package main /* This simply parses the command line arguments using the default golang package called 'flag'. This can be used as a simple template to parse command line arguments in other programs. It puts everything in a 'config' Protobuf which I think is a good wrapper around the 'flags' package and doesn't need a whole mess of global variables */ import "log" import "os" import "os/user" import "flag" import "fmt" import "runtime" import "io/ioutil" import "strings" import "" import pb "" import "" import "" var config *pb.Config // This loads the config file and marshals it into the // config protocol buffer definition. // Then it is very easy to pass all the config options // around and the re-write that JSON file when the GUI // exits func loadConfigFile() { // look up the user information user, err := user.Current() if err != nil { onExit(err) } spew.Dump(user) filename := "" // TODO: confirm this is correct for MacOS and Windows if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { log.Println("loadConfigFile() OS: Linux") filename = user.HomeDir + "/.config/cloud-control-panel.json" } else if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { log.Println("loadConfigFile() OS: Windows") filename = user.HomeDir + "\\cloud-control-panel.json" } else { log.Println("loadConfigFile() OS: " + runtime.GOOS) filename = user.HomeDir + "/.cloud-control-panel.json" } tmp := loadConfigFromFilename(filename) config = &tmp config.Filename = filename } var customUsage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "Usage of %s:\n", os.Args[0]) flag.PrintDefaults() fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("EXAMPLES:") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println(os.Args[0] + " --hostname") fmt.Println("") } var defaultconfig *bool func parseFlags() { var hostname string // always override the debugging flag from the command line var debug *bool var debugtable *bool flag.StringVar (&hostname, "hostname", "localhost", "Your full hostname") height := flag.Int ("height", 0, "Height of the Window") width := flag.Int ("width", 0, "Width of the Window") debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Enable debugging") defaultconfig = flag.Bool("defaultconfig", false, "Use the default config file") debugtable = flag.Bool("debugtable", false, "Enable GUI table debugging") // Set the output if something fails to stdout rather than stderr flag.CommandLine.SetOutput(os.Stdout) flag.Usage = customUsage flag.Parse() if flag.Parsed() { log.Println("flag.Parse() worked") } else { log.Println("flag.Parse() failed") onExit(nil) } if (*width > 100) { log.Println("ENABLE width =", int32(*width)) config.Width = int32(*width) } if (*height > 100) { log.Println("ENABLE height =", int32(*height)) config.Height = int32(*height) } if (hostname == "") { config.Hostname = hostname } // never allow these to be set in the config file config.Debug = *debug config.Debugtable = *debugtable } // Convert a Protobuf to JSON func PBtoJSON() string { // this makes a sample protobuf c := pb.MakeDefaultConfig() marshaler := &jsonpb.Marshaler{} stuff, _ := marshaler.MarshalToString(c) log.Println(stuff) return stuff } /* func writeToFile(filename string, a string) { f, _ := os.Create(filename) f.WriteString(a) f.Close() } */ func saveConfig() { filename := config.Filename if (filename == "") { log.Println("NOT SAVING CONFIG FILE") } else { marshaler := &jsonpb.Marshaler{} stuff, _ := marshaler.MarshalToString(config) log.Println(stuff) // writeToFile(filename, stuff) shell.Write(filename, stuff) } } // will load the default config from within the go binary func loadConfigFromFilename(filename string) pb.Config { sets := pb.Config{} b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { log.Println("ioutil.ReadFile() ERROR =", err) // This probably means this is the first time the user is opening this sets.Errors += 1 sets.Crash = "err" sets.Counter = 1 sets.Width = 500 sets.Height = 500 return sets } log.Println("ioutil.ReadFile() b =", b) err = jsonpb.Unmarshal(strings.NewReader(string(b)), &sets) if err != nil { log.Println("jsonpb.Unmarshal() ERROR =", err) } spew.Dump(sets) return sets } // will load the default config from within the go binary func loadDefaultConfig() *pb.Config { log.Println("TRY TO LOAD DEFAULT CONFIG") b, err := packrBox.FindString("cloud-control-panel.json") log.Println("b =", b) log.Println("err =", err) sets := pb.Config{} err = jsonpb.Unmarshal(strings.NewReader(string(b)), &sets) if err != nil { log.Println("jsonpb.Unmarshal() ERROR =", err) } spew.Dump(sets) return &sets } // // This is what you call from main() // func parseConfig() { // first load the config file loadConfigFile() log.Println("config.width", config.Width) log.Println("config.height", config.Height) log.Println("config.debug", config.Debug) // override the config file from the command line parseFlags() // // This check should be here for now. The config file has all the keys // if the user accidentally deletes it, it's like using your .ssh/ dir // if (config.Accounts == nil) { log.Println("loadConfigFile() config.Accounts == nil") log.Println("If debugging is on, should load default config here") if (*defaultconfig == true) { log.Println("Debugging is on, loading debug config accounts") tmp := loadDefaultConfig() config.Accounts = tmp.Accounts log.Println("loadConfigFile() config.Accounts =", config.Accounts) config.Width = tmp.Width config.Height = tmp.Height } } config.Dirty = false dirty, err := packrBox.FindString("build.DIRTY") if (err == nil) { log.Println("dirty =", dirty) config.Dirty = true } }