138 lines
3.7 KiB
138 lines
3.7 KiB
package main
// auto run protoc with the correct args
import (
// THIS GENERATES THIS cmd and then runs it:
// autogenpb needs the commands:
// protoc
// gen-proto-go
// these are in the GO tools
// Thsese lines were taken from a working Makefile:
// test.pb.go: test.proto
// cd ~/go/src && protoc --go_out=. --proto_path=go.wit.com/apps/autogenpb/testautogen \
// --go_opt=Mtest.proto=go.wit.com/apps/autogenpb/testautogen \
// test.proto
// forgeConfig.pb.go: forgeConfig.proto
// cd ~/go/src && protoc --go_out=. --proto_path=go.wit.com/apps/autogenpb/testautogen \
// --go_opt=MforgeConfig.proto=go.wit.com/apps/autogenpb/testautogen \
// forgeConfig.proto
func (pb *Files) protocBuild(f *File, pbfile string) error {
// read in the .proto file
data, err := os.ReadFile(f.Filename)
if err != nil {
// log.Info("open config file :", err)
return err
if shell.Exists(pbfile) {
log.Info("protoc file already created", pbfile)
return nil
log.Info("Attempt to generate the protoc file:", pbfile)
// log.Info("go src", forge.GetGoSrc())
pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
log.Info("go.Getwd()", pwd)
if !strings.HasPrefix(pwd, argv.GoSrc) {
log.Info("are you building using a go.work file? If so,")
log.Info("your paths will not match because the default")
log.Info("is to use ~/go/src so you have to specify")
log.Info("where your path is with --go-src")
log.Info("todo: use forgepb to figure this out")
return errors.New("paths don't match")
gopath := strings.TrimPrefix(pwd, argv.GoSrc)
gopath = strings.Trim(gopath, "/")
log.Info("gopath", gopath)
cmd := []string{"protoc", "--go_out=."}
cmd = append(cmd, "--proto_path="+gopath)
cmd = append(cmd, "--go_opt=M"+f.Filename+"="+gopath)
// look for included proto files
lines := strings.Split(string(data), "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
// log.Info("line:", line)
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "import ") {
parts := strings.Split(line, "\"")
protofile := parts[1]
if shell.Exists(protofile) {
log.Info("adding import", protofile)
cmd = append(cmd, "--go_opt=M"+protofile+"="+gopath)
} else {
basepath, pname := filepath.Split(protofile)
if basepath == "" {
log.Warn("import line:", line, "missing proto file:", pname)
log.Warn("protoc will probably fail here")
} else {
log.Warn("need to check basepath here", basepath, pname)
start := "type " + names["Bases"] + " struct {"
if strings.HasSuffix(line, start) {
found = true
log.Info("FOUND line:", line)
fmt.Fprintln(w, line)
fmt.Fprintln(w, "\tsync.RWMutex // auto-added by go.wit.com/apps/autogenpb")
fmt.Fprintln(w, "")
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(w, line)
cmd = append(cmd, f.Filename)
log.Info("\tpwd", argv.GoSrc)
for i, s := range cmd {
log.Info("\t", i, s)
return runprotoc(argv.GoSrc, cmd)
func runprotoc(pwd string, mycmd []string) error {
result := shell.PathRun(argv.GoSrc, mycmd)
if result.Error != nil {
return userNotes(result)
if result.Exit != 0 {
return userNotes(result)
return nil
func userNotes(result cmd.Status) error {
log.Info("protoc failed", result.Cmd, "with", result.Exit)
for _, line := range result.Stdout {
log.Info("STDOUT:", line)
for _, line := range result.Stderr {
log.Info("STDERR:", line)
log.Info("This is likely because you don't have protoc and protoc-gen-go installed")
log.Info("On debian, you can:")
log.Info(" apt install protobuf-compiler # for protoc")
log.Info(" apt install protoc-gen-go # for protoc-gen-go")
return fmt.Errorf("protoc failed with %d %v", result.Exit, result.Error)