2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
2016-03-06 05:36:18 -06:00
// Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2016, All Rights Reserved
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | K i t e - D e t a i l e d R o u t e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./KiteMain.cpp" |
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
2013-12-03 18:59:29 -06:00
#include <memory>
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
using namespace std;
2013-12-03 18:59:29 -06:00
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
namespace bopts = boost::program_options;
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
2013-12-03 18:59:29 -06:00
#include "vlsisapd/configuration/Configuration.h"
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
using namespace Hurricane;
2013-12-03 18:59:29 -06:00
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "crlcore/Banner.h"
#include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h"
#include "crlcore/Hierarchy.h"
#include "crlcore/ToolBox.h"
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
using namespace CRL;
2013-12-03 18:59:29 -06:00
#include "knik/KnikEngine.h"
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
using namespace Knik;
2013-12-03 18:59:29 -06:00
#include "kite/KiteEngine.h"
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
using namespace Kite;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : "main()".
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
int returnCode = 0;
bool kiteSuccess = false;
try {
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
Banner banner( "Kite"
, "1.0b"
, "Coriolis Router"
, "2008"
, "Jean-Paul Chaput"
, ""
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
unsigned int traceLevel;
bool verbose1;
bool verbose2;
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
bool showConf;
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
bool info;
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
bool bug;
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
bool coreDump;
bool logMode;
bool loadGlobal;
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
bool dumpMeasures;
bool saveGlobal;
bool destroyDatabase;
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
bopts::options_description options ("Command line arguments & options");
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
( "help,h" , "Print this help." )
( "verbose,v" , bopts::bool_switch(&verbose1)->default_value(false)
, "First level of verbosity.")
( "very-verbose,V" , bopts::bool_switch(&verbose2)->default_value(false)
, "Second level of verbosity.")
( "show-conf" , bopts::bool_switch(&showConf)->default_value(false)
, "Print Kite configuration settings.")
( "info,i" , bopts::bool_switch(&info)->default_value(false)
, "Lots of informational messages.")
( "bug,b" , bopts::bool_switch(&bug)->default_value(false)
, "Display bug related messages.")
( "log-mode,L" , bopts::bool_switch(&logMode)->default_value(false)
, "Disable ANSI escape sequences displaying.")
( "trace-level,l" , bopts::value<unsigned int>(&traceLevel)->default_value(1000)
, "Set the level of trace, trace messages with a level superior to "
"<arg> will be printed on <stderr>." )
( "core-dump,D" , bopts::bool_switch(&coreDump)->default_value(false)
, "Enable core dumping.")
( "load-global,g" , bopts::bool_switch(&loadGlobal)->default_value(false)
, "Do *not* run the global router (Knik), reuse previous routing (.kgr).")
( "save-global" , bopts::bool_switch(&saveGlobal)->default_value(false)
, "Save the global routing solution.")
( "dump-measures,M", bopts::bool_switch(&dumpMeasures)->default_value(false)
, "Dump statistical measurements on the disk.")
( "cell,c" , bopts::value<string>()
, "The name of the cell to load, without extension." )
( "save-design,s" , bopts::value<string>()
, "Save the routed design under the given name.")
( "destroy-db" , bopts::bool_switch(&destroyDatabase)->default_value(false)
, "Perform a complete deletion of the database (may be buggy).");
bopts::variables_map arguments;
bopts::store ( bopts::parse_command_line(argc,argv,options), arguments );
bopts::notify ( arguments );
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
if ( arguments.count("help") or not arguments.count("cell") ) {
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
cout << banner << endl;
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
cout << options << endl;
exit ( 0 );
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
Cfg::Configuration::pushDefaultPriority( Cfg::Parameter::CommandLine );
if (arguments["core-dump" ].as<bool>()) Cfg::getParamBool("misc.catchCore" )->setBool( false );
if (arguments["verbose" ].as<bool>()) Cfg::getParamBool("misc.verboseLevel1")->setBool( true );
if (arguments["very-verbose"].as<bool>()) Cfg::getParamBool("misc.verboseLevel2")->setBool( true );
if (arguments["info" ].as<bool>()) Cfg::getParamBool("misc.info" )->setBool( true );
if (arguments["bug" ].as<bool>()) Cfg::getParamBool("misc.bug" )->setBool( true );
if (arguments["log-mode" ].as<bool>()) Cfg::getParamBool("misc.logMode" )->setBool( true );
if (arguments["show-conf" ].as<bool>()) Cfg::getParamBool("misc.showConf" )->setBool( true );
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
if (arguments.count("trace-level" )) Cfg::getParamInt("misc.traceLevel")->setInt( traceLevel );
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
cmess1 << banner << endl;
showConf = Cfg::getParamBool("misc.showConf")->asBool();
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
dbo_ptr<DataBase> db ( DataBase::create() );
dbo_ptr<AllianceFramework> af ( AllianceFramework::create() );
Cell* cell = NULL;
if ( arguments.count("cell") ) {
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
cell = af->getCell( arguments["cell"].as<string>().c_str(), Catalog::State::Views );
if (not cell) {
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
cerr << af->getPrint() << endl;
cerr << "[ERROR] Cell not found: " << arguments["cell"].as<string>() << endl;
exit ( 2 );
2013-12-03 18:59:29 -06:00
unsigned int globalFlags = (loadGlobal) ? Kite::KtLoadGlobalRouting
: Kite::KtBuildGlobalRouting;
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
KiteEngine* kite = KiteEngine::create( cell );
if (showConf) kite->printConfiguration();
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
kite->runGlobalRouter( globalFlags );
if (saveGlobal) kite->saveGlobalSolution ();
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
Add NetRoutingState (Property) on Nets to tell Kite what to do.
* New: In Katabatic, add the ability to decorate some (i.e. few) nets
with a state that indicate to Katabatic & Kite what to do with it.
The possible states are:
1. Fixed : all the wire are in fixed positions. The router cannot
move them and account them as obstacles.
2. ManualGlobalRoute : a user-defined topology is supplied. The
wires still have to be detailed route in "Detailed Pre-Route"
but will be skipped for the global routing and fixed for the
general Detailed route.
3. AutomaticGlobalRoute : ordinary nets, to be global routed then
detail routed.
4. Excluded : do not try to global or detail route thoses nets.
5. MixedPreRoute : mask combining Fixed and ManualGlobalRoute.
Not all nets have this property, only those that needs a special
To ease the access to the state, it is nested inside a
PrivateProperty in the net (NetRoutingProperty), with an extension
access class (NetRoutingExtension).
* New: In Kite, take account of NetRoutingState. Pointers to the
net's states are strored inside an internal map for faster access.
The property is *not* deleted when Kite is destroyed. The property
will remains until the Net itself is destroyed.
As a consequence, the lists that where passed to high level
function are removed as the information can now be accessed directly
through the net NetRoutingProperty.
* New: In Unicorn, in CgtMain, comply with the update interface.
* New: In documentation, update the User's Guide to explain the Pre-routed
step of Kite.
2014-07-02 07:36:58 -05:00
kite->loadGlobalRouting ( Katabatic::EngineLoadGrByNet );
2013-12-03 18:59:29 -06:00
kite->layerAssign ( Katabatic::EngineNoNetLayerAssign );
kite->runNegociate ();
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
kiteSuccess = kite->getToolSuccess();
kite->finalizeLayout ();
if (dumpMeasures) kite->dumpMeasures();
if (arguments.count("save-design")) {
string name = arguments["save-design"].as<string>();
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
cell->setName ( name );
af->saveCell ( cell, Catalog::State::Physical );
returnCode = (kiteSuccess) ? 0 : 1;
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
if (not destroyDatabase) exit( returnCode );
cmess1 << " o Full database deletion (may be buggy)." << endl;
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
catch ( bopts::error& e ) {
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
cerr << "[ERROR] " << e.what() << endl;
exit ( 1 );
catch ( Error& e ) {
cerr << e.what() << endl;
exit ( 1 );
2012-12-09 05:18:38 -06:00
catch ( exception& e ) {
cerr << "[ERROR] " << e.what() << endl;
exit ( 1 );
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
catch ( ... ) {
cout << "[ERROR] Abnormal termination: unmanaged exception.\n" << endl;
exit ( 2 );
return returnCode;