
373 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import os
import sys
import string
import subprocess
import optparse
reCoriolisPattern = re.compile( r".*coriolis.*" )
reReleaseSharedPattern = re.compile( r".*Release\.Shared.*" )
reReleaseStaticPattern = re.compile( r".*Release\.Static.*" )
reDebugSharedPattern = re.compile( r".*Debug\.Shared.*" )
reDebugStaticPattern = re.compile( r".*Debug\.Static.*" )
def scrubPath ( pathName ):
pathEnv = os.getenv( pathName )
if not pathEnv: return ""
pathList = string.split( pathEnv, ':' )
scrubbedList = []
for pathElement in pathList:
if reCoriolisPattern .match(pathElement) \
or reReleaseSharedPattern.match(pathElement) \
or reReleaseStaticPattern.match(pathElement) \
or reDebugSharedPattern .match(pathElement) \
or reDebugStaticPattern .match(pathElement):
scrubbedList += [ pathElement ]
if len(scrubbedList) == 0: return ""
scrubbedEnv = scrubbedList[0]
for pathElement in scrubbedList[1:]:
scrubbedEnv += ":" + pathElement
return scrubbedEnv
def guessOs ():
useDevtoolset = False
osSlsoc7x_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*el7.*x86_64.*")
osSlsoc6x_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*el6.*x86_64.*")
osSlsoc6x = re.compile (".*Linux.*(el|slsoc)6.*")
osSLSoC5x_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*el5.*x86_64.*")
osSLSoC5x = re.compile (".*Linux.*(el5|*SoC).*")
osFedora_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*fc.*x86_64.*")
osFedora = re.compile (".*Linux.*fc.*")
osLinux_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*x86_64.*")
osLinux = re.compile (".*Linux.*")
osDarwin = re.compile (".*Darwin.*")
osUbuntu1004 = re.compile (".*Linux.*ubuntu.*")
osUbuntu1004_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*ubuntu.*x86_64.*")
osFreeBSD8x_amd64 = re.compile (".*FreeBSD 8.*amd64.*")
osFreeBSD8x_64 = re.compile (".*FreeBSD 8.*x86_64.*")
osFreeBSD8x = re.compile (".*FreeBSD 8.*")
osCygwinW7_64 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-6\.1.*x86_64.*")
osCygwinW7 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-6\.1.*i686.*")
osCygwinW8_64 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-6\.[2-3].*x86_64.*")
osCygwinW8 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-6\.[2-3].*i686.*")
osCygwinW10_64 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-10\.[0-3].*x86_64.*")
osCygwinW10 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-10\.[0-3].*i686.*")
uname = subprocess.Popen ( ["uname", "-srm"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
lines = uname.stdout.readlines()
2010-08-25 08:03:30 -05:00
if osSlsoc7x_64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.el7_64"
libDir = "lib64"
elif osSlsoc6x_64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.slsoc6x_64"
libDir = "lib64"
useDevtoolset = True
elif osSlsoc6x.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.slsoc6x"
useDevtoolset = True
elif osSLSoC5x_64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.SLSoC5x_64"
libDir = "lib64"
elif osSLSoC5x.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.SLSoC5x"
elif osFedora_64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.fc_64"
libDir = "lib64"
elif osFedora.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.fc"
elif osUbuntu1004.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.Ubuntu1004"
elif osUbuntu1004_64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.Ubuntu1004_64"
libDir = "lib64"
elif osLinux_64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.x86_64"
libDir = "lib64"
elif osLinux.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Linux.i386"
elif osFreeBSD8x_64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "FreeBSD.8x.x86_64"
libDir = "lib64"
elif osFreeBSD8x_amd64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "FreeBSD.8x.amd64"
libDir = "lib64"
elif osFreeBSD8x.match(lines[0]):
osType = "FreeBSD.8x.i386"
elif osDarwin.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Darwin"
elif osCygwinW7_64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Cygwin.W7_64"
libDir = "lib64"
elif osCygwinW7.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Cygwin.W7"
elif osCygwinW8_64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Cygwin.W8_64"
libDir = "lib64"
elif osCygwinW8.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Cygwin.W8"
elif osCygwinW10_64.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Cygwin.W10_64"
libDir = "lib64"
elif osCygwinW10.match(lines[0]):
osType = "Cygwin.W10"
uname = subprocess.Popen ( ["uname", "-sr"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
osType = uname.stdout.readlines()[0][:-1]
print "[WARNING] Unrecognized OS: \"%s\"." % lines[0][:-1]
print " (using: \"%s\")" % osType
ldLibraryPath = os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
if ldLibraryPath and 'devtoolset' in ldLibraryPath: useDevtoolset = False
if libDir == 'lib64' and not os.path.exists('/usr/lib64'):
libDir = 'lib'
return (osType,libDir,useDevtoolset)
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
def guessShell ():
# This environement variable cannot be trusted as it is set once when
# the user logs in. If aftewards it changes it that variable is *not*
# affected :-(.
#if os.environ.has_key('SHELL'): return os.environ['SHELL']
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
psCommand = subprocess.Popen ( ['ps', '-p', str(os.getppid()) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
shell = psCommand.stdout.readlines()[1][:-1].split()[3].lstrip('-')
whichCommand = subprocess.Popen ( ['which', shell ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
shellPath = whichCommand.stdout.readlines()[0][:-1]
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
isBourneShell = True
cshBins = [ '/usr/bin/tcsh'
, '/bin/tcsh'
, '/usr/pkg/bin/tcsh'
, '/usr/local/bin/tcsh'
, '/usr/bin/csh'
, '/bin/csh'
, '/usr/pkg/bin/csh'
, '/usr/local/bin/csh'
if shellPath in cshBins: isBourneShell = False
#print 'GUESSED SHELL: "%s"' % shellPath
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
return shellPath, isBourneShell
if __name__ == "__main__":
osType,libDir,useDevtoolset = guessOs()
buildType = "Release"
linkType = "Shared"
rootDir = None
shellBin, isBourneShell = guessShell()
parser = optparse.OptionParser ()
# Build relateds.
parser.add_option ( "--query-inst-root", action="store_true" , dest="queryInstRoot" )
parser.add_option ( "--query-isys-root", action="store_true" , dest="queryISysRoot" )
parser.add_option ( "--release" , action="store_true" , dest="release" )
parser.add_option ( "--debug" , action="store_true" , dest="debug" )
parser.add_option ( "--devel" , action="store_true" , dest="devel" )
parser.add_option ( "--static" , action="store_true" , dest="static" )
parser.add_option ( "--shared" , action="store_true" , dest="shared" )
parser.add_option ( "--no-python" , action="store_true" , dest="nopython" )
parser.add_option ( "--root" , action="store" , type="string", dest="rootDir" )
parser.add_option ( "--remove" , action="store_true" , dest="remove" )
( options, args ) = parser.parse_args ()
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
if options.release: buildType = "Release"
if options.debug: buildType = "Debug"
if options.devel: buildType = "Debug"
if options.static: linkType = "Static"
if options.shared: linkType = "Shared"
if options.rootDir: rootDir = options.rootDir
scriptPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
if 'Debug.' in scriptPath: buildType = 'Debug'
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
if not shellBin:
print 'echo "[ERROR] was not able to guess/find the current shell interpeter."'
sys.exit( 1 )
strippedPath = scrubPath( "PATH" )
strippedLibraryPath = scrubPath( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" )
strippedPythonPath = scrubPath( "PYTHONPATH" )
if options.remove:
shellScript = 'echo "Removing Coriolis environment";'
if osType == "Darwin":
if isBourneShell:
shellScript += 'export PATH={};hash -r;'.format(strippedPath)
if strippedLibraryPath:
shellScript += 'export {}={};'.format(ldVar, strippedLibraryPath)
shellScript += '{0}=""; export -n {0};'.format(ldVar)
shellScript += 'setenv PATH {};rehash;'.format(strippedPath)
shellScript += 'unsetenv BOOTSTRAP_TOP CORIOLIS_TOP;'
if strippedLibraryPath:
shellScript += 'setenv {} {};'.format(ldVar, strippedLibraryPath)
shellScript += 'unsetenv {};'.format(ldVar)
shellScriptSh = \
'echo "%(MESSAGE)s";' \
'echo "Switching to Coriolis 2.x (%(buildDir)s)";' \
'PATH="%(PATH)s";' \
# 'STRATUS_MAPPING_NAME="%(SYSCONF_DIR)s/stratus2sxlib.xml";' \
shellScriptCsh = \
'echo "%(MESSAGE)s";' \
'echo "Switching to Coriolis 2.x (%(buildDir)s)";' \
'setenv PATH "%(PATH)s";' \
# 'setenv STRATUS_MAPPING_NAME "%(SYSCONF_DIR)s/stratus2sxlib.xml";' \
reDevtoolset = re.compile( r'/opt/rh/devtoolset-(?P<version>\d+)/root/etc/coriolis2.*' )
buildDir = buildType + "." + linkType
scriptDir = os.path.dirname ( os.path.abspath(__file__) )
#print "echo \"Script Location: %s\";" % scriptDir,
if scriptDir.startswith("/etc/coriolis2"):
coriolisTop = "/usr"
sysconfDir = scriptDir
shellMessage = "Using system-wide Coriolis 2 (/usr)"
m = reDevtoolset.match( scriptDir )
if m:
coriolisTop = "/opt/rh/devtoolset-%d/root/usr" %'version')
sysconfDir = scriptDir
shellMessage = "Using system-wide devtoolset-%(v)d Coriolis 2 (/opt/rh/devtoolset-%(v)d/root/usr)" \
% { 'v''version') }
elif scriptDir.startswith(os.getenv("HOME")+"/nightly/coriolis-2.x/"):
rootDir = os.getenv("HOME") + "/nightly/coriolis-2.x"
coriolisTop = "%s/%s/%s/install" % ( rootDir, osType, buildDir )
sysconfDir = scriptDir
shellMessage = "Using Nightly build Coriolis 2 (%s)" % coriolisTop
elif scriptDir.startswith("/users/outil/coriolis/coriolis-2.x/") \
or scriptDir.startswith("/soc/coriolis2/"):
coriolisTop = "/soc/coriolis2"
sysconfDir = coriolisTop + "/etc/coriolis2"
shellMessage = "Using SoC network-wide Coriolis 2 (/soc/coriolis2)"
if not rootDir:
rootDir = os.getenv("HOME") + "/coriolis-2.x"
coriolisTop = "%s/%s/%s/install" % ( rootDir, osType, buildDir )
sysconfDir = coriolisTop + "/etc/coriolis2"
shellMessage = "Using user-selected Coriolis 2 (%s)" % rootDir
if osType.startswith("Cygwin"):
strippedPath = "%s/%s:%s" % ( coriolisTop, libDir, strippedPath )
absLibDir = "%s/%s" % ( coriolisTop, libDir )
strippedPath = "%s/bin:%s" % ( coriolisTop, strippedPath )
strippedLibraryPath = "%s:%s" % ( absLibDir , strippedLibraryPath )
if not os.path.exists(coriolisTop):
print 'echo "[ERROR], top directory <%s> do not exists."' % coriolisTop
sys.exit( 1 )
if not options.nopython:
pyVersion = sys.version_info
version = "%d.%d" % (pyVersion[0],pyVersion[1])
#if osType.startswith("Linux.SL") \
# or osType.startswith("") \
# or osType.startswith("Linux.el") \
# or osType.startswith("Linux.fc") \
# or osType.startswith("Cygwin"):
# sitePackagesDir = "%s/python%s/site-packages" % (absLibDir,version)
#elif osType.startswith("Darwin"):
# sitePackagesDir = "%s/%s/site-packages" % (absLibDir,version)
# sitePackagesDir = "%s/python%s/dist-packages" % (absLibDir,version)
sitePackagesDir = "sitePackageDir_has_been_not_found"
for pyPackageDir in [ "%s/python%s/site-packages" % (absLibDir,version)
, "%s/python%s/dist-packages" % (absLibDir,version)
, "%s/%s/site-packages" % (absLibDir,version)
if os.path.isdir(pyPackageDir):
sitePackagesDir = pyPackageDir
strippedPythonPath = "%s:" % (sitePackagesDir) + strippedPythonPath
strippedPythonPath = "%s/crlcore:" % (sitePackagesDir) + strippedPythonPath
strippedPythonPath = "%s/cumulus:" % (sitePackagesDir) + strippedPythonPath
strippedPythonPath = "%s/cumulus/plugins:" % (sitePackagesDir) + strippedPythonPath
strippedPythonPath = "%s/stratus:" % (sitePackagesDir) + strippedPythonPath
Migrating the initialisation system to be completely Python-like. * New: In bootstrap/, add the "etc" directory to the PYTHONPATH as initialization are now Python modules. * New: In Hurricane/analogic, first groundwork for the integration of PIP/MIM/MOM multi-capacitors. Add C++ and Python interface for the allocation matrix and the list of capacities values. * Change: In Hurricane::RegularLayer, add a layer parameter to the constructor so the association between the RegularLayer and it's BasicLayer can readily be done. * Change: In Hurricane::Layer, add a new getCut() accessor to get the cut layer in ViaLayer. * Change: In Hurricane::DataBase::get(), the Python wrapper should no longer consider an error if the data-base has not been created yet. Just return None. * Bug: In Isobar::PyLayer::getEnclosure() wrapper, if the overall enclosure is requested, pass the right parameter to the C++ function. * Change: In AllianceFramework, make public _bindLibraries() and export it to the Python interface. * Change: In AllianceFramework::create(), do not longer call bindLibraries(). This now must be done explicitely and afterwards. * Change: In AllianceFramework::createLibrary() and Environement::addSYSTEM_LIBRARY(), minor bug corrections that I don't recall. * Change: In SearchPath::prepend(), set the selected index to zero and return it. * Change: In CRL::System CTOR, add "etc" to the PYTHONPATH as the configuration files are now organized as Python modules. * New: In PyCRL, export the CRL::System singleton, it's creation is no longer triggered by the one of AllianceFramework. * New: In CRL/etc/, convert most of the configuration files into the Python module format. For now, keep the old ".conf", but that are no longer used. For the real technologies, we cannot keep the directory name as "180" or "45" as it not allowed by Python syntax, so we create "node180" or "node45" instead. Most of the helpers and are no longer used now. To be removed in future commits after being sure that everything works... * Bug: In AutoSegment::makeDogleg(AutoContact*), the layer of the contacts where badly computed when one end of the original segment was attached to a non-preferred direction segment (mostly on terminal contacts). Now use the new AutoContact::updateLayer() method. * Bug: In Dijkstra::load(), limit symetric search area only if the net is a symmetric one ! * Change: In Katana/python/, comply with the new initialisation scheme. * Change: In Unicorn/, comply to the new inititalization scheme. * Change: In cumulus various Python scripts remove the call to helpers.staticInitialization() as they are not needed now (we run in only *one* interpreter, so we correctly share all init). In plugins/, read the new NDA directory variable. * Bug: In cumulus/plugins/Chip.doCoronafloorplan(), self.railsNb was not correctly managed when there was no clock. * Change: In cumulus/plugins/Configuration.coronaContactArray(), compute the viaPitch from the technology instead of the hard-coded 4.0 lambdas. In Configuration.loadConfiguration(), read the "" from the new user's settings module. * Bug: In stratus.dpgen_ADSB2F, gives coordinates translated into DbU to the XY functions. In st_model.Save(), use the VstUseConcat flag to get correct VST files. In st_net.hur_net(), when a net is POWER/GROUND or CLOCK also make it global. * Change: In Oroshi/python/, encapsulate the generator inside a try/except block to get prettier error (and stop at the first).
2019-10-28 12:09:14 -05:00
strippedPythonPath = "%s:" % (sysconfDir) + strippedPythonPath
shellScriptSh += 'PYTHONPATH="%(PYTHONPATH)s";' \
'export PYTHONPATH;'
shellScriptCsh += 'setenv PYTHONPATH "%(PYTHONPATH)s";'
if osType == "Darwin":
shellScriptSh += 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="%(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)s";' \
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
shellScriptCsh += 'setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "%(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)s";'
shellScriptSh += 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH="%(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)s";' \
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
shellScriptCsh += 'setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "%(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)s";'
shellScriptSh += "hash -r;"
shellScriptCsh += "rehash;"
if isBourneShell: shellScript = shellScriptSh
else: shellScript = shellScriptCsh
if useDevtoolset:
shellScript += \
' echo "Launching a devtoolset-8 subshell though scl (CTRL+D to exit).";' \
' scl enable devtoolset-8 %(SHELL)s'
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
evalScript = shellScript % { "PATH" : strippedPath
, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" : strippedLibraryPath
, "PYTHONPATH" : strippedPythonPath
, "BOOTSTRAP_TOP" : coriolisTop
, "CORIOLIS_TOP" : coriolisTop
, "SYSCONF_DIR" : sysconfDir
, "MESSAGE" : shellMessage
, "buildDir" : buildDir
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
, 'SHELL' : shellBin
if options.queryISysRoot:
print '%s/%s' % (rootDir,osType)
sys.exit( 0 )
if options.queryInstRoot:
print coriolisTop
sys.exit( 0 )
print evalScript
2017-02-08 11:26:20 -06:00
sys.exit( 0 )