try to map the windows

Signed-off-by: Jeff Carr <>
This commit is contained in:
Jeff Carr 2019-06-03 18:49:58 -07:00
parent cbc96f2b61
commit 0d1b204d9e
2 changed files with 17 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func makeCloudInfoBox(gw *gui.GuiWindow) {
log.Println("makeCloudInfoBox() END")
func initWindow(gw *gui.GuiWindow, name string) *gui.GuiWindow {
func initWindow(gw *gui.GuiWindow, name string, axis int) *gui.GuiBox {
window := gui.Data.WindowMap[name]
if (window != nil) {
box := window.BoxMap["MAINBOX"]
@ -60,14 +60,20 @@ func initWindow(gw *gui.GuiWindow, name string) *gui.GuiWindow {
return nil
// if there is not an account, then go to 'make account'
return gui.InitGuiWindow("createAccount", gw)
newWindow := gui.InitGuiWindow("createAccount", gw)
var box *gui.GuiBox
if (axis == gui.Xaxis) {
box = gui.HardBox(newWindow, gui.Xaxis, name)
} else {
box = gui.HardBox(newWindow, gui.Yaxis, name)
return box
func createAccount(gw *gui.GuiWindow) {
gw = initWindow(gw, "createAccount")
if (gw == nil) { return }
box := gui.HardBox(gw, gui.Yaxis, "Create New Account")
box := initWindow(gw, "Create New Account", gui.Yaxis)
if (box == nil) { return }
// make a place for someone to enter their subdomain
hardXbox := gui.HardBox(gw, gui.Xaxis, "subdomain test")

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@ -20,16 +20,15 @@ func debugClick(b *gui.GuiButton) {
// if there is not an account, then go to 'make account'
// gw = gui.InitGuiWindow("debugClick", gw)
gw = initWindow(gw, "Debugging")
log.Println("debugClick() AddGenericBox() START")
box := gui.HardBox(gw, gui.Yaxis, "debugging")
log.Println("debugClick() AddGenericBox() END box =", box)
box := initWindow(gw, "Debugging", gui.Yaxis)
if (box == nil) { return }
log.Println("debugClick() initWindow() END")
makeButton(box, nil, nil, "empty", "SUBDOMAIN", nil)
makeButton(box, nil, nil, "Create Subdomain Account", "ADD", addSubdomainClick)
hardXbox := gui.HardBox(gw, gui.Xaxis, "subdomain test")
hardXbox := gui.HardBox(box.Window, gui.Xaxis, "subdomain test")
Ybox1 := gui.NewBox(hardXbox, gui.Yaxis, "subdomain Y test")
Xbox1 := gui.NewBox(Ybox1, gui.Xaxis, "subdomain Y test")
makeButton(Xbox1, nil, nil, "ping", "SUBDOMAIN", runPingClick)