package main import "log" import "io/ioutil" import "fmt" import "" // import "os" import "strings" import "" import "" // dns // import "" // reminder to use protobuf // // reminder to use this for JSON // // value := gjson.Get(json, "name.last") // println(value.String()) // value := gjson.Get(json, friends.#[last=="Murphy"].first) // use mergo to merge structs // import "" // mergo.Merge(&dest, src) // always sorted slice (new project) // var mainwin *ui.Window func hostnameButton(hostname string) ui.Control { tmpbox := ui.NewHorizontalBox() tmpbox.SetPadded(true) tmpButton := ui.NewButton(hostname) tmpbox.Append(tmpButton, false) tmpButton.OnClicked(func(*ui.Button) { log.Println("hostname =", config.String("hostname"), tmpButton) }) return tmpbox } func getPhysicalMachines(machineType string) []string { var machines []string home, _ := homedir.Dir() files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(home+"/wit/ansible/inventory-usw2/host_vars/") if err != nil { log.Println(err) return machines } for _, f := range files { s := strings.Split(f.Name(), ".") if strings.HasPrefix(s[1], machineType) { fmt.Println(f.Name(), s) machines = append(machines, f.Name()) } } return machines } func getPods(machineType string) []string { var pods []string home, _ := homedir.Dir() files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(home+"/wit/docs/usw2/") if err != nil { log.Println(err) return pods } for _, f := range files { s := strings.Split(f.Name(), ".") if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), machineType) { fmt.Println("Adding k8s pod: ", f.Name(), s) pods = append(pods, f.Name()) } else { fmt.Println("Ignoring: ", f.Name(), s) } } return pods } func makeButtonsPage(names []string) ui.Control { vbox := ui.NewVerticalBox() vbox.SetPadded(true) hbox := ui.NewHorizontalBox() hbox.SetPadded(true) vbox.Append(hbox, false) for _, hostname := range names { fmt.Println("hostname=", hostname) vbox.Append(hostnameButton(hostname), false) } vbox.Append(ui.NewHorizontalSeparator(), false) return vbox } func makeGroupEntries() ui.Control { group := ui.NewGroup("Entries") group.SetMargined(true) group.SetChild(ui.NewNonWrappingMultilineEntry()) entryForm := ui.NewForm() entryForm.SetPadded(true) group.SetChild(entryForm) entryForm.Append("Entry", ui.NewEntry(), false) entryForm.Append("Password Entry", ui.NewPasswordEntry(), false) entryForm.Append("Search Entry", ui.NewSearchEntry(), false) entryForm.Append("Multiline Entry", ui.NewMultilineEntry(), true) entryForm.Append("Multiline Entry No Wrap", ui.NewNonWrappingMultilineEntry(), true) return group } func makeNumbersPage() ui.Control { hbox := ui.NewHorizontalBox() hbox.SetPadded(true) group := ui.NewGroup("Numbers") group.SetMargined(true) hbox.Append(group, true) vbox := ui.NewVerticalBox() vbox.SetPadded(true) group.SetChild(vbox) spinbox := ui.NewSpinbox(47, 100) slider := ui.NewSlider(21, 100) pbar := ui.NewProgressBar() spinbox.OnChanged(func(*ui.Spinbox) { slider.SetValue(spinbox.Value()) pbar.SetValue(spinbox.Value()) }) slider.OnChanged(func(*ui.Slider) { spinbox.SetValue(slider.Value()) pbar.SetValue(slider.Value()) }) vbox.Append(spinbox, false) vbox.Append(slider, false) vbox.Append(pbar, false) ip := ui.NewProgressBar() ip.SetValue(-1) vbox.Append(ip, false) group = ui.NewGroup("Lists") group.SetMargined(true) hbox.Append(group, true) vbox = ui.NewVerticalBox() vbox.SetPadded(true) group.SetChild(vbox) cbox := ui.NewCombobox() cbox.Append("Combobox Item 1") cbox.Append("Combobox Item 2") cbox.Append("Combobox Item 3") vbox.Append(cbox, false) ecbox := ui.NewEditableCombobox() ecbox.Append("Editable Item 1") ecbox.Append("Editable Item 2") ecbox.Append("Editable Item 3") vbox.Append(ecbox, false) rb := ui.NewRadioButtons() rb.Append("Radio Button 1") rb.Append("Radio Button 2") rb.Append("Radio Button 3") vbox.Append(rb, false) return hbox } func makeDataChoosersPage() ui.Control { hbox := ui.NewHorizontalBox() hbox.SetPadded(true) vbox := ui.NewVerticalBox() vbox.SetPadded(true) hbox.Append(vbox, false) vbox.Append(ui.NewDatePicker(), false) vbox.Append(ui.NewTimePicker(), false) vbox.Append(ui.NewDateTimePicker(), false) vbox.Append(ui.NewFontButton(), false) vbox.Append(ui.NewColorButton(), false) hbox.Append(ui.NewVerticalSeparator(), false) vbox = ui.NewVerticalBox() vbox.SetPadded(true) hbox.Append(vbox, true) grid := ui.NewGrid() grid.SetPadded(true) vbox.Append(grid, false) button := ui.NewButton("Open File") entry := ui.NewEntry() entry.SetReadOnly(true) button.OnClicked(func(*ui.Button) { filename := ui.OpenFile(mainwin) if filename == "" { filename = "(cancelled)" } entry.SetText(filename) }) grid.Append(button, 0, 0, 1, 1, false, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill) grid.Append(entry, 1, 0, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill) button = ui.NewButton("Save File") entry2 := ui.NewEntry() entry2.SetReadOnly(true) button.OnClicked(func(*ui.Button) { filename := ui.SaveFile(mainwin) if filename == "" { filename = "(cancelled)" } entry2.SetText(filename) }) grid.Append(button, 0, 1, 1, 1, false, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill) grid.Append(entry2, 1, 1, 1, 1, true, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill) msggrid := ui.NewGrid() msggrid.SetPadded(true) grid.Append(msggrid, 0, 2, 2, 1, false, ui.AlignCenter, false, ui.AlignStart) button = ui.NewButton("Message Box") button.OnClicked(func(*ui.Button) { ui.MsgBox(mainwin, "This is a normal message box.", "More detailed information can be shown here.") }) msggrid.Append(button, 0, 0, 1, 1, false, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill) button = ui.NewButton("Error Box") button.OnClicked(func(*ui.Button) { ui.MsgBoxError(mainwin, "This message box describes an error.", "More detailed information can be shown here.") }) msggrid.Append(button, 1, 0, 1, 1, false, ui.AlignFill, false, ui.AlignFill) return hbox } func setupUI() { mainwin = ui.NewWindow("Cloud Control Panel", config.Int("width"), config.Int("height"), false) mainwin.OnClosing(func(*ui.Window) bool { ui.Quit() return true }) ui.OnShouldQuit(func() bool { mainwin.Destroy() return true }) tab := ui.NewTab() mainwin.SetChild(tab) mainwin.SetMargined(true) tab.Append("Hypervisors", makeButtonsPage(getPhysicalMachines("h"))) tab.SetMargined(0, true) tab.Append("Ceph", makeButtonsPage(getPhysicalMachines("d"))) tab.SetMargined(1, true) tab.Append("k8s Pods", makeButtonsPage(getPods(""))) tab.SetMargined(2, true) tab.Append("VMs", makeNumbersPage()) tab.SetMargined(3, true) tab.Append("Data Choosers", makeDataChoosersPage()) tab.SetMargined(4, true) tab.Append("Table Test", maketable()) tab.SetMargined(5, true) mainwin.Show() } func main() { parseConfig() ui.Main(setupUI) }