package main import "log" // import "fmt" import "time" import "runtime" import "os/exec" import "strings" import "" // import pb "" import "" // import "" // import _ "" // import pb "" func debugClick(b *gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("debugClick() START") gw := b.Box.Window // if there is not an account, then go to 'make account' gw = gui.InitGuiWindow("debug() Box22", gw) log.Println("debugClick() AddGenericBox() START") box := gui.HardBox(gw, gui.Yaxis, "debugging") log.Println("debugClick() AddGenericBox() END box =", box) makeButton(box, nil, nil, "empty", "SUBDOMAIN", nil) gui.HorizontalBreak(box) makeButton(box, nil, nil, "Create Subdomain Account", "ADD", addSubdomainClick) hardXbox := gui.HardBox(gw, gui.Xaxis, "subdomain test") Ybox1 := gui.NewBox(hardXbox, gui.Yaxis, "subdomain Y test") Xbox1 := gui.NewBox(Ybox1, gui.Xaxis, "subdomain Y test") makeButton(Xbox1, nil, nil, "ping", "SUBDOMAIN", runPingClick) makeButton(Xbox1, nil, nil, "Cross platform shell test", "SUBDOMAIN", runTestExecClick) makeButton(Xbox1, nil, nil, "empty 3", "SUBDOMAIN", nil) makeButton(Xbox1, nil, nil, "empty 4", "SUBDOMAIN", nil) Xbox1 = gui.NewBox(Ybox1, gui.Xaxis, "subdomain Y1 test") makeButton(Xbox1, nil, nil, "List all windows & tabs", "SUBDOMAIN", func (*gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("gui.DumpBoxes()") gui.DumpBoxes() }) makeButton(Xbox1, nil, nil, "Debug IPv6", "SUBDOMAIN", func (*gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("Need to add IPv6 debugging here") }) Ybox2 := gui.NewBox(hardXbox, gui.Yaxis, "subdomain Y test") makeButton(Ybox2, nil, nil, "Hide all tabs", "SUBDOMAIN", func (*gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("debugClick() Hide()") box := gw.BoxMap["MAINBOX"] box.Window.UiTab.Hide() }) makeButton(Ybox2, nil, nil, "Hide sleep Show", "SUBDOMAIN", func (*gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("debugClick() Hide()") box := gw.BoxMap["MAINBOX"] box.Window.UiTab.Hide() time.Sleep(2000 * time.Millisecond) box.Window.UiTab.Show() }) makeButton(Ybox2, nil, nil, "Destroy tab 0", "SUBDOMAIN", func (*gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("debugClick() Destroy(0)") box := gw.BoxMap["MAINBOX"] box.Window.UiTab.Delete(0) }) makeButton(Ybox2, nil, nil, "Load the default test config file", "SUBDOMAIN", func (*gui.GuiButton) { newConfig := loadDefaultConfig() config.Accounts = newConfig.Accounts }) makeButton(Ybox2, nil, nil, "runtime.Stack() dump", "SUBDOMAIN", func (*gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("\tATTEMPT FULL STACK DUMP") buf := make([]byte, 1<<16) runtime.Stack(buf, true) log.Printf("%s", buf) log.Println("\tFINISHED FULL STACK DUMP") }) makeButton(Ybox2, nil, nil, "Close the GUI", "SUBDOMAIN", nil) } func runPingClick(b *gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("runPingClick START") values, _ := b.Values.(*myButtonInfo) log.Println("runTestExecClick values.VM", values.VM) hostname := "localhost" if (values.VM != nil) { hostname = values.VM.Hostname } spew.Dump(b) var tmp []string tmp = append(tmp, "xterm", "-geometry", "120x30", "-e", "ping " + hostname + ";sleep 3") go runCommand(tmp) log.Println("runPingClick END") } func runTestExecClick(b *gui.GuiButton) { log.Println("runTestExecClick START") if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { go runSimpleCommand("xterm -report-fonts") } else if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { go runSimpleCommand("mintty.exe") } else { go runSimpleCommand("xterm") } log.Println("runTestExecClick END") } func runSimpleCommand(s string) { cmd := strings.TrimSpace(s) // this is like 'chomp' in perl cmdArgs := strings.Fields(cmd) runCommand(cmdArgs) } func runCommand(cmdArgs []string) { log.Println("runCommand() START", cmdArgs) process := exec.Command(cmdArgs[0], cmdArgs[1:len(cmdArgs)]...) // process := exec.Command("xterm", "-e", "ping localhost") log.Println("runCommand() process.Start()") process.Start() log.Println("runCommand() process.Wait()") process.Wait() log.Println("runCommand() NEED TO CHECK THE TIME HERE TO SEE IF THIS WORKED") log.Println("runCommand() OTHERWISE INFORM THE USER") log.Println("runCommand() END") }