// GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 // Copyright (c) 2023 WIT.COM, Inc. // This is a control panel for DNS package main import ( "fmt" // "runtime" "embed" "time" "go.wit.com/gui" "go.wit.com/log" "go.wit.com/lib/gadgets" "go.wit.com/lib/gui/linuxstatus" "github.com/miekg/dns" ) //go:embed resources/* var resToolkit embed.FS func main() { // parsedown() // initialize the maps to track IP addresses and network interfaces me.ipmap = make(map[string]*IPtype) me.dnsmap = make(map[string]*IPtype) me.ifmap = make(map[int]*IFtype) me.nsmap = make(map[string]string) // initialize maps for the returned DNS records me.ipv4s = make(map[string]dns.RR) me.ipv6s = make(map[string]dns.RR) me.myGui = gui.New() me.myGui.InitEmbed(resToolkit) me.myGui.Default() // setup the main tab me.window = gadgets.RawBasicWindow("DNS and IPv6 Control Panel") me.window.Make() makeMainWindow() // These are your problems me.problems = InitErrorBox(me.window.Box(), "Errors", "has problems?") me.problems.addIPerror(RR, USER, "1:1:1:1") me.window.Show() me.debug = debugWindow("Debugging") // 3 external windows that should be seperate go packages me.digStatus = InitDigStatus() me.statusDNS = InitHostnameStatus() me.statusOS = linuxstatus.InitLinuxStatus() digLoop() // TCP & UDP port 53 lookups + DNS over HTTP lookups + os.Exec(dig) go myTicker(60*time.Second, "DNSloop", func() { digLoop() }) // checks if your DNS records are still broken // if everything is working, then it just ignores // things until the timeout happens lastProvider := "unknown" go myTicker(10*time.Second, "DNSloop", func() { log.Log(INFO, "me.statusDNS.Update() START") me.statusDNS.Update() provider := me.statusDNS.GetDNSapi() if provider != lastProvider { log.Log(CHANGE, "Your DNS API provider appears to have changed to", provider) lastProvider = provider me.apiButton.SetText(provider + " wit.com") } if provider == "cloudflare" { me.DnsAPIstatus.SetText("WORKING") } }) // probes the OS network settings go myTicker(500*time.Millisecond, "me.statusOS,Update()", func() { duration := timeFunction(func() { me.statusOS.Update() if me.statusOS.ValidHostname() { if me.hostnameStatus.String() != "WORKING" { me.hostnameStatus.SetText("WORKING") me.changed = true } } // re-check DNS API provider if me.statusOS.Changed() { // lookup the NS records for your domain // if your host is test.wit.com, find the NS resource records for wit.com lookupNS(me.statusOS.GetDomainName()) log.Log(CHANGE, "lookupNS() RUNNING NOW. this will determine your DNS API provider") } if me.statusDNS.GetDNSapi() == "unknown" { lookupNS(me.statusOS.GetDomainName()) log.Log(CHANGE, "lookupNS() RUNNING NOW. this will determine your DNS API provider") } }) s := fmt.Sprint(duration) me.statusOS.SetSpeedActual(s) }) // show internal gui toolkit stats go gui.Watchdog() // check the four known things to see if they are all WORKING myTicker(10*time.Second, "MAIN LOOP", func() { var working bool = true if me.hostnameStatus.String() != "WORKING" { log.Log(CHANGE, "The hostname is not WORKING yet", me.hostnameStatus.String()) working = false } if me.statusIPv6.String() != "WORKING" { log.Log(CHANGE, "IPv6 DNS lookup has not been confirmed yet", me.statusIPv6.String()) working = false } if me.DnsStatus.String() != "WORKING" { log.Log(CHANGE, "Your IPv6 DNS settings have not been confirmed yet", me.DnsStatus.String()) working = false } if me.DnsAPIstatus.String() != "WORKING" { log.Log(CHANGE, "The DNS API provider is not yet working", me.DnsAPIstatus.String()) working = false } if working { log.Log(CHANGE, "EVERYTHING IS WORKING. YOU HAVE IPv6 BLISS. TODO: don't check so often now") } else { log.Log(CHANGE, "EVERYTHING IS NOT WORKING. scanning errors:") me.problems.Scan() } }) } /* // Example usage duration := timeFunction(FunctionToTime) log.Println("Execution Time: ", duration) */ // timeFunction takes a function as an argument and returns the execution time. func timeFunction(f func()) time.Duration { startTime := time.Now() // Record the start time f() // Execute the function return time.Since(startTime) // Calculate the elapsed time } func timeStamp() string { stamp := time.Now().Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05") log.Log(CHANGE, "Network things changed on", stamp) return stamp } func myTicker(t time.Duration, name string, f func()) { ticker := time.NewTicker(t) defer ticker.Stop() done := make(chan bool) /* go func() { time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) done <- true }() */ for { select { case <-done: fmt.Println("Done!") return case t := <-ticker.C: log.Log(INFO, name, "Current time: ", t) f() } } }