package main

import "os"
import "log"
import "fmt"

import ""

import ""
import pb ""

import ""
import _ ""

func main() {
	var c *pb.Config
	c = pb.MakeDefaultConfig()

	gui.Data.MouseClick = mainMouseClick

	i := 1

	c.Width += int32(100 * i)
	c.Hostname = fmt.Sprintf("splash %d", i)
	gui.StartNewWindow(c, true, "SPLASH")

	i += 1
	c.Width += int32(100 * i)
	c.Hostname = fmt.Sprintf("splash %d", i)
	gui.StartNewWindow(c, true, "BLAH")

	for {
		i += 1
		c.Width += int32(100 * i)
		c.Hostname = fmt.Sprintf("splash %d", i)
		gui.StartNewWindow(c, false, "SPLASH")

		i += 1
		c.Width += int32(100 * i)
		c.Hostname = fmt.Sprintf("splash %d", i)
		gui.StartNewWindow(c, false, "BLAH")

// This is the handler for all mosue clicks (buttons, areas, etc))
// This is massive for a reason. EVERY MOUSE CLICK COMES HERE
// the 'gui' code is kinda just a holder. It will pass everything
// here and we have to sort out what to do with the click
// at least, that is the current design because I thought it
// might be a good approach. Time will tell...
func mainMouseClick(b *gui.GuiButton) {
	if (b == nil) {
		log.Println("mainMouseClick() BACK IN MAIN CONTROL PANEL CODE (button is nil) WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?")
		log.Println("mainMouseClick() BACK IN MAIN CONTROL PANEL CODE (button is nil) WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?")
	log.Println("mainMouseClick() b.Action =", b.Action)
	log.Println("mainMouseClick() b.Action =", b.Account)

	var wm *gui.GuiWindow

	wm = b.WM
	if (wm == nil) {
		log.Println("mainMouseClick() BACK IN MAIN CONTROL PANEL CODE (wm is nil) WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?")
		log.Println("mainMouseClick() BACK IN MAIN CONTROL PANEL CODE (wm is nil) WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?")
	log.Println("mainMouseClick() BACK IN CONTROL PANEL CODE wm =", wm)
	log.Println("mainMouseClick() BACK IN CONTROL PANEL CODE window wm.W =", wm.W)
	if (wm.W == nil) {
		log.Println("mainMouseClick() BACK IN MAIN CONTROL PANEL CODE (wm.W is nil) WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?")
		log.Println("mainMouseClick() BACK IN MAIN CONTROL PANEL CODE (wm.W is nil) WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?")

	if (b.Action == "NEWTEXT") {
		log.Println("mainMouseClick() NEWTEXT wm.W =", wm.W)
	} else if (b.Action == "SPLASH") {
		log.Println("mainMouseClick() SPLASH wm.W =", wm.W)
	} else if (b.Action == "AREA") {
		log.Println("mainMouseClick() AREA wm.W =", wm.W)