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// This is a simple example
package cloudflare
import (
// TODO: use:
// ttl := cloudflare.DurationSlider(g2, "control panel TTL (in tenths of seconds)", 10 * time.Millisecond, 5 * time.Second)
// ttl.Set(200 * time.Millisecond)
// The Node is a binary tree. This is how all GUI elements are stored
// simply the name and the size of whatever GUI element exists
type Duration struct {
p *gui.Node // parent widget
l *gui.Node // label widget
s *gui.Node // slider widget
Label string
Low time.Duration
High time.Duration
Duration time.Duration
Custom func()
func (n *Duration) Set(d time.Duration) {
var timeRange, step, offset time.Duration
if (d > n.High) {
d = n.High
if (d < n.Low) {
d = n.Low
// set the duration
n.Duration = d
// figure out the integer offset for the Slider GUI Widget
timeRange = n.High - n.Low
step = timeRange / 1000
if (step == 0) {
log.Println("duration.Set() division by step == 0", n.Low, n.High, timeRange, step)
offset = d - n.Low
i := int(offset / step)
log.Println("duration.Set() =", n.Low, n.High, d, "i =", i)
n.s.I = i
func NewDurationSlider(n *gui.Node, label string, low time.Duration, high time.Duration) *Duration {
d := Duration {
p: n,
Label: label,
High: high,
Low: low,
// various timeout settings
d.l = n.NewLabel(label)
d.s = n.NewSlider(label, 0, 1000)
d.s.Custom = func () {
d.Duration = low + (high - low) * time.Duration(d.s.I) / 1000
log.Println("d.Duration =", d.Duration)
s := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%v)", d.Label, d.Duration)
if (d.Custom != nil) {
return &d