// This creates a simple hello world window package main import ( "go.wit.com/log" "go.wit.com/gui/cloudflare" "go.wit.com/apps/control-panel-dns/smartwindow" ) func fix() bool { // make and toggle the fixWindow display if me.fixWindow == nil { me.fixWindow = smartwindow.New() me.fixWindow.SetParent(me.myGui) me.fixWindow.Title("fix window") me.fixWindow.SetDraw(drawFixWindow) me.fixWindow.Vertical() me.fixWindow.Make() me.fixWindow.Draw() me.fixWindow.Hide() // me.fixWindow.Draw2() return false } me.fixWindow.Toggle() if ! me.statusDNS.Ready() { log.Log(CHANGE, "The IPv6 Control Panel is not Ready() yet") return false } if me.statusOS.ValidHostname() { log.Log(CHANGE, "GOOD Your hostname is VALID:", me.statusOS.GetHostname()) } else { log.Log(CHANGE, "You must first fix your hostname:", me.statusOS.GetHostname()) return false } if me.digStatus.IPv4() { log.Log(CHANGE, "GOOD IPv4 addresses are resolving") } else { log.Log(CHANGE, "You must first figure out why you can't look up IPv4 addresses") log.Log(CHANGE, "Are you on the internet at all?") return false } if me.digStatus.IPv6() { log.Log(CHANGE, "GOOD IPv6 addresses are resolving") } else { log.Log(CHANGE, "You must first figure out why you can't look up IPv6 addresses") return false } if ! me.statusDNS.IPv4() { log.Log(CHANGE, "OK You do not have real IPv4 addresses. Nothing to fix here") } if ! me.statusDNS.IPv6() { if fixIPv6dns() { log.Log(CHANGE, "IPv6 DNS Repair is underway") return false } log.Log(CHANGE, "GOOD IPv6 DNS is working!") } log.Log(CHANGE, "GOOD YOU SHOULD BE IN IPv6 BLISS") return true } func fixIPv6dns() bool { log.Log(INFO, "What are my IPv6 addresses?") var broken bool = false osAAAA := make(map[string]string) dnsAAAA := make(map[string]string) for _, aaaa := range me.statusOS.GetIPv6() { log.Log(INFO, "FOUND OS AAAA ip", aaaa) osAAAA[aaaa] = "os" } log.Log(INFO, "What are the AAAA resource records in DNS?") for _, aaaa := range me.statusDNS.GetIPv6() { log.Log(INFO, "FOUND DNS AAAA ip", aaaa) dnsAAAA[aaaa] = "dns" } // remove old DNS entries first for aaaa, _ := range dnsAAAA { if osAAAA[aaaa] == "os" { log.Log(INFO, "DNS AAAA is in OS", aaaa) } else { broken = true log.Log(INFO, "DNS AAAA is not in OS", aaaa) addToFixWindow("DELETE", aaaa) /* if deleteFromDNS(aaaa) { log.Log(INFO, "Delete AAAA", aaaa, "Worked") } else { log.Log(INFO, "Delete AAAA", aaaa, "Failed") } */ } } // now add new DNS entries for aaaa, _ := range osAAAA { if dnsAAAA[aaaa] == "dns" { log.Log(INFO, "OS AAAA is in DNS", aaaa) } else { broken = true log.Log(INFO, "OS AAAA is not in DNS", aaaa) addToFixWindow("CREATE", aaaa) /* if addToDNS(aaaa) { log.Log(INFO, "Add AAAA", aaaa, "Worked") } else { log.Log(INFO, "Add AAAA", aaaa, "Failed") } */ } } // if anything doesn't match, return false return broken } func deleteFromDNS(aaaa string) bool { log.Log(CHANGE, "Delete this from DNS !!!!", aaaa) api := me.statusDNS.API() log.Log(CHANGE, "your API provider is =", api) if api == "cloudflare" { log.Log(CHANGE, "Let's try a DELETE via the Cloudflare API") hostname := me.statusOS.GetHostname() b, response := cloudflare.Delete("wit.com", hostname, aaaa) log.Log(CHANGE, "response was:", response) return b } return false } func addToDNS(aaaa string) bool { log.Log(CHANGE, "Add this to DNS !!!!", aaaa) api := me.statusDNS.API() log.Log(CHANGE, "your API provider is =", api) if api == "cloudflare" { log.Log(CHANGE, "Let's try a CREATE via the Cloudflare API") hostname := me.statusOS.GetHostname() return cloudflare.Create("wit.com", hostname, aaaa) } return false } func exists(m map[string]bool, s string) bool { if _, ok := m[s]; ok { return true } return false } func addToFixWindow(t string, ip string) { log.Log(INFO, "addToFixWindow() START") if ! me.problems.Ready() { return } me.problems.add(t, ip) log.Log(INFO, "addToFixWindow() END") } func drawFixWindow(sw *smartwindow.SmartWindow) { log.Log(WARN, "drawFixWindow() START") box := sw.Box() box.NewLabel("test") }