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Raw Normal View History

// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Dijkstra.cpp<anabatic>" -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2016-2016, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | A n a b a t i c - Global Routing Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./anabatic/Dijkstra.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Net.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "anabatic/AnabaticEngine.h"
#include "anabatic/Dijkstra.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/CellViewer.h"
#include "hurricane/Technology.h"
namespace Anabatic {
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::numeric_limits;
using Hurricane::ForEachIterator;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Component;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
using Hurricane::Segment;
using Hurricane::Horizontal;
using Hurricane::Vertical;
using Hurricane::RoutingPad;
using Hurricane::UpdateSession;
using Hurricane::DebugSession;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Anabatic::IntervalC".
_min = Vertex::unreached;
_max = Vertex::unreached;
_axis = Vertex::unreached;
IntervalC::~IntervalC() {}
IntervalC* IntervalC::create()
return new IntervalC();
void IntervalC::set ( DbU::Unit min, DbU::Unit max, DbU::Unit axis )
_min = min;
_max = max;
_axis = axis;
void IntervalC::setRange( DbU::Unit vmin, DbU::Unit vmax )
if (vmin < vmax){
_min = vmin;
_max = vmax;
} else {
_min = vmax;
_max = vmin;
void IntervalC::extendMin( DbU::Unit vmin )
if (_min > vmin) _min = vmin;
void IntervalC::extendMax( DbU::Unit vmax )
if (_max < vmax) _max = vmax;
void IntervalC::print() const
cerr << "[IntervalC]: min: " << DbU::getValueString(_min) << ", max:" << DbU::getValueString(_min) << ", axis:" << DbU::getValueString(_axis) << endl;
void IntervalC::reset()
_min = Vertex::unreached;
_max = Vertex::unreached;
_axis = Vertex::unreached;
_flags &= ~iSet;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Anabatic::Vertex".
DbU::Unit Vertex::unreached = std::numeric_limits<long>::max();
DbU::Unit Vertex::unreachable = std::numeric_limits<long>::max()-1;
bool Vertex::hasValidStamp () const
{ return _stamp == getAnabatic()->getStamp(); }
/*void Vertex::setPathPoint( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y )
_xpath = x;
_ypath = y;
bool Vertex::hasRP( Net* net ) const
if (getGCell() != NULL ){
Cell* cell = getGCell()->getAnabatic()->getCell();
RoutingPad* rp = NULL;
for ( Component* component : cell->getComponentsUnder(getGCell()->getBoundingBox().inflate(-1)) ){
rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>( component );
if (rp) {
if (rp->getNet() == net) return true;
return false;
bool Vertex::hasVRP( Net* net ) const
if (getGCell() != NULL){
Cell* cell = getGCell()->getAnabatic()->getCell();
RoutingPad* rp = NULL;
for ( Component* component : cell->getComponentsUnder(getGCell()->getBoundingBox().inflate(-1)) ){
rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>( component );
if (rp) {
if (rp->getNet() == net) break;
if (rp) {
Vertical* v = dynamic_cast<Vertical*>(rp->_getEntityAsSegment());
if (v) { return true; }
return false;
bool Vertex::hasHRP( Net* net ) const
if (getGCell() != NULL){
Cell* cell = getGCell()->getAnabatic()->getCell();
RoutingPad* rp = NULL;
for ( Component* component : cell->getComponentsUnder(getGCell()->getBoundingBox().inflate(-1)) ){
rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>( component );
if (rp) {
if (rp->getNet() == net) break;
if (rp) {
Horizontal* h = dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>(rp->_getEntityAsSegment());
if (h) { return true; }
return false;
bool Vertex::isRestricted ( const Vertex* v1, const Vertex* v2 )
bool restricted = true;
GCell* c1 = v1->getGCell();
GCell* c2 = v2->getGCell();
// Check from GCell 1
if ( c1->isNorth(c2) ) {
if ( !v1->isNRestricted() ) restricted = false;
} else if ( c1->isSouth(c2) ) {
if ( !v1->isSRestricted() ) restricted = false;
} else if ( c1->isEast (c2) ) {
if ( !v1->isERestricted() ) restricted = false;
} else if ( c1->isWest (c2) ) {
if ( !v1->isWRestricted() ) restricted = false;
} else {
cerr << Error( "GCells are not side by side." ) << endl;
return true;
if (restricted) return true;
else {
// Check from GCell 2
if ( c2->isNorth(c1) ) {
if ( v2->isNRestricted() ) return true;
else return false;
} else if ( c2->isSouth(c1) ) {
if ( v2->isSRestricted() ) return true;
else return false;
} else if ( c2->isEast (c1) ) {
if ( v2->isERestricted() ) return true;
else return false;
} else if ( c2->isWest (c1) ) {
if ( v2->isWRestricted() ) return true;
else return false;
} else {
cerr << Error( "GCells are not side by side." ) << endl;
return true;
Point Vertex::getNextPathPoint2( const Vertex* vcurr, const Vertex* vnext )
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Point Dijkstra::getNextPathPoint( const Vertex* current, const Vertex* next )" << endl;
if ((vcurr == NULL) || (vnext == NULL)){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Dijkstra::_getNextPathPoint( const Vertex*, const Vertex* )): Unvalid NULL argument."<< endl;
return Point(0,0);
if (vnext->getGCell()->isMatrix()) {
return Point(vnext->getGCell()->getXCenter(), vnext->getGCell()->getYCenter());
Point pcurr = vcurr->getPathPoint(vnext);
GCell* gnext = vnext->getGCell();
GCell* gcurr = vcurr->getGCell();
DbU::Unit x = 0;
DbU::Unit y = 0;
if (vnext->isV()){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case next: Vertical: " << vnext->isiSet() << endl; //", d:" << vnext->getDistance() << endl;
if ((vnext->isiSet())&&(vnext->hasValidStamp())){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case set" << endl;
x = vnext->getIAxis();
if (vcurr->isNorth(vnext)) y = vnext->getIMin();
else if (vcurr->isSouth(vnext)) y = vnext->getIMax();
else if ((vcurr->isWest(vnext))||(vcurr->isEast(vnext))) {
if ( pcurr.getY() > vnext->getIMax() ) y = vnext->getIMax();
else if ( pcurr.getY() < vnext->getIMin() ) y = vnext->getIMin();
else y = pcurr.getY();
} else cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getNextPathPoint2(...) const: Something is wrong.1" << endl;
} else {
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case not set" << endl;
if (vcurr->isNorth(vnext)){
y = gcurr->getYMax();
if (pcurr.getX() < gnext->getXMin()) x = gnext->getXMin();
else if (pcurr.getX() > gnext->getXMax()) x = gnext->getXMax();
else x = pcurr.getX();
} else if (vcurr->isSouth(vnext)){
y = gcurr->getYMin();
if (pcurr.getX() < gnext->getXMin()) x = gnext->getXMin();
else if (pcurr.getX() > gnext->getXMax()) x = gnext->getXMax();
else x = pcurr.getX();
} else if (vcurr->isWest(vnext)){
x = gcurr->getXMin();
if (pcurr.getY() < gnext->getYMin()) y = gnext->getYMin();
else if (pcurr.getY() > gnext->getYMax()) y = gnext->getYMax();
else y = pcurr.getY();
} else if (vcurr->isEast(vnext)){
x = gcurr->getXMax();
if (pcurr.getY() < gnext->getYMin()) y = gnext->getYMin();
else if (pcurr.getY() > gnext->getYMax()) y = gnext->getYMax();
else y = pcurr.getY();
} else cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getNextPathPoint2(...) const: Something is wrong.2" << endl;
} else if (vnext->isH()) {
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case next: Horizontal: " << vnext->isiSet() << endl; //", d:" << vnext->getDistance() << endl;
if ((vnext->isiSet())&&(vnext->hasValidStamp())){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case set" << endl;
y = vnext->getIAxis();
if (vcurr->isEast (vnext)) x = vnext->getIMin();
else if (vcurr->isWest (vnext)) x = vnext->getIMax();
else if ((vcurr->isNorth(vnext))||(vcurr->isSouth(vnext))) {
if ( pcurr.getX() > vnext->getIMax() ) x = vnext->getIMax();
else if ( pcurr.getX() < vnext->getIMin() ) x = vnext->getIMin();
else x = pcurr.getX();
} else cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getNextPathPoint2(...) const: Something is wrong.3" << endl;
} else {
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case not set" << endl;
if (vcurr->isNorth(vnext)){
y = gcurr->getYMax();
if (pcurr.getX() < gnext->getXMin()) x = gnext->getXMin();
else if (pcurr.getX() > gnext->getXMax()) x = gnext->getXMax();
else x = pcurr.getX();
} else if (vcurr->isSouth(vnext)){
y = gcurr->getYMin();
if (pcurr.getX() < gnext->getXMin()) x = gnext->getXMin();
else if (pcurr.getX() > gnext->getXMax()) x = gnext->getXMax();
else x = pcurr.getX();
} else if (vcurr->isWest(vnext)){
x = gcurr->getXMin();
if (pcurr.getY() < gnext->getYMin()) y = gnext->getYMin();
else if (pcurr.getY() > gnext->getYMax()) y = gnext->getYMax();
else y = pcurr.getY();
} else if (vcurr->isEast(vnext)){
x = gcurr->getXMax();
if (pcurr.getY() < gnext->getYMin()) y = gnext->getYMin();
else if (pcurr.getY() > gnext->getYMax()) y = gnext->getYMax();
else y = pcurr.getY();
} else cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getNextPathPoint2(...) const: Something is wrong.4" << endl;
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getNextPathPoint2(...) const: Something is wrong.5" << endl;
return Point(x,y);
Point Vertex::getNextPathPoint( const Vertex* current, const Vertex* next )
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Point Dijkstra::getNextPathPoint( const Vertex* current, const Vertex* next )" << endl;
if ((current == NULL) || (next == NULL)){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Dijkstra::_getNextPathPoint( const Vertex*, const Vertex* )): Unvalid NULL argument."<< endl;
return Point(0,0);
if (next->getGCell()->isMatrix()) return Point(next->getGCell()->getXCenter(), next->getGCell()->getYCenter());
if (next->getGCell()->isDevice()) return next->getPathPoint();
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "getBranchId() :" << current->getBranchId() << endl;
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "curr hasvalidstamp:" << current->hasValidStamp() << endl;
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "next hasvalidstamp:" << next->hasValidStamp() << endl;
//if ( ((current->getBranchId() != 0))||(current->getDistance() != 0)||(current->getGCell()->isDevice())){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: distance > 0 OR isDevice" << endl;
if (current->isNorth(next)) {
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "North" << endl;
if ( current->getXPath() < next->getGCell()->getXMin() )
return Point(next->getGCell()->getXMin(), next->getGCell()->getYMin());
else if ( current->getXPath() > next->getGCell()->getXMax() )
return Point(next->getGCell()->getXMax(), next->getGCell()->getYMin());
return Point(current->getXPath(), next->getGCell()->getYMin());
} else if (current->isSouth(next)) {
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "South" << endl;
if ( current->getXPath() < next->getGCell()->getXMin() )
return Point(next->getGCell()->getXMin(), next->getGCell()->getYMax());
else if ( current->getXPath() > next->getGCell()->getXMax() )
return Point(next->getGCell()->getXMax(), next->getGCell()->getYMax());
return Point(current->getXPath(), next->getGCell()->getYMax());
} else if (current->isEast (next)) {
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "East" << endl;
if ( current->getYPath() < next->getGCell()->getYMin() )
return Point(next->getGCell()->getXMin(), next->getGCell()->getYMin());
else if ( current->getYPath() > next->getGCell()->getYMax() )
return Point(next->getGCell()->getXMin(), next->getGCell()->getYMax());
return Point(next->getGCell()->getXMin(), current->getYPath());
} else if (current->isWest (next)) {
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "West" << endl;
if ( current->getYPath() < next->getGCell()->getYMin() )
return Point(next->getGCell()->getXMax(), next->getGCell()->getYMin());
else if ( current->getYPath() > next->getGCell()->getYMax() )
return Point(next->getGCell()->getXMax(), next->getGCell()->getYMax());
return Point(next->getGCell()->getXMax(), current->getYPath());
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::_getNextPathPoint( const Vertex*, const Vertex* )): GCells are not next to each other." << endl;
return Point(0,0);
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: distance = 0 AND isNOTDevice" << endl;
if (current->isNorth(next)) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "North" << endl;
return Point( ( std::max(current->getGCell()->getXMin()
, next->getGCell()->getXMin()
+ std::min(current->getGCell()->getXMax()
, next->getGCell()->getXMax()
, next->getGCell()->getYMin()
} else if (current->isSouth(next)) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "South" << endl;
return Point( ( std::max(current->getGCell()->getXMin()
, next->getGCell()->getXMin() )
+ std::min(current->getGCell()->getXMax()
, next->getGCell()->getXMax() )
, next->getGCell()->getYMax()
} else if (current->isEast (next)) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "East" << endl;
return Point( next->getGCell()->getXMin(), ( std::max(current->getGCell()->getYMin()
, next->getGCell()->getYMin() )
+ std::min(current->getGCell()->getYMax()
, next->getGCell()->getYMax() )
} else if (current->isWest (next)) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "West" << endl;
return Point( next->getGCell()->getXMin(), ( std::max(current->getGCell()->getYMin()
, next->getGCell()->getYMin() )
+ std::min(current->getGCell()->getYMax()
, next->getGCell()->getYMax() )
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Dijkstra::_getNextPathPoint( const Vertex*, const Vertex* )): GCells are not next to each other." << endl;
return Point(0,0);
/*void Vertex::resetPathPoint( Point ponderedPoint )
DbU::Unit x;
DbU::Unit y;
GCell* g = getGCell();
if (ponderedPoint.getX() < g->getXMin()) x = g->getXMin();
else if (ponderedPoint.getX() > g->getXMax()) x = g->getXMax();
else x = ponderedPoint.getX();
if (ponderedPoint.getY() < g->getYMin()) y = g->getYMin();
else if (ponderedPoint.getY() > g->getYMax()) y = g->getYMax();
else y = ponderedPoint.getY();
Point Vertex::getPathPoint( const Vertex* next ) const
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Point Vertex::getPathPoint( const Vertex* next ) const" << endl;
GCell* gcurr = getGCell();
GCell* gnext = next->getGCell();
DbU::Unit x = 0;
DbU::Unit y = 0;
if (gcurr->isDevice ()){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case device" << endl;
if (isH()){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "hinterval: " << DbU::getValueString(_interv->getAxis()) << endl;
y = _interv->getAxis();
if ((gnext->getXMax() < gcurr->getXMin())||(isWest (next))) {
x = _interv->getMin();
else if ((gnext->getXMin() > gcurr->getXMax())||(isEast (next))) {
x = _interv->getMax();
else {
x = (max(gnext->getXMin(), gcurr->getXMin())+min(gnext->getXMax(), gcurr->getXMax()))/2 ;
} else if (isV()){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "vinterval" << endl;
x = _interv->getAxis();
if ((gnext->getYMax() < gcurr->getYMin())||(isSouth(next))) y = _interv->getMin();
else if ((gnext->getYMin() > gcurr->getYMax())||(isNorth(next))) y = _interv->getMax();
else y = (max(gnext->getYMin(), gcurr->getYMin())+min(gnext->getYMax(), gcurr->getYMax()))/2 ;
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getPathPoint( Vertex * vertex ) const: Something is wrong." << endl;
return Point(0,0);
} else if (isH()) {
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case horizontal" << endl;
GCell* gprev = getFrom()->getOpposite(gcurr);
Vertex* prev = gprev->getObserver<Vertex>(GCell::Observable::Vertex);
if (prev->isH()){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "prev is H" << endl;
if (isNorth(prev)){
x = (max(_intervfrom->getMin(), gcurr->getXMin())+min(_intervfrom->getMax(), gcurr->getXMax()))/2 ;
y = gcurr->getYMax();
} else if (isSouth(prev)){
x = (max(_intervfrom->getMin(), gcurr->getXMin())+min(_intervfrom->getMax(), gcurr->getXMax()))/2 ;
y = gcurr->getYMin();
} else if (isWest (prev)){
x = gcurr->getXMin();
y = _intervfrom->getAxis();
} else if (isEast (prev)){
x = gcurr->getXMax();
y = _intervfrom->getAxis();
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getPathPoint( Vertex * vertex ) const: Something is wrong." << endl;
return Point(0,0);
} else if (prev->isV()){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "prev is V" << endl;
if (isNorth(prev)){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "1" << endl;
x = _intervfrom->getAxis();
y = gcurr->getYMax();
} else if (isSouth(prev)){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "2" << endl;
x = _intervfrom->getAxis();
y = gcurr->getYMin();
} else if (isWest (prev)){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "3" << endl;
x = gcurr->getXMin();
if ( _intervfrom->getMin() > gcurr->getYMax() ){
y = gcurr->getYMax();
} else if ( _intervfrom->getMax() < gcurr->getYMin() ){
y = gcurr->getYMin();
} else {
y = (max(_intervfrom->getMin(), gcurr->getYMin())+min(_intervfrom->getMax(), gcurr->getYMax()))/2 ;
} else if (isEast (prev)){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "4" << endl;
x = gcurr->getXMax();
if ( _intervfrom->getMin() > gcurr->getYMax() ){
y = gcurr->getYMax();
} else if ( _intervfrom->getMax() < gcurr->getYMin() ){
y = gcurr->getYMin();
} else {
y = (max(_intervfrom->getMin(), gcurr->getYMin())+min(_intervfrom->getMax(), gcurr->getYMax()))/2 ;
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getPathPoint( Vertex * vertex ) const: Something is wrong." << endl;
return Point(0,0);
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "x: " << DbU::getValueString(x) << ", y:" << DbU::getValueString(y) << endl;
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getPathPoint( Vertex * vertex ) const: Something is wrong." << endl;
return Point(0,0);
} else if (isV()) {
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case V" << endl;
GCell* gprev = getFrom()->getOpposite(gcurr);
Vertex* prev = gprev->getObserver<Vertex>(GCell::Observable::Vertex);
if (prev->isH()){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "prev is H" << endl;
if (isNorth(prev)){
y = gcurr->getYMax();
if ( _intervfrom->getMin() > gcurr->getXMax() ){
x = gcurr->getXMax();
} else if ( _intervfrom->getMax() < gcurr->getXMin() ){
x = gcurr->getXMin();
} else {
x = (max(_intervfrom->getMin(), gcurr->getXMin())+min(_intervfrom->getMax(), gcurr->getXMax()))/2 ;
} else if (isSouth(prev)){
y = gcurr->getYMin();
if ( _intervfrom->getMin() > gcurr->getXMax() ){
x = gcurr->getXMax();
} else if ( _intervfrom->getMax() < gcurr->getXMin() ){
x = gcurr->getXMin();
} else {
x = (max(_intervfrom->getMin(), gcurr->getXMin())+min(_intervfrom->getMax(), gcurr->getXMax()))/2 ;
} else if (isWest (prev)){
x = gcurr->getXMin();
y = _intervfrom->getAxis();
} else if (isEast (prev)){
x = gcurr->getXMax();
y = _intervfrom->getAxis();
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getPathPoint( Vertex * vertex ) const: Something is wrong." << endl;
return Point(0,0);
} else if (prev->isV()){
//cdebug_log(112,0) << "prev is V" << endl;
if (isNorth(prev)){
x = _intervfrom->getAxis();
y = gcurr->getYMax();
} else if (isSouth(prev)){
x = _intervfrom->getAxis();
y = gcurr->getYMin();
} else if (isWest (prev)){
x = gcurr->getXMin();
y = (max(_intervfrom->getMin(), gcurr->getYMin())+min(_intervfrom->getMax(), gcurr->getYMax()))/2 ;
} else if (isEast (prev)){
x = gcurr->getXMax();
y = (max(_intervfrom->getMin(), gcurr->getYMin())+min(_intervfrom->getMax(), gcurr->getYMax()))/2 ;
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getPathPoint( Vertex * vertex ) const: Something is wrong." << endl;
return Point(0,0);
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getPathPoint( Vertex * vertex ) const: Something is wrong." << endl;
return Point(0,0);
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(Point Vertex::getPathPoint( Vertex * vertex ) const: Something is wrong." << endl;
return Point(0,0);
return Point(x,y);
bool Vertex::isH() const
GCell* gcell = getGCell();
if (gcell->isDevice()) return _interv->isH();
else if (gcell->isHChannel()) return true;
else if (gcell->isStrut()) return gcell->getWidth() > gcell->getHeight();
else return false;
bool Vertex::isV() const
GCell* gcell = getGCell();
if (gcell->isDevice()) return _interv->isV();
else if (gcell->isVChannel()) return true;
else if (gcell->isStrut()) return gcell->getWidth() < gcell->getHeight();
else return false;
void Vertex::setIntervals ( Vertex* vcurr )
Point pcurr = vcurr->getPathPoint(this);
Point pnext = Vertex::getNextPathPoint2( vcurr, this );
cdebug_log(112,0) << "void Vertex::setIntervals ( Vertex* vcurr )" << endl;
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Pcurrent : X:" << DbU::getValueString(pcurr.getX()) << ", Y:" << DbU::getValueString(pcurr.getY()) << endl;
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Pneighbour: X:" << DbU::getValueString(pnext.getX()) << ", Y:" << DbU::getValueString(pnext.getY()) << endl;
DbU::Unit min, max, axis;
if (vcurr->isH()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "case vcurr: Horizontal" << endl;
if ((vcurr->isiSet())&&(vcurr->hasValidStamp())){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "case set" << endl;
if (vcurr->getIMin() > pnext.getX()) {
min = pnext.getX();
max = vcurr->getIMax();
axis = vcurr->getIAxis();
} else if (vcurr->getIMax() < pnext.getX()) {
min = vcurr->getIMin();
max = pnext.getX();
axis = vcurr->getIAxis();
} else {
min = vcurr->getIMin();
max = vcurr->getIMax();
axis = vcurr->getIAxis();
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "case not set" << endl;
axis = pcurr.getY();
if (pcurr.getX() < pnext.getX()){
min = pcurr.getX();
max = pnext.getX();
} else {
max = pcurr.getX();
min = pnext.getX();
} else if (vcurr->isV()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "case vcurr: Vertical" << endl;
if ((vcurr->isiSet())&&(vcurr->hasValidStamp())){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "case set" << endl;
if (vcurr->getIMin() > pnext.getY()) {
min = pnext.getY();
max = vcurr->getIMax();
axis = vcurr->getIAxis();
} else if (vcurr->getIMax() < pnext.getY()) {
min = vcurr->getIMin();
max = pnext.getY();
axis = vcurr->getIAxis();
} else {
min = vcurr->getIMin();
max = vcurr->getIMax();
axis = vcurr->getIAxis();
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "case not set" << endl;
axis = pcurr.getX();
if (pcurr.getY() < pnext.getY()){
min = pcurr.getY();
max = pnext.getY();
} else {
max = pcurr.getY();
min = pnext.getY();
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Error(void Vertex::setIntervals(...)): Something is wrong." << endl;
cdebug_log(112,0) << "IntervFrom => min: " << DbU::getValueString(min) << ", max: " << DbU::getValueString(max) << ", axis:" << DbU::getValueString(axis) << endl;
_intervfrom->set( min, max, axis );
void Vertex::resetIntervals()
string Vertex::_getString () const
if (not _gcell) {
string s = "<Vertex [key] " + getString(_id) + ">";
return s;
string s = "<Vertex " + getString(_id)
+ " @(" + DbU::getValueString(_gcell->getXMin())
2016-09-22 11:52:53 -05:00
+ "-" + DbU::getValueString(_gcell->getYMin())
+ "-" + DbU::getValueString(_gcell->getXMax())
+ "-" + DbU::getValueString(_gcell->getYMax()) + ")"
/*+ " rps:" + getString(_rpCount)
+ " deg:" + getString(_degree)
+ " connexId:" + ((_connexId >= 0) ? getString(_connexId) : "None")*/
+ " d:" + ((_distance == unreached) ? "unreached"
: ((_distance == unreachable) ? "unreachable"
: DbU::getValueString(_distance)) )
/*+ "+" + getString(_branchId)
+ " stamp:" + (hasValidStamp() ? "valid" : "outdated")*/
+ " from:" + ((_from) ? "set" : "NULL")
+ " restricted:" + (isNRestricted() ? "N" : "-")
+ (isSRestricted() ? "S" : "-")
+ (isERestricted() ? "E" : "-")
+ (isWRestricted() ? "W" : "-")
+ ">";
return s;
void Vertex::notify ( Vertex* vertex, unsigned int flags )
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Vertex::notify() " << vertex << endl;
// Take into account the GCell modification here.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Anabatic::Dijkstra".
Dijkstra::Mode::~Mode ()
{ }
string Dijkstra::Mode::_getTypeName () const
{ return "Anabatic::Dijkstra::Mode"; }
string Dijkstra::Mode::_getString () const
string s = "";
s += (_flags & Standart ) ? 'S' : '-';
s += (_flags & Monotonic) ? 'M' : '-';
return s;
DbU::Unit Dijkstra::_distance ( const Vertex* current, const Vertex* vneighbour, const Edge* e )
if (Vertex::isRestricted(current, vneighbour)) return Vertex::unreachable;
else return current->getDistance() + e->getDistance();
DbU::Unit Dijkstra::_getDistancetoRP( Point p )
cdebug_log(112,0) << "DbU::Unit Dijkstra::_getDistancetoRP( Point p ): " << p << endl;
RoutingPad* rp = NULL;
DbU::Unit dist = 0;
Cell* cell = _anabatic->getCell();
int cpt = 0;
/*for ( Vertex* vertex : _sources ) {
if (vertex->hasRP()){
for ( Component* component : cell->getComponentsUnder(vertex->getGCell()->getBoundingBox()) ){
rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>( component );
if (rp) break;
if (rp) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Vertex: " << vertex << endl;
dist += _estimatePtoRP(p, rp, vertex );
for ( Vertex* vertex : _targets ) {
if (vertex->hasRP(_net)){
for ( Component* component : cell->getComponentsUnder(vertex->getGCell()->getBoundingBox()) ){
rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>( component );
if (rp) {
if (rp->getNet() == _net) break;
if (rp) {
DbU::Unit distance = _estimatePtoRP(p, rp, vertex );
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Dist to Vertex: " << vertex << " IS = " << DbU::getValueString(distance) << endl;
dist += distance;
dist = dist/cpt;
return dist;
DbU::Unit calcDistance( Point p1, Point p2 )
return abs(p1.getX()-p2.getX()) + abs(p1.getY()-p2.getY());
DbU::Unit Dijkstra::_estimatePtoRP( Point p, RoutingPad* rp, Vertex* vertex )
Horizontal* h = dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>(rp->_getEntityAsSegment());
Vertical* v = dynamic_cast<Vertical* >(rp->_getEntityAsSegment());
DbU::Unit d = Vertex::unreachable;
GCell* gvertex = vertex->getGCell();
if (h) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: Horizontal: " << endl;
if (p.getX() < rp->getSourceX()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: p.getX() < rp->getSourceX()" << endl;
if (p.getY() < gvertex->getYMin()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: West South" << endl;
if ( (!vertex->isSRestricted())
|| (!vertex->isWRestricted()) ) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()));
else if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY())) + (gvertex->getYMax() - rp->getY())*2;
else if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()));
else d = Vertex::unreachable;
} else if (p.getY() > gvertex->getYMax()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: West North" << endl;
if ( (!vertex->isNRestricted())
|| (!vertex->isWRestricted()) ) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()));
else if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY())) + (rp->getY() - gvertex->getYMin())*2;
else if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()));
else d = Vertex::unreachable;
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: West" << endl;
if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY())));
if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()))+ (gvertex->getYMax() - rp->getY())*2);
if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()))+ (rp->getY() - gvertex->getYMin())*2);
if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY())));
} else if (p.getX() > rp->getTargetX()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: p.getX() > rp->getTargetX()" << endl;
if (p.getY() < gvertex->getYMin()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: East South" << endl;
if ( (!vertex->isSRestricted())
|| (!vertex->isERestricted()) ) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()));
else if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY())) + (gvertex->getYMax() - rp->getY())*2;
else if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()));
else d = Vertex::unreachable;
} else if (p.getY() > gvertex->getYMax()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: East North" << endl;
if ( (!vertex->isNRestricted())
|| (!vertex->isERestricted()) ) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()));
else if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY())) + (rp->getY() - gvertex->getYMin())*2;
else if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()));
else d = Vertex::unreachable;
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: East" << endl;
if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY())));
if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()))+ (gvertex->getYMax() - rp->getY())*2);
if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()))+ (rp->getY() - gvertex->getYMin())*2);
if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY())));
} else if (p.getY() < gvertex->getYMin()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: South" << endl;
if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = min(d, rp->getY()-p.getY());
if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = min(d, rp->getY()-p.getY()+ (gvertex->getXMax()-p.getX())*2);
if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = min(d, rp->getY()-p.getY()+ (p.getX()-gvertex->getXMin())*2);
if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = min(d, min ( gvertex->getXMax()-p.getX() + gvertex->getYMax()-p.getY() + gvertex->getYMax()-rp->getY()
, p.getX()-gvertex->getXMin() + gvertex->getYMax()-p.getY() + gvertex->getYMax()-rp->getY()
} else if (p.getY() > gvertex->getYMax()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: North" << endl;
if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = min(d, p.getY()-rp->getY());
if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = min(d, p.getY()-rp->getY()+ (gvertex->getXMax()-p.getX())*2);
if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = min(d, p.getY()-rp->getY()+ (p.getX()-gvertex->getXMin())*2);
if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = min(d, min ( gvertex->getXMax()-p.getX() + p.getY()-gvertex->getYMin() + rp->getY()-gvertex->getYMin()
, p.getX()-gvertex->getXMin() + p.getY()-gvertex->getYMin() + rp->getY()-gvertex->getYMin()
if (v) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: Vertical" << endl;
if (p.getY() < rp->getSourceY()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: p.getY() < rp->getSourceY()" << endl;
if (p.getX() < gvertex->getXMin()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: South West" << endl;
if ( (!vertex->isSRestricted())
|| (!vertex->isWRestricted()) ) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()));
else if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY())) + (gvertex->getXMax() - rp->getX())*2;
else if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()));
else d = Vertex::unreachable;
} else if (p.getX() > gvertex->getXMax()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: South East" << endl;
if ( (!vertex->isSRestricted())
|| (!vertex->isERestricted()) ) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()));
else if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY())) + (rp->getX() - gvertex->getXMin())*2;
else if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()));
else d = Vertex::unreachable;
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: South " << endl;
if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY())));
if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()))+ (gvertex->getXMax() - rp->getX())*2);
if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()))+ (rp->getX() - gvertex->getXMin())*2);
if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY())));
} else if (p.getY() > rp->getTargetY()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: p.getY() > rp->getTargetY()" << endl;
if (p.getX() < gvertex->getXMin()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: North West" << endl;
if ( (!vertex->isNRestricted())
|| (!vertex->isWRestricted()) ) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()));
else if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY())) + (gvertex->getXMax() - rp->getX())*2;
else if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()));
else d = Vertex::unreachable;
} else if (p.getX() > gvertex->getXMax()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: North East" << endl;
if ( (!vertex->isNRestricted())
|| (!vertex->isERestricted()) ) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()));
else if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY())) + (rp->getX() - gvertex->getXMin())*2;
else if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY()));
else d = Vertex::unreachable;
} else {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: North" << endl;
if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY())));
if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()))+ (gvertex->getXMax() - rp->getX())*2);
if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getTargetX(), rp->getTargetY()))+ (rp->getX() - gvertex->getXMin())*2);
if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = min(d, calcDistance (p, Point(rp->getSourceX(), rp->getSourceY())));
} else if (p.getX() < gvertex->getXMin()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: West" << endl;
if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = min(d, rp->getX()-p.getX());
if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = min(d, rp->getX()-p.getX()+ (gvertex->getYMax()-p.getY())*2);
if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = min(d, rp->getX()-p.getX()+ (p.getY()-gvertex->getYMin())*2);
if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = min(d, min ( gvertex->getYMax()-p.getY() + gvertex->getXMax()-p.getX() + gvertex->getXMax()-rp->getX()
, p.getY()-gvertex->getYMin() + gvertex->getXMax()-p.getX() + gvertex->getXMax()-rp->getX()
} else if (p.getX() > gvertex->getXMax()){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Case: East" << endl;
if (!vertex->isERestricted()) d = min(d, p.getX()-rp->getX());
if (!vertex->isNRestricted()) d = min(d, p.getX()-rp->getX()+ (gvertex->getYMax()-p.getY())*2);
if (!vertex->isSRestricted()) d = min(d, p.getX()-rp->getX()+ (p.getY()-gvertex->getYMin())*2);
if (!vertex->isWRestricted()) d = min(d, min ( gvertex->getYMax()-p.getY() + p.getX()-gvertex->getXMin() + rp->getX()-gvertex->getXMin()
, p.getY()-gvertex->getYMin() + p.getX()-gvertex->getXMin() + rp->getX()-gvertex->getXMin()
return d;
Dijkstra::Dijkstra ( AnabaticEngine* anabatic )
: _anabatic (anabatic)
, _vertexes ()
, _distanceCb (_distance)
, _mode (Mode::Standart)
, _net (NULL)
, _stamp (-1)
, _sources ()
, _targets ()
, _searchArea ()
, _searchAreaHalo(0)
, _connectedsId (-1)
, _queue ()
const vector<GCell*>& gcells = _anabatic->getGCells();
for ( GCell* gcell : gcells ) {
_vertexes.push_back( new Vertex (gcell) );
Dijkstra::~Dijkstra ()
for ( Vertex* vertex : _vertexes ) delete vertex;
Point Dijkstra::_getPonderedPoint() const
vector<RoutingPad*> rps;
int cpt = 0;
DbU::Unit x = 0;
DbU::Unit y = 0;
for ( Component* component : _net->getComponents() ) {
RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>( component );
if (rp) rps.push_back( rp );
for ( auto rp : rps ) {
x += rp->getBoundingBox().getCenter().getX();
y += rp->getBoundingBox().getCenter().getY();
return Point(x/cpt, y/cpt);
void Dijkstra::load ( Net* net )
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
_net = net;
_stamp = _anabatic->incStamp();
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
DebugSession::open( _net, 112, 120 );
cdebug_log(112,1) << "Dijkstra::load() " << _net << endl;
vector<RoutingPad*> rps;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
for ( Component* component : _net->getComponents() ) {
RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>( component );
if (rp) {
rps.push_back( rp );
cdebug_log(112,0) << "| " << rp << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
for ( auto rp : rps ) {
Point center = rp->getBoundingBox().getCenter();
GCell* gcell = _anabatic->getGCellUnder( center );
if (gcell->isDevice()){
_searchArea.merge( _net->getCell()->getAbutmentBox() );
cdebug_log(112,0) << "| " << rp << endl;
if (not gcell) {
cerr << Error( "Dijkstra::load(): %s\n"
" @%s of %s is not under any GCell.\n"
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
" It will be ignored so the routing may be incomplete."
, getString(rp).c_str()
, getString(center).c_str()
, getString(_net).c_str()
) << endl;
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Current Search area: " << _searchArea << ", gcell: " << gcell << endl;
_searchArea.merge( gcell->getBoundingBox() );
cdebug_log(112,0) << "New Search area: " << _searchArea << endl;
Vertex* seed = gcell->getObserver<Vertex>(GCell::Observable::Vertex);
Horizontal* h = dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>(rp->_getEntityAsSegment());
Vertical* v = dynamic_cast<Vertical*> (rp->_getEntityAsSegment());
if (h) {
seed->setInterv(rp->getBoundingBox().getXMin(), rp->getBoundingBox().getXMax(), rp->getBoundingBox().getYCenter());
if (v) {
seed->setInterv(rp->getBoundingBox().getYMin(), rp->getBoundingBox().getYMax(), rp->getBoundingBox().getXCenter());
if (seed->getConnexId() < 0) {
VertexSet connecteds;
_getConnecteds( seed, connecteds );
for ( Vertex* vertex : connecteds ) {
vertex->setDistance ( Vertex::unreached );
vertex->setStamp ( _stamp );
vertex->setConnexId ( _connectedsId );
vertex->setBranchId ( 0 );
vertex->setDegree ( 1 );
vertex->setRpCount ( 0 );
vertex->setFrom ( NULL );
_targets.insert( vertex );
cdebug_log(112,0) << "| Add: " << vertex << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
Contact* vcontact = seed->getGContact( _net );
rp->getBodyHook()->attach( vcontact->getBodyHook() );
_searchArea.inflate( _searchAreaHalo );
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Search area: " << _searchArea << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
void Dijkstra::_selectFirstSource ()
if (_targets.empty()) {
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
#if 0
cparanoid << Error( "Dijkstra::_selectFirstSource(): %s has no vertexes to route, ignored."
, getString(_net).c_str()
) << endl;
Vertex* firstSource = NULL;
if (_mode & Mode::Monotonic) {
if (_targets.size() == 2) {
auto ivertex = _targets.begin();
Vertex* v1 = *ivertex;
Vertex* v2 = *(++ivertex);
firstSource = (v1->getCenter().getX() <= v2->getCenter().getY()) ? v1 : v2;
} else {
cerr << Error( "Dijkstra::_selectFirstSource(): %s cannot be routed in monotonic mode.\n"
" Must have exactly two terminals (%u), revert to Standart."
, getString(_net).c_str()
, _targets.size()
) << endl;
_mode = Mode::Standart;
if (not firstSource) {
// Standart routing.
bool hasDevice = false;
for ( Vertex* ivertex : _targets ) {
if (ivertex->getGCell()->isDevice()) hasDevice = true;
Point areaCenter;
if (hasDevice) areaCenter = _getPonderedPoint();
else areaCenter = _searchArea.getCenter();
auto ivertex = _targets.begin();
firstSource = *ivertex++;
DbU::Unit minDistance = areaCenter.manhattanDistance( firstSource->getCenter() );
for ( ; ivertex != _targets.end() ; ++ivertex ) {
DbU::Unit distance = areaCenter.manhattanDistance( (*ivertex)->getCenter() );
if (distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distance;
firstSource = *ivertex;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
for ( auto ivertex = _targets.begin() ; ivertex != _targets.end() ; ) {
auto inext = ivertex; inext++;
if ((*ivertex)->getConnexId() == firstSource->getConnexId()) {
_sources.insert( *ivertex );
_targets.erase ( ivertex );
ivertex = inext;
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Dijkstra::_selectFirstSource() " << *_sources.begin() << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
void Dijkstra::_cleanup ()
_connectedsId = 0;
bool Dijkstra::_propagate ( Flags enabledSides )
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
cdebug_log(112,1) << "Dijkstra::_propagate() " << _net << endl;
while ( not _queue.empty() ) {
Vertex* current =;
cdebug_log(111,0) << endl;
cdebug_log(111,0) << "[Current Vertex]: " << current << endl;
if ((current->getConnexId() == _connectedsId) or (current->getConnexId() < 0)) {
for ( Edge* edge : current->getGCell()->getEdges() ) {
if (edge == current->getFrom()) {
cdebug_log(111,0) << "edge == current->getFrom()" << endl;
GCell* gneighbor = edge->getOpposite(current->getGCell());
GCell* gcurrent = current->getGCell();
Vertex* vneighbor = gneighbor->getObserver<Vertex>(GCell::Observable::Vertex);
if (vneighbor->getConnexId() == _connectedsId) {
cdebug_log(111,0) << "ConnectedsId" << endl;
if (not _searchArea.intersect(gneighbor->getBoundingBox())) {
cdebug_log(111,0) << "not in _searchArea: " << _searchArea << ", gneighbor area: " << gneighbor->getBoundingBox() << endl;
cdebug_log(111,0) << endl << "===================================================================================" << endl << endl;
cdebug_log(111,0) << "| Curr: " << current;
if (current->getFrom()){
cdebug_log(111,0) << "| From: " << current->getFrom()->getOpposite(gcurrent) << endl;
} else {
cdebug_log(111,0) << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
cdebug_log(111,0) << "| Edge " << edge << endl;
cdebug_log(111,0) << "+ Neighbor: " << vneighbor << endl;
DbU::Unit distance = _distanceCb( current, vneighbor, edge );
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Distance curr: " << DbU::getValueString(distance) << endl;
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Distance prev: " << DbU::getValueString(vneighbor->getDistance()) << endl;
if ( (distance == vneighbor->getDistance())
and ( (!gcurrent->isMatrix())||(!gneighbor->isMatrix()) )
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Distance EQUAL" << endl;
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Previous getfrom:" << vneighbor->getFrom()->getOpposite( gneighbor ) << endl;
GCell* gnext = vneighbor->getGCell();
GCell* gprev = vneighbor->getFrom()->getOpposite(gnext);
Vertex* vprev = gprev->getObserver<Vertex>(GCell::Observable::Vertex);
Point pnext = Vertex::getNextPathPoint2( current, vneighbor );
Point pprev = Vertex::getNextPathPoint2( vprev, vneighbor );
Point ppond = _getPonderedPoint();
DbU::Unit distcurr = this->_getDistancetoRP(pnext);
DbU::Unit distprev = this->_getDistancetoRP(pprev);
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Pcurrent: X:" << DbU::getValueString(pnext.getX()) << ", Y:" << DbU::getValueString(pnext.getY()) << endl;
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Pprev : X:" << DbU::getValueString(pprev.getX()) << ", Y:" << DbU::getValueString(pprev.getY()) << endl;
cdebug_log(111,0) << "distToTargets curr: " << DbU::getValueString(distcurr) << endl;
cdebug_log(111,0) << "distToTargets prev: " << DbU::getValueString(distprev) << endl;
if ( ( distcurr < distprev )
|| ( ( distcurr == distprev )
&& ( calcDistance(ppond, pnext) < calcDistance(ppond, pprev) )
cdebug_log(111,0) << "BETTER GetFROM" << endl;
vneighbor->setBranchId( current->getBranchId() );
vneighbor->setDistance( distance );
//Point pathPoint = Vertex::getNextPathPoint( current, vneighbor );
//vneighbor->setPathPoint( pathPoint.getX(), pathPoint.getY() );
vneighbor->setFrom ( edge );
_queue.push( vneighbor );
vneighbor->setIntervals( current );
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Push: (size:" << _queue.size() << ") " << vneighbor << endl;
} else if ( ( (distance < vneighbor->getDistance()) and (distance != Vertex::unreachable) )
or ( (distance == vneighbor->getDistance()) and (current->getBranchId() > vneighbor->getBranchId()) )
) {
if (vneighbor->getDistance() != Vertex::unreached) {
_queue.erase( vneighbor );
} else {
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
if (not vneighbor->hasValidStamp()) {
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Distance FIRST" << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
vneighbor->setConnexId( -1 );
vneighbor->setStamp ( _stamp );
vneighbor->setDegree ( 1 );
vneighbor->setRpCount ( 0 );
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Distance INF" << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
vneighbor->setBranchId( current->getBranchId() );
vneighbor->setDistance( distance );
//Point pathPoint = Vertex::getNextPathPoint( current, vneighbor );
//vneighbor->setPathPoint( pathPoint.getX(), pathPoint.getY() );
vneighbor->setFrom ( edge );
_queue.push( vneighbor );
vneighbor->setIntervals( current );
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
cdebug_log(111,0) << "Push: (size:" << _queue.size() << ") " << vneighbor << endl;
// We did reach another target (different <connexId>).
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
// Tag back the path, with a higher <branchId>.
_traceback( current );
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
return true;
cerr << Error( "Dijkstra::propagate(): %s has unreachable targets."
, getString(_net).c_str()
) << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
return false;
void Dijkstra::_traceback ( Vertex* current )
cdebug_log(112,1) << "Dijkstra::_traceback() " << _net << " branchId:" << _sources.size() << endl;
int branchId = _sources.size();
Point ponderedpoint = _getPonderedPoint();
_toSources( current, _connectedsId );
if (!current->getGCell()->isMatrix()){
GCell* gcurr = current->getGCell();
GCell* gprev = current->getFrom()->getOpposite(gcurr);
Vertex* vprev = gprev->getObserver<Vertex>(GCell::Observable::Vertex);
Point pentry = Vertex::getNextPathPoint2( vprev, current );
if (current->isH()){
if (pentry.getX() < current->getIMin()){
current->setInterv(pentry.getX(), current->getIMax(), current->getIAxis());
cdebug_log(112,0) << "[Interval update1]: min : " << DbU::getValueString(pentry.getX());
cdebug_log(112,0) << ", max : " << DbU::getValueString(current->getIMax());
cdebug_log(112,0) << ", axis: " << DbU::getValueString(current->getIAxis()) << endl;
} else if (pentry.getX() > current->getIMax()){
current->setInterv(current->getIMin(), pentry.getX(), current->getIAxis());
cdebug_log(112,0) << "[Interval update2]: min : " << DbU::getValueString(current->getIMin());
cdebug_log(112,0) << ", max : " << DbU::getValueString(pentry.getX());
cdebug_log(112,0) << ", axis: " << DbU::getValueString(current->getIAxis()) << endl;
} else if (current->isV()){
if (pentry.getY() < current->getIMin()){
current->setInterv(pentry.getY(), current->getIMax(), current->getIAxis());
cdebug_log(112,0) << "[Interval update3]: min : " << DbU::getValueString(pentry.getY());
cdebug_log(112,0) << ", max : " << DbU::getValueString(current->getIMax());
cdebug_log(112,0) << ", axis: " << DbU::getValueString(current->getIAxis()) << endl;
} else if (pentry.getY() > current->getIMax()){
current->setInterv(current->getIMin(), pentry.getY(), current->getIAxis());
cdebug_log(112,0) << "[Interval update4]: min : " << DbU::getValueString(current->getIMin());
cdebug_log(112,0) << ", max : " << DbU::getValueString(pentry.getY());
cdebug_log(112,0) << ", axis: " << DbU::getValueString(current->getIAxis()) << endl;
current = current->getPredecessor();
while ( current ) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "| " << current << " | " << endl;
if (current->getConnexId() == _connectedsId) break;
Edge* from = current->getFrom();
if (not from) break;
current->setDistance( 0.0 );
if (!current->getGCell()->isMatrix()){
/*if (!current->getGCell()->isDevice()) {
if (current->getPredecessor() != NULL){
cdebug_log(112,0) << "[Interval update]: min : " << DbU::getValueString(current->getPIMin());
cdebug_log(112,0) << ", max : " << DbU::getValueString(current->getPIMax());
cdebug_log(112,0) << ", axis: " << DbU::getValueString(current->getPIAxis()) << endl;
current->getPredecessor()->setInterv(current->getPIMin(), current->getPIMax(), current->getPIAxis());
current->setConnexId( _connectedsId );
current->setBranchId( branchId );
_sources.insert( current );
_queue.push( current );
current = current->getPredecessor();
void Dijkstra::_materialize ()
cdebug_log(112,1) << "Dijkstra::_materialize() " << _net << " _sources:" << _sources.size() << endl;
if (_sources.size() < 2) { cdebug_tabw(112,-1); return; }
for ( Vertex* startVertex : _sources ) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "? " << startVertex << endl;
if (not startVertex->getFrom()) continue;
if ( not startVertex->hasGContact(_net)
and not startVertex->getRpCount()
and (startVertex->getDegree() < 3)) continue;
Vertex* source = startVertex;
while ( source ) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "* " << source << endl;
Edge* from = source->getFrom();
vector<Edge*> aligneds;
aligneds.push_back( from );
Vertex* target = source->getPredecessor();
Interval constraint = from->getSide();
source->setFrom( NULL );
cdebug_log(112,0) << "+ " << target << endl;
if (target->getConnexId() < 0) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << "| " << "break (abort: false start)." << endl;
while ( true ) {
from = target->getFrom();
if ( not from
or not (target->getGCell()->isMatrix())
or (target->hasGContact(_net))
or (target->getRpCount())
or (target->getDegree() > 2)
or (aligneds.back()->isHorizontal() xor from->isHorizontal())
or not constraint.intersect(from->getSide())) break;
aligneds.push_back( from );
constraint.merge( from->getSide() );
Vertex* nextTarget = target->getPredecessor();
target->setFrom( NULL );
target = nextTarget;
cdebug_log(112,0) << "| " << target << endl;
Contact* sourceContact = source->getGContact( _net );
Contact* targetContact = target->hasGContact( _net );
Segment* segment = NULL;
if (not targetContact) {
if (target->getFrom()) targetContact = target->getGContact( _net );
else targetContact = target->breakGoThrough( _net );
if (aligneds.front()->isHorizontal()) {
if (sourceContact->getX() > targetContact->getX())
std::swap( sourceContact, targetContact );
segment = Horizontal::create( sourceContact
, targetContact
, _anabatic->getConfiguration()->getGHorizontalLayer()
, constraint.getCenter()
, DbU::fromLambda(2.0)
for ( Edge* through : aligneds ) through->add( segment );
} else {
if (sourceContact->getY() > targetContact->getY())
std::swap( sourceContact, targetContact );
segment = Vertical::create( sourceContact
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
, targetContact
, _anabatic->getConfiguration()->getGVerticalLayer()
, constraint.getCenter()
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
, DbU::fromLambda(2.0)
for ( Edge* through : aligneds ) through->add( segment );
cdebug_log(112,0) << "| " << segment << endl;
cdebug_log(112,0) << "| " << "break (turn, branch or terminal)." << endl;
source = (target->getFrom()) ? target : NULL;
void Dijkstra::run ( Dijkstra::Mode mode )
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
DebugSession::open( _net, 112, 120 );
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
cdebug_log(112,1) << "Dijkstra::run() on " << _net << " mode:" << mode << endl;
_mode = mode;
if (_sources.empty()) {
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
cdebug_log(112,0) << "No source to start, not routed." << endl;
Flags enabledEdges = Flags::AllSides;
if (_mode & Mode::Monotonic) {
if ((*_sources.begin())->getCenter().getY() <= (*_targets.begin())->getCenter().getY())
enabledEdges = Flags::EastSide | Flags::NorthSide;
enabledEdges = Flags::EastSide | Flags::SouthSide;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
_connectedsId = (*_sources.begin())->getConnexId();
for ( Vertex* source : _sources ) {
_queue.push( source );
source->setDistance( 0.0 );
cdebug_log(112,0) << "Push source: (size:" << _queue.size() << ") "
<< source
<< " _connectedsId:" << _connectedsId << endl;
while ( not _targets.empty() and _propagate(enabledEdges) );
_anabatic->getNetData( _net )->setGlobalRouted( true );
Anabatic transient commit 8. More Dijkstra bugs correcteds. * Bug: In Anabatic: - In _propagate(), on reaching a target, forgot to remove it from the queue before pushing it back with the new distance. It also simplificate the core algorithm as target as treated normal nodes. * New: In Anabatic: - Update cdebug to use the fastest macro version. - More readable drawings of GCells and Edges. - Added timer support. - The distance is now computed in DbU::Unit (aka long) and not in normalized float. - The distance function is now a callback (std::function<>) that can be changed (a default is provided at initialization). - New concept of branch in the agglomerated connex component. Each trace back part create a "branch" (tagged with a "branchId"). When a node is reached with the same distance, but from two different branches, choose the the branch that was lastly created. This create a slightly different tree which grows outward from the newest branches. - Makes the horizontal edges *slightly* longer than the vertical ones to skew the tree to use vertical edges, as it is usually less congested than the horiontal one (due to metal1 cell terminals). It is also my understanding that it is useful to reduce the number of vias, whithout introducing a via cost. * New: In Bootstrap: - Script to perform sprof & demangle libraries execution profile. * ToDo: In Anabatic: - Corner optimization. Sometimes when two corners are possible, the wrong one is choosen. That is, one of it's edge cannot be used for further grow of the tree.
2016-06-17 06:09:34 -05:00
void Dijkstra::_toSources ( Vertex* source, int connexId )
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
cdebug_log(112,1) << "Dijkstra::_toSources() " << endl;
cdebug_log(112,0) << "* from: " << source << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
source->setConnexId( connexId );
source->setDistance( 0.0 );
_targets.erase ( source );
_sources.insert( source );
_queue.push( source );
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
VertexSet stack;
stack.insert( source );
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
while ( not stack.empty() ) {
source = *stack.begin();
stack.erase( source );
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
cdebug_log(112,0) << "| source:" << source << " stack.size():" << stack.size() << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
for ( Edge* edge : source->getGCell()->getEdges() ) {
if (not edge->hasNet(_net)) {
cdebug_log(112,0) << " Not connected:" << edge
<< " to:" << edge->getOpposite(source->getGCell()) << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
GCell* gneighbor = edge->getOpposite(source->getGCell());
Vertex* vneighbor = gneighbor->getObserver<Vertex>(GCell::Observable::Vertex);
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
if (not vneighbor->hasValidStamp()) continue;
if (vneighbor->getConnexId() == connexId) continue;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
vneighbor->setConnexId( connexId );
vneighbor->setDistance( 0.0 );
//vneighbor->setFrom ( edge );
_targets.erase ( vneighbor );
_sources.insert( vneighbor );
_queue.push( vneighbor );
stack.insert( vneighbor );
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
void Dijkstra::_getConnecteds ( Vertex* source, VertexSet& connecteds )
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
cdebug_log(112,1) << "Dijkstra::_getConnecteds()" << endl;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
connecteds.insert( source );
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
VertexSet stack;
stack.insert( source );
while ( not stack.empty() ) {
source = *stack.begin();
stack.erase( source );
cdebug_log(112,0) << "| source:" << source << " stack.size():" << stack.size() << endl;
for ( Edge* edge : source->getGCell()->getEdges() ) {
if (not edge->hasNet(_net)) {
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
cdebug_log(112,0) << " Not connected:" << edge << endl;
GCell* gneighbor = edge->getOpposite(source->getGCell());
Vertex* vneighbor = gneighbor->getObserver<Vertex>(GCell::Observable::Vertex);
if (connecteds.find(vneighbor) != connecteds.end()) continue;
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
stack.insert( vneighbor );
connecteds.insert( vneighbor );
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
void Dijkstra::_checkEdges () const
cdebug_log(112,1) << "Dijkstra::_checkEdges()" << endl;
// for ( Vertex* vertex : _vertexes ) {
// for ( Edge* edge : vertex->getGCell()->getEdges(Flags::EastSide|Flags::NorthSide) ) {
// }
// }
Anabatic transient commit 10. Ripup & reroute support in Dijsktra. * New: In Anabatic: - In AnabaticEngine, keep track of overflowed edges. - In AnabaticEngine, getNetsFromedge() to lookup all nets going through an Edge. - In Configuration, read the Kite "reserved local" parameter to decrease the Edge capacity (it's a guessing of the cost of the local routing). - In Edge, add an attribute to know if there is an associated segment of the current net (set by Dijkstra::_traceback()). Transparently manage the overflowed edges. - In GCell_Edges, correct a filtering bug when not all sides are selecteds. - New GCell::getEdgeTo() to find the edge between two adjacent GCells. - New GCell::unrefContact() to automatically removes global contacts no longer used by any global segments (used during the ripup step). - In Dijkstra::load(), now able to "reload" and already partially or completly routed net (look for Contact of "gcontact" layer and their attached segments). - In Dijkstra, keep the last net loaded until the next one is. Put the cleanup operations in an isolated function "_cleanup()". - In Dijkstra::_selectFirstsource() and run(), load first source component made of multiple vertexes. - In Dijkstra::_trackback(), link the Net segments to the Edges. - New Dijkstra::ripup(), Dijkstra::_propagateRipup() to perform the ripup of one edge of a Net (must be loaded in Dijkstra first). Dijkstra::_tagConnecteds() setup the connexId of a set of Vertexes - that are connecteds through edges *with* segments. - In GraphicAnabaticengine & GlobalRoute.cpp, embryo of a global routing tool with ripup & reroute.
2016-06-26 07:32:32 -05:00
} // Anabatic namespace.