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.TH "Observable" 3 "Thu Nov 12 2020" "Version 1.0" "Katabatic - Routing Toolbox" \" -*- nroff -*-
.ad l
Observable \- \fBObserver\fP Design Pattern, Subject part\&.
.SS "Public Member Functions"
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.RI "\fBObservable\fP ()"
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.RI "template<typename T > T * \fBgetObserver\fP ()"
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.RI "void \fBaddObserver\fP (\fBBaseObserver\fP *)"
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.RI "void \fBremoveObserver\fP (\fBBaseObserver\fP *)"
.ti -1c
.RI "void \fBnotify\fP (unsigned int flags)"
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.SH "Detailed Description"
\fBObserver\fP Design Pattern, Subject part\&.
\fBObservable\fP is the implementation of the \fIsubject\fP part of the \fBObserver\fP design pattern\&. For the time beeing it's a simplificated version that allows only one \fBObserver\fP to watch the subject\&.
\fBObservable\fP is designed to be an attribute of the subject, not one of it's base class\&.
This implantation is completly generic and has nothing specific to \fBKatabatic\fP\&. It may be moved sometimes in Hurricane at Property level in \fBHurricane::DBo\fP\&.
\fBNote to Myself:\fP \fBObserver\fP pattern is the one behind signal/slots\&.
.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
.SS "\fBObservable\fP ()\fC [inline]\fP"
Default and only constructor\&. The copy constructor is disabled (made private and unimplemented)\&.
.SH "Member Function Documentation"
.SS "T * getObserver ()\fC [inline]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP The (only) observer, \fCNULL\fP if there is none\&. It is the object of which the \fBObserver\fP is an attribute, that is, it's \fIowner\fP, and not the \fBObserver\fP itself which is returned\&.
.SS "void addObserver (\fBBaseObserver\fP * observer)\fC [inline]\fP"
Adds an observer\&. If more than one is added, throw an error\&.
.SS "void removeObserver (\fBBaseObserver\fP * observer)\fC [inline]\fP"
Removes an observer\&. If the observer do not belong to this observable, throw an exception\&.
.SS "void notify (unsigned int flags)\fC [inline]\fP"
Used by the subject to signal a change in it's state to the observers\&. The \fCflags\fP parameter can be used to indicates what kind of change is occuring\&. Values for \fCflags\fP are defined between the subject and the observers\&.
References BaseObserver::notify()\&.
Referenced by AutoSegment::_invalidate(), AutoSegment::_postCreate(), AutoSegment::_preDestroy(), and AutoSegment::revalidate()\&.
.SH "Author"
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Katabatic - Routing Toolbox from the source code\&.