{\bfseries First, a warning about names\+:} although this class is named \mbox{\hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer}}, it is intended to be an attribute nested inside the whole object which is indeed, the true \mbox{\hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer}}. This nesting object is called, most of the time the {\bfseries owner} in the following. But sometimes, for simplification it may also be called the \mbox{\hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer}}.\hypertarget{classKatabatic_1_1Observer_secImplObserver}{}\subsection{Observer Implementation Notes}\label{classKatabatic_1_1Observer_secImplObserver}
To retrieve the {\itshape owner} from the \mbox{\hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer}} attribute, we uses the offset from the attribute in the {\itshape owner}. This offset is computed once and for all the first time the template constructor is called.
{\footnotesize\ttfamily\mbox{\hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer}} (\begin{DoxyParamCaption}\item[{const T $\ast$}]{owner }\end{DoxyParamCaption})\hspace{0.3cm}{\ttfamily [inline]}}
The owner of the oberver is needed to compute, on the first creation only, the offset of the \mbox{\hyperlink{classKatabatic_1_1Observer}{Observer}} attribute inside the {\ttfamily owner} complete object.