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Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah! * Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so the caller can be aware of the situation... * Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes). * Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp(). It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well. * Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north border. * Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one. * Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we are opening the right Session type. * Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the Flags::WithSelf is set. * Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps. Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking problems. A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches, have to replace them by if/else. * New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function. * Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with the reserved local capacity. * New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened "Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2018, All Rights Reserved
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah! * Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so the caller can be aware of the situation... * Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes). * Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp(). It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well. * Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north border. * Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one. * Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we are opening the right Session type. * Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the Flags::WithSelf is set. * Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps. Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking problems. A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches, have to replace them by if/else. * New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function. * Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with the reserved local capacity. * New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened "Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | K i t e - D e t a i l e d R o u t e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./RoutingPlane.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Box.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingLayerGauge.h"
#include "katana/HorizontalTrack.h"
#include "katana/VerticalTrack.h"
#include "katana/RoutingPlane.h"
#include "katana/KatanaEngine.h"
namespace {
const char* badLayerGauge =
"RoutingPlane::create() :\n\n"
" No plane at depth %u in %s.";
} // End of local namespace.
namespace Katana {
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Box;
using Hurricane::Cell;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "RoutingPlane".
RoutingPlane::RoutingPlane ( KatanaEngine* katana, size_t depth )
: _katana (katana)
, _layerGauge(katana->getConfiguration()->getLayerGauge(depth))
, _depth (depth)
, _flags (0)
, _axisMin (0)
, _axisMax (0)
, _trackMin (0)
, _trackMax (0)
, _tracks ()
switch ( _layerGauge->getDirection() ) {
case Constant::Horizontal: _flags |= Flags::Horizontal; break;
case Constant::Vertical: _flags |= Flags::Vertical; break;
cerr << Error( "RoutingPlane::RoutingPlane() - Unknown plane direction from LayerGauge: %u"
, _layerGauge->getDirection() ) << endl;
RoutingPlane::~RoutingPlane ()
{ }
void RoutingPlane::destroy ()
cdebug_log(155,1) << "RoutingPlane::destroy() - "
<< (void*)this << " " << this << endl;
for ( size_t index=0 ; index<_tracks.size() ; ++index )
delete this;
RoutingPlane* RoutingPlane::create ( KatanaEngine* katana, size_t depth )
RoutingPlane* plane = new RoutingPlane ( katana, depth );
if (not plane->_layerGauge)
throw Error( badLayerGauge, depth, getString(katana->getConfiguration()->getRoutingGauge()).c_str() );
Upgrade of Katana detailed router to support Arlet 6502. * Change: In Hurricane::SharedName, replace the incremental Id by a hash key. This is to ensure better deterministic properties. Between use cases, additional strings may have to be allocated, shitfing the ids. Even if hash can be duplicated, we should be able to ensure that the absolute order in map table should be preserved. Supplemental strings are inserted in a way that keep the previous order. * Change: In CRL/etc/symbolic/cmos/kite.conf, add "katabatic.routingGauge" default parameter value ("sxlib"). * Change: In CRL/etc/common/technology.conf, define minimal spacing for symbolic layers too (added for METAL4 only for now). * Change: In CRL::Histogram, extend support to dynamically sized histograms. Add a text pretty print with table and pseudo-curve. * Change: In Cumulus/plugins/ClockTreePlugin, create blockage under the block corona corners so the global router do not draw wire under them. This was creating deadlock for the detailed router. When the abutment has to be computed, directly use Etesian to do it instead of duplicating the computation in the Python plugin. * New: In Etesian, as Coloquinte seems reluctant to evenly spread the standard cells, we trick it by making them bigger during the placement stage. Furthermore, we do not not uniformely increase the size of the cells but create a "bloating profile" based on cell size, cell name or it's density of terminals. Currently only two profiles are defined, "disabled" which does nothing and "nsxlib" targeted on 4 metal layer technologies (aka AMS 350nm, c35b4). * Bug: In Knik::MatrixVertex, load the default routing gauge using the configuration parameter "katabatic.routingGauge" as the default one may not be the first registered one. * New: In AnabaticEngine::setupNetDatas(), build a dynamic historgram of the nets terminal numbers. * Bug: In Anabatic::AutoContact::Invalidate(), always invalidate the contact cache when topology is invalidated. In case of multiple invalidations, if the first did not invalidate the cache, later one that may need it where not allowed to do so. The end result was correct nonetheless, but it did generate annoying error messages. * Bug: In Anabatic::AutoContactTurn::updateTopology(), bad computation of the contact's depth when delta == 2. * Bug: In Anabatic::Gcell::getCapacity(), was always returning the west edge capacity, even for the westermost GCell, should be the east edge in that case. * New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, introduce a new measure "distance to terminal". This is the minimal number of segments separating the current one from the nearest RoutingPad. This replace the previous "strong terminal" and "weak terminal" flags. This distance is used by Katana to sort the events, we route the segments *from* the RoutingPads *outward*. The idea being that if we cannot event connect to the RoutingPad, there is no points continuing as thoses segments are the more constraineds. This gives an order close to the simple ascending metals but with better results. * New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, introduce a new flag "Unbreakable", disable dogleg making on those segments. mainly intended for local segments directly connecteds to RoutingPads (distance == 0). * New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, more aggressive reducing of segments. Now the only case where a segment cannot be reduced is when it is one horizontal branch in a HTee or a vertical on a VTee. Check if, when not accounted the source & target VIAs are still connex, if so, allow reducing. * New: In Anabatic::AutoContact, new state flags CntVDogleg & CntHDogleg mainly to prevent making doglegs twice on a turn contact. This is to limit over-fragmentation. If one dogleg doesn't solve the problem, making a second one will make things worse only... * Bug: In Anabatic::Configuration::selectRpcomponent(), we were choosing the component with the *smallest* span instead of the *bigger* one. * New: In Anabatic::GCell, introduce a new flag "GoStraight" to tell that no turn go be made inside those GCells. Mainly used underneath a block corona. * New: In AnabaticEngine::layerAssign(), new GCellRps & RpsInRow to manage GCells with too many terminals. Slacken at least one RoutingPad access when there is more than 8 RoutingPad in the GCell (slacken or change a vertical METAL2 (non-preferred) into a METAL3). * Change: In Anabatic::NetBuilderHV, allow the use of terminal connection in non-preferred direction. That is, vertical METAL2 directly connected to the RoutingPad (then a horizontal METAL2). This alllows for short dogleg without clutering the METAL3 layer (critical for AMS c35b4). Done in NetBuilderHV::doRp_Access(), with a new UseNonPref flag. Perform some other tweaking on METAL1 access topologies, to also minimize METAL3 use. * New: In AnabaticEngine::computeNetConstraints(), also compute the distance to RoutingPad for segments. Set the Unbreakable flag, based on the distance and segment length (local, short global or long global). New local function "propagateDistanceFromRp()". * Change: In AnabaticEngine.h, the sorting class for NetData, SparsityOrder, is modificated so net with a degree superior to 10 are sorted first, whatever their sparsity. This is to work in tandem with GlobalRouting. * New: In Katana::TrackSegmentNonPref, introduce a class to manage segment in non-preferred routing direction. Mostly intended for small METAL2 vertical directly connected to RoutingPad. Modifications to manage this new variant all through Katana. * Change: In Katana::GlobalRoute, DigitalDistance honor the GoStraight flag of the GCell. Do not make bend inside thoses GCells. * Change: In KatanaEngine::runGlobalRouter(), high degree nets (>= 10) are routed first and whitout the global routing estimation. There should be few of them so they wont create saturations and we want them as straight as possible. Detour are for long be-points. Set the saerch halo to one GCell in the initial routing stage (before ripup). * Bug: In KatanaEngine & NegociateWindow, call _computeCagedconstraints() inside NegociateWindow::run(), as segments are inserted into tracks only at that point so we cannot make the computation earlier. * Change: In Katana::Manipulator::repackPerpandiculars(), add a flag to select whether to replace the perpandiculars *after* or *before* the current segment. * Change: In Katana::NegociateWindow::NegociateOverlapCost(), when the segment is fully enclosed inside a global, the longest overlap cost is set to the shortest global hoverhang (before or after). When the cost is for a global, set an infinite cost if the overlapping segment has a RP distance less or equal to 1 (this is an access segment). * Bug: In Katana::PowerRailsPlane::Rail::doLayout(), correct computation of the segments extension cap. * New: In Katana::QueryPowerRails::addToPowerRail(), add support for Pad. * Change: In Katana/PreProcess::protectCagedTerminals(), apply the contraints to any turn connected to the first segment of the RoutingPad so the perpandicular constraints got propagated to the perpandicular segment... * Change: In RoutingEvent, cache the "distance to RP" value. * Change: In RoutingEvent::Key::compare(), sort *first* on distance to RoutingPad, then layer depth. If both distance to RoutingPad is null, then sort on segment length. * Change: In RoutingEvent::_processRepair(), try a repack perpandicular with perpandiculars first (then with perpandicular last, then give up). * Change: In SegmentFsm::bindToTrack() and moveToTrack(), set an axis hint when creating the insertion event. * Change: In SegmentFsm::_slackenStrap(), add a step through slacken between minimize and maximum slack (wihch directly end up in unimplemented). * Change: In Session::_addInsertEvent(), add an axis parameter needed when the axis of the segment is not the one of the track (case of wide segments or non-preferred direction). * Bug: In Track::_preDestroy(), bad management of the TrackElement reference count. Destroy the segment only when reaching zero... * Bug: In Track::expandFreeIneterval(), forgotten to manage case when there is a set of overlaping segments at the "end" of the track, the EndIsTrackMax was not set. * Change: In TrackCost::Compare, increase the cost when an overlaping segment is at it's ripup limit. We should try *not* to rip it up if we can. Add a dedicated flag "AtRipupLimit". * Change: In TrackElement, add proxies for isUnbreakable(), new function updateTrackSpan(). * New: In TrackFixedSegment CTOR, when a supply wire of METAL2 or above is found, make the underlying GCells "GoStraight". * New: In TrackElement::canDogleg(GCell*), check for already done perpandicular dogleg on source/target (reject if so).
2019-07-28 16:20:00 -05:00
uint32_t gaugeDepth = 0;
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah! * Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so the caller can be aware of the situation... * Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes). * Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp(). It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well. * Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north border. * Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one. * Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we are opening the right Session type. * Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the Flags::WithSelf is set. * Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps. Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking problems. A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches, have to replace them by if/else. * New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function. * Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with the reserved local capacity. * New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened "Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
if (Session::getLayerGauge(gaugeDepth)->getType() == Constant::PinOnly) ++gaugeDepth;
DbU::Unit extensionCap = ( std::max( Session::getWireWidth(depth), Session::getViaWidth(depth) )
+ Session::getPitch(depth) ) / 2;
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah! * Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so the caller can be aware of the situation... * Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes). * Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp(). It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well. * Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north border. * Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one. * Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we are opening the right Session type. * Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the Flags::WithSelf is set. * Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps. Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking problems. A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches, have to replace them by if/else. * New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function. * Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with the reserved local capacity. * New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened "Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
size_t trackNumber;
Box abutmentBox = katana->getCell()->getAbutmentBox();
if (plane->getDirection() == Flags::Horizontal) {
plane->_trackMin = abutmentBox.getXMin() - extensionCap;
plane->_trackMax = abutmentBox.getXMax() + extensionCap;
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah! * Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so the caller can be aware of the situation... * Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes). * Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp(). It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well. * Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north border. * Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one. * Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we are opening the right Session type. * Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the Flags::WithSelf is set. * Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps. Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking problems. A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches, have to replace them by if/else. * New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function. * Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with the reserved local capacity. * New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened "Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
plane->_axisMin = abutmentBox.getYMin();
plane->_axisMax = abutmentBox.getYMax();
trackNumber = plane->computeTracksSize();
} else {
plane->_trackMin = abutmentBox.getYMin() - extensionCap;
plane->_trackMax = abutmentBox.getYMax() + extensionCap;
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah! * Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so the caller can be aware of the situation... * Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes). * Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp(). It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well. * Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north border. * Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one. * Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we are opening the right Session type. * Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the Flags::WithSelf is set. * Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps. Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking problems. A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches, have to replace them by if/else. * New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function. * Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with the reserved local capacity. * New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened "Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
plane->_axisMin = abutmentBox.getXMin();
plane->_axisMax = abutmentBox.getXMax();
trackNumber = plane->computeTracksSize();
plane->_tracks.reserve( trackNumber );
for ( size_t index=0 ; index<trackNumber ; ++index ) {
if (plane->getDirection() == Flags::Horizontal) {
plane->_tracks.push_back( HorizontalTrack::create( plane, index ) );
// Ugly: Direct uses of CellGauge (middle tracks 4 & 5 for local use).
Basic support for FreePDK 45 completed. * New: In Commons, inspector support for std::pair<T,U>. * New: In Hurricane::Layer, ContactLayer & ViaLayer, support for non square VIAs. The hole (cut) remains square, but the various metal extensions can now be different in X and Y. The ::getEnclosure() method now takes a flag EnclosureH / EnclosureV. * New: In Hurricane::DbU, inspector support for: std::pair<DbU::Unit,DbU::Unit> std::array<DbU::Unit,3> Must be defined here as DbU do not exists yet in Commons.h * Bug: In Hurricane::Interval::getSize(), when the interval is "full span", do not return the difference between min and max, but directly DbU::Max. (the previous result was -1 !) * New: In CRL Core Python/, support for non square VIAs in the configuration files. Applied to FreePDK 45. * New: In CRL::RoutingGauge, added a "symbolic" flag to tell if a gauge is for symbolic layout or not. Exported to Python. * New: In Anabatic::AutoHorizontal::updatePosition(), differentiated computation for soure or target taking account of the VIA extension in the right segment metal (due to non-square VIAs). * Change: In Anabatic::AutoHorizontal::_makeDogleg(), the dogleg is UP for HV gauges and DOWN for VH. * New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment::_initialize(), create a cache of the various extension length for each layer (viaToTop, viaToBottom, viaToSame). New implementation of getExtensionCap() using the previous cached extension table. See updatePositions(). New static functions to access the extension cache in the header: getViaTotopCap() ... * Change: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, in various update methods, updateOrient() must always be called *before* updatePositions() as extensions are dependant on source/target. * New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment::getEndAxes() compute the position of the first source and last target position (center/axes) on an *aligned* set of segments. * New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, add a new state flag SegAxisFixed to signal segments that can be put on only one track. Specific case to VH gauge for a M1 vertical terminal with a M2 vertical segment. The M2 is effectively bound to the M1 axis position. * Bug: In Anabatic::NetBuilderVH::_do_xG_xM1_xM3(), in case of E/W global and only one RoutingPad the connexion to the RoutingPad was duplicated. It was valid, but totally stupid. * Bug: In Anabatic::Session::_canonize(), for an aligned segment set, intersect the user constraints from all segments instead of only considering the canonical one. Issue a warning about too tight constraints only for symbolic gauges. It may be correct for the real ones. * New: In Katata::DataNegociate::update(), more accurate computation of the perpandicular free interval. Use segment extension cap calculation. Create a special case for fixed axis segments allowing them to find alternative free interval, try under source and under target as they are likely to be draggable segments. * Change: In Katana::Manipulator::relax(), use the extension cap value to compute the axis of the perpandicular segemnts. * Change: In Katana::Manipulator::moveUp(), now move up the whole set of aligned segments instead of just the canonical one. * Change: In Katana::NegociateWindow::loadRoutingPads(), more accurate TrackMarkers insertions for fixed terminals. * New: In Katana::RoutingEvent::Key::Compare::operator(), segments with fixed axis are processed prior to any others. * New: In Katana::RoutingEventLoop, store segment pointers instead of ids to generate more accurate error messages. * Change: In Katana::RoutingPlane::create(), perform local track assignment only for HV gauges. * Change: In Katana::SegmentFsm::_slackenLocal(), add a "dragMinimize" step in the automaton. Mutliple states transitions can occurs in a row if an action fails. * New: In Katana::Session::_toIntervalAxis(), normalize interval bounds so they are on track positions (by shrinking the interval). * Bug: In Katana::TrackMarker CTOR, the weigh computation was wrong.
2018-02-17 13:27:38 -06:00
if ( (depth == 1) and not Session::getRoutingGauge()->isVH() ) {
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah! * Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so the caller can be aware of the situation... * Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes). * Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp(). It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well. * Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north border. * Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one. * Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we are opening the right Session type. * Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the Flags::WithSelf is set. * Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps. Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking problems. A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches, have to replace them by if/else. * New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function. * Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with the reserved local capacity. * New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened "Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
switch ( index%10 ) {
case 4:
case 5:
plane->_tracks.back()->setLocalAssigned( true );
} else {
plane->_tracks.push_back( VerticalTrack::create( plane, index ) );
return plane;
RoutingPlane* RoutingPlane::getTop () const
{ return getKatanaEngine()->getRoutingPlaneByIndex( getDepth()+1 ); }
RoutingPlane* RoutingPlane::getBottom () const
if (not getDepth()) return NULL;
return getKatanaEngine()->getRoutingPlaneByIndex( getDepth()-1 );
Track* RoutingPlane::getTrackByIndex ( size_t index ) const
if (index >= getTracksSize()) return NULL;
return _tracks[index];
Track* RoutingPlane::getTrackByPosition ( DbU::Unit axis, uint32_t mode ) const
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah! * Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so the caller can be aware of the situation... * Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes). * Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp(). It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well. * Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north border. * Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one. * Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we are opening the right Session type. * Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the Flags::WithSelf is set. * Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps. Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking problems. A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches, have to replace them by if/else. * New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function. * Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with the reserved local capacity. * New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened "Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
size_t index = getLayerGauge()->getTrackIndex( getAxisMin(), getAxisMax(), axis, mode );
if (index == getTracksSize()) {
if (not index) return NULL;
if ((mode == Constant::Superior) or (mode == Constant::Exact)) return NULL;
return getTrackByIndex( index );
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah! * Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so the caller can be aware of the situation... * Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes). * Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp(). It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well. * Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north border. * Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one. * Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we are opening the right Session type. * Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the Flags::WithSelf is set. * Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps. Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking problems. A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches, have to replace them by if/else. * New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function. * Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with the reserved local capacity. * New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened "Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
bool RoutingPlane::_check ( uint32_t& overlaps ) const
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah! * Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so the caller can be aware of the situation... * Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes). * Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp(). It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well. * Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north border. * Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one. * Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we are opening the right Session type. * Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the Flags::WithSelf is set. * Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps. Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking problems. A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches, have to replace them by if/else. * New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function. * Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with the reserved local capacity. * New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened "Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
bool coherency = true;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_tracks.size() ; ++i ) {
coherency = _tracks[i]->check(overlaps) and coherency;
return coherency;
string RoutingPlane::_getString () const
return "<" + _getTypeName() + " @"
+ getString(_depth) + " "
+ getString(getLayer()) + " [ "
+ ((getDirection() == Flags::Horizontal) ? " horizontal [" : " vertical [")
+ getString(_tracks.size()) + "/"
+ getString(_tracks.capacity())
+ "]>";
Record* RoutingPlane::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record ( getString(this) );
record->add( getSlot ( "_katana" , _katana ) );
record->add( getSlot ( "_layerGauge" , _layerGauge ) );
record->add( getSlot ( "_depth" , &_depth ) );
record->add( DbU::getValueSlot( "_axisMin" , &_axisMin ) );
record->add( DbU::getValueSlot( "_axisMax" , &_axisMax ) );
record->add( DbU::getValueSlot( "_trackMin" , &_trackMin ) );
record->add( DbU::getValueSlot( "_trackMax" , &_trackMax ) );
record->add( getSlot ( "_tracks" , &_tracks ) );
return record;
} // Katana namespace.