157 lines
4.3 KiB
157 lines
4.3 KiB
package main
import "log"
import "os"
import "time"
import "os/user"
// import "reflect"
// this is the king of dns libraries
import "github.com/miekg/dns"
import "git.wit.com/wit/gui"
// import pb "git.wit.com/wit/witProtobuf"
import "git.wit.com/jcarr/dnssecsocket"
import "github.com/gobuffalo/packr"
import "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew"
var GITCOMMIT string // this is passed in as an ldflag
var GOVERSION string // this is passed in as an ldflag
var BUILDTIME string // this is passed in as an ldflag
var VERSION string // this is passed in as an ldflag
// use mergo to merge structs
// import "github.com/imdario/mergo"
// mergo.Merge(&dest, src)
// always sorted slice (new project)
// https://github.com/yaa110/sslice
// several smart slice functions (new project. April 2019)
// https://github.com/elliotchance/pie
// look into this for dns if possible
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNSCrypt
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_HTTPS
// DNS over TLS plugin for coredns
// uses protobuf's and gRPC in pb/dns.proto
// https://github.com/coredns/coredns/tree/master/plugin/tls
// https://github.com/coredns/coredns/blob/master/pb/dns.proto
// cross platform openvpn that may work for IPv6
// https://github.com/mysteriumnetwork/go-openvpnwe
func onExit(err error) {
log.Println("Sleep for 1 second")
time.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)
// save the protobuf.Config as a JSON config file
if (err != nil) {
var packrBox packr.Box
func lookupAAAA(hostname string) string {
// lookup the IP address from DNS
dnsRR := dnssecsocket.Dnstrace(hostname, "AAAA")
if (dnsRR == nil) {
return "BROKEN"
ipaddr := dns.Field(dnsRR, 1)
log.Println("ipaddr", ipaddr)
return ipaddr
func main() {
// This puts all the files in that directory in the binary
// This directory includes the default config file if there is not already one
packrBox = packr.NewBox("./resources")
// This will parse the command line and config file
// This uses a protobuf definition and then Marshal's
// and unmarshal's that into a JSON config file
// that is human readable and editable. This is the easy way
// to pass around a configuration structure throughout a
// golang application IMHO
for key, foo := range config.Accounts {
log.Println("FOUND ACCOUNT = ", key, foo)
// pass a pointer to the config so the gui can access it
gui.Data.Config = config
go processEvents()
go gorillaDial("v000185.testing.com.customers.wprod.wit.com:9000")
go gui.WatchGUI()
user, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
// use this to discover what the OS thinks it's hostname is
// seems to be cross platform (?)
// Windows: WMIC computersystem where caption='current_pc_name' rename new_pc_name
hostname := FqdnGet()
log.Println("fqdn.Get() = ", hostname)
gui.Data.Hostname = hostname
// this is a recursive dig for the AAAA record
// TODO: check for dns hijacking
ipAAAA := lookupAAAA(hostname)
gui.Data.IPv6 = ipAAAA
gui.Data.MouseClick = mainMouseClick
gui.Data.HomeDir = user.HomeDir
// Set output debugging level
gui.Data.Debug = config.Debug
gui.Data.DebugTable = config.Debugtable
log.Println("gui.Data.Debug = ", gui.Data.Debug)
log.Println("gui.Data.DebugTable = ", gui.Data.DebugTable)
// Current User
log.Println("Hi " + user.Name + " (id: " + user.Uid + ")")
log.Println("Username: " + user.Username)
log.Println("Home Dir: " + user.HomeDir)
// Get "Real" User under sudo.
// More Info: https://stackoverflow.com/q/29733575/402585
log.Println("Real User: " + os.Getenv("SUDO_USER"))
// make this the main loop in an attempt to figure out the crashes
// do not change this until the GUI is stable
gui.StartNewWindow(config, false, "SPLASH", showSplashBox)
// This is GO language concept for 'recover' to keep an app from completely crashing
// Doing this can sometimes avoid a panic() on things like:
// panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range
// In debugging mode, always panic() and never try to recover()
func r() {
if (gui.Data.Debug == false) {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
log.Println("recover() SOMETHING IS REALLY BROKEN r =", r)
log.Println("recover() SOMETHING IS REALLY BROKEN r =", r)
log.Println("recover() SOMETHING IS REALLY BROKEN r =", r)