( NoFlags );
cerr << "There was a problem running layout function" << endl;
return false;
return true;
unsigned LayoutGenerator::getNumberTransistor ()
PyObject* row = getRow(0);
if (row and PyList_Check(row) == 1)
return PyList_Size(row) - 1; // -1 because of the first column for global params
return 0; // else return 0;
unsigned LayoutGenerator::getNumberStack ()
if (_matrix and PyList_Check(_matrix) == 1)
return PyList_Size(_matrix) - 1; // -1 because of the first row for global params
return 0;
Box LayoutGenerator::getDeviceBox ()
PyObject* pBox = getParamValue(getDic(getRow(0), 0), "box");
if (pBox == NULL) {
finalize( NoFlags );
popError("Layout function did not returned a valid device box 2!");
return Box();
if (pBox->ob_type != &PyTypeBox) {
finalize( NoFlags );
popError("Layout function did not returned a valid device box!");
return *((PyBox*)pBox)->_object; //get the hurricane box
Box LayoutGenerator::getActiveBox ()
PyObject* pBox = getParamValue(getDic(getRow(0), 0), "globalActiveBox");
if (!pBox) {
finalize( NoFlags );
popError("Layout function did not returned a valid active box 2!");
return Box();
if (pBox->ob_type != &PyTypeBox) {
finalize( NoFlags );
popError("Layout function did not returned a valid active box!");
return *((PyBox*)pBox)->_object; //get the hurricane box
double LayoutGenerator::getParameterValue ( unsigned i, unsigned j, string paramName, bool& ok )
PyObject* pValue = getParamValue(getDic(getRow(i),j), paramName);
if (pValue == NULL){
ok = false;
return 0.0;
ok = true;
return (PyFloat_AsDouble(pValue));
PyObject* LayoutGenerator::getRow ( unsigned i )
if (_matrix and PyList_Check(_matrix) == 1 and ((int)i < PyList_Size(_matrix))){
return PyList_GetItem(_matrix, i);
return NULL;
PyObject* LayoutGenerator::getDic ( PyObject* row, unsigned j )
if (row and PyList_Check(row) == 1 and ((int)j < PyList_Size(row))){
return PyList_GetItem(row, j);
return NULL;
PyObject* LayoutGenerator::getParamValue ( PyObject* dic, string paramName )
if (dic and (PyDict_Check(dic) == 1) and (PyDict_Contains(dic,PyString_FromString(paramName.c_str()))))
return PyDict_GetItemString(dic,paramName.c_str());
return NULL;
} // Analog namespace.