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\title {Patterns Module User's Manual}
\author {Roselyne Chotin-Avot}
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The patterns module of \emph{Stratus} is a set of \emph{Python} classes and
methods that allows a procedural description of input pattern file for the
logic simulator. The \emph{Stratus} \verb-Pattern- method produces a pattern
description file as output. The file generated by \verb-Pattern- method is in
From a user point of view, \verb-Pattern- method is a pattern description
language using all standard \emph{Python} facilities. Here follows the
description of the \verb-Pattern- method.\\
A pat format file can be divided in two parts : declaration and description
The declaration part is the list of inputs, outputs, internal signals and
registers. Inputs are to be forced to a certain value and all the others are
to be observed during simulation.\\
The description part is a set of patterns, where each pattern defines the value
of inputs and outputs. The pattern number represents actually the absolute time
for the simulator.\\
Similarly, a \verb-Pattern- method can be divided in two parts : declaration
and description part. Methods related to the declaration must be called
before any function related to the description part.
\subsection{Declaration part}
The first thing you should do in this part is to instantiate the class
\verb-Patwrite- to have access to all patterns declaration and description
methods. The constructor of this class take as parameters the name of pattern
output file and the \emph{Stratus} cell that is described (see \verb-PatWrite-
Then, this part allows you to declare the inputs, the outputs, and internal
observing points (see \verb-declar-\ref{declar} and \verb-declar_interface-
\subsection{Description part}
After all signals are declared, you can begin the description part (see
\verb-pattern_begin- \ref{pattern_begin}). In this part you have to define
input values which are to be applied to the inputs of the circuit or output
values which are to be compare with the values produced during the simulation.
(see \verb-affect- \ref{affect}, \verb-affect_any- \ref{affect_any},
\verb-affect_int- \ref{affect_int} and \verb-affect_fix- \ref{affect_fix}).
\verb-Pattern- method describes the stimulus by event : only signal transitions
are described. After each event there is a new input in the pattern file (see
\verb-addpat- \ref{addpat}). Last thing you should do in this part is to
generate the output file (see \verb-pattern_end- \ref{pattern_end}).
This class is used to create patterns for \emph{Stratus} models. Currently
it only supports Alliance ".pat" pattern format. Patterns time stamps are in
the "absolute date" format, "relative date" isn't allowed. Legal time unit are
ps (default), ns, us and ms. The constructor takes as parameters the pattern
output filename and an optional reference to Stratus cell.
Adds a connector from a Stratus model to the pattern interface. Writes the
corresponding connector declaration in the pattern file with name, arity and
direction automatically extracted from the connector properties.\\
Supported Stratus connectors are:
\item{SignalOut (only supported if used as an output),}
\item{TriState (always an output),}
\item{connector : can either be a reference to a stratus net or a string
containing the name of the stratus net.}
\item{format : optional format for the connectors values into the pattern file,
accepted values are :}
\item{'B': binary (default),}
\item{'X': hexadecimal,}
\item{'O': octal.}
Adds all the connectors from a Stratus model to the pattern interface. Write
the corresponding connector declaration in the pattern file with name, arity
and direction directly taken from the connector proprieties.\\
\item{cell : the tested Stratus model reference. Optional if a reference to the
tested Stratus model was given during instanciation\ref{patwrite}.}
\item{format : optional format for the connectors values into the pattern file,
accepted values are :}
\item{'B': binary (default),}
\item{'X': hexadecimal,}
\item{'O': octal.}
Affect a string value to a connector.
\item{connector : \emph{Stratus} connector}
\item{value : string to affect to connector}
Affect an integer (CA2) value to a connector. Convert the 2's complement value
to the corresponding binary value. The binary size is taken from the connector
arity. If the connector is an output, the binary value is preceded by "?".
\item{connector : \emph{Stratus} connector.}
\item{value : 2's complement value to affect to the connector.}
Affect a fixed point value to a connector. Convert the floating point input
value to the corresponding fixed point value with
word\_length=connector.arity() and integer\_word\_length=iwl. If the connector
is an output, the binary value is preceded by "?".
\item{connector : \emph{Stratus} connector.}
\item{value : floating point value to convert and asign to connector.}
\item{iwl : integer word length}
Disable comparison between this connector value and the one calculated during
\item{connector : \emph{Stratus} connector.}
Adds a pattern in the pattern file.
Mark the end of the interface declaration and the beginning of the test
Mark the end of the test vectors and of the patterns file.
\verb-Pattern- method for an addaccu
def Pattern(self):
# initialisation
pat = PatWrite(self._name+'.pat',self)
# declaration of ports
pat.declar(, 'B')
pat.declar(self.load, 'B')
pat.declar(self.input, 'X')
pat.declar(self.output, 'X')
pat.declar(self.vdd, 'B')
pat.declar(self.vss, 'B')
# use of pat.declar_interface(self) has the same effect
# description beginning
# affect vdd and vss values
# first pattern : load an initial value
# add the pattern in the pattern file
# compute next event
# compute 22 cycle of accumulation
for i in range(1,22):
# end of the description