package main import "log" import "fmt" import "runtime" import "os/exec" import "strings" import "" import pb "" import "" // // THIS IS THE STANDARD VM DISPLAY TABLE // This maps the 'human' indexed cells in the table // to the machine's andlabs/libui values. That way // if you want to work against column 4, then you // can just reference 4 instead of the internal number // which could be anything since TEXTCOLOR, TEXT, BG, etc // fields use between 1 and 3 values internally // func addVmsTab(gw *gui.GuiWindow, name string, count int, a *pb.Account) *gui.TableData { var parts []gui.TableColumnData human := 0 tmp := gui.TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "BG" tmp.Heading = "background" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = gui.TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR" tmp.Heading = "name" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = gui.TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR" tmp.Heading = "hostname" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = gui.TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR" tmp.Heading = "IPv6" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = gui.TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR" tmp.Heading = "cpus" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = gui.TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "TEXTCOLOR" tmp.Heading = "memory" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 tmp = gui.TableColumnData{} tmp.CellType = "BUTTON" tmp.Heading = "Details" tmp.Index = human parts = append(parts, tmp) human += 1 mh := gui.AddTableTab(gw, name, count, parts) gui.CreateButton(mh.Box, a, nil, "Add Virtual Machine", "JUNK", createAddVmBox) return mh } func createAddVmBox(b *gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("createAddVmBox() START") gw := b.Box.Window log.Println("createAddVmBox() gw =", gw) name := "(" + b.Account.Nick + ")" // gw.BoxMap["ADD VM" + name] = box txt := "ADD VM " + name gw = gui.InitGuiWindow(config, txt, gw) box := gui.AddGenericBox(gw, name) // Add hostname entry box hostname := gui.MakeEntryHbox(box, "Hostname:", "testhost", true, "Hostname") memory := gui.MakeEntryHbox(box, "Memory:", "512", true, "Memory") disk := gui.MakeEntryHbox(box, "Disk:", "20", true, "Disk") log.Println("createAddVmBox() hostname, memory, disk =", hostname, memory, disk) gui.HorizontalBreak(box) gui.CreateButton(box, b.Account, nil, "Add Virtual Machine", "CREATE", nil) gui.CreateButton(box, b.Account, nil, "Cancel", "CLOSE", nil) } func showVmMouseClick(b *gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("showVmMouseClick() START b.Box.Window =", b.Box.Window) createVmBox(b.Box.Window, b.VM) log.Println("showVmMouseClick() END") } func createVmBox(gw *gui.GuiWindow, vm *pb.Event_VM) { log.Println("CreateVmBox() START") log.Println("CreateVmBox() vm.Name =", vm.Name) log.Println("CreateVmBox() gw =", gw) txt := "createVmBox() " + vm.Name gw = gui.InitGuiWindow(config, txt, gw) box := gui.AddGenericBox(gw, vm.Name) // Add hostname entry box gui.MakeEntryVbox(box, "hostname:", vm.Hostname, true, "Hostname") gui.MakeEntryVbox(box, "IPv6:", vm.IPv6, true, "IPv6") gui.MakeEntryVbox(box, "RAM:", fmt.Sprintf("%d",vm.Memory), true, "Memory") gui.MakeEntryVbox(box, "CPU:", fmt.Sprintf("%d",vm.Cpus), true, "Cpus") gui.MakeEntryVbox(box, "Disk (GB):", fmt.Sprintf("%d",vm.Disk), true, "Disk") gui.MakeEntryVbox(box, "OS Image:", vm.BaseImage, true, "BaseImage") gui.HorizontalBreak(box) gui.CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Power On", "POWERON", nil) gui.CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Power Off", "POWEROFF", nil) gui.CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Destroy", "DESTROY", nil) gui.CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "ping", "PING", runPingClick) gui.CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Console", "XTERM", runTestExecClick) gui.CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Save", "SAVE", nil) gui.CreateButton(box, nil, vm, "Done", "DONE", nil) } func runTestHide(b *gui.GuiButton) { /* log.Println("runTestHide START") Data.Window1.Box1.Hide() Data.Window1.Box2.Hide() // time.Sleep(2000 * time.Millisecond) Data.State = "HIDE" log.Println("runTestHide END") */ } func runPingClick(b *gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("runPingClick START") log.Println("runTestExecClick b.VM", b.VM) hostname := "localhost" if (b.VM != nil) { hostname = b.VM.Hostname } spew.Dump(b) var tmp []string tmp = append(tmp, "xterm", "-geometry", "120x30", "-e", "ping " + hostname + ";sleep 3") go runCommand(tmp) log.Println("runPingClick END") } func runTestExecClick(b *gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("runTestExecClick START") if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { go runSimpleCommand("xterm -report-fonts") } else if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { go runSimpleCommand("mintty.exe") } else { go runSimpleCommand("xterm") } log.Println("runTestExecClick END") } func runSimpleCommand(s string) { cmd := strings.TrimSpace(s) // this is like 'chomp' in perl cmdArgs := strings.Fields(cmd) runCommand(cmdArgs) } func runCommand(cmdArgs []string) { log.Println("runCommand() START", cmdArgs) process := exec.Command(cmdArgs[0], cmdArgs[1:len(cmdArgs)]...) // process := exec.Command("xterm", "-e", "ping localhost") log.Println("runCommand() process.Start()") process.Start() log.Println("runCommand() process.Wait()") process.Wait() log.Println("runCommand() NEED TO CHECK THE TIME HERE TO SEE IF THIS WORKED") log.Println("runCommand() OTHERWISE INFORM THE USER") log.Println("runCommand() END") }