2025-01-09 15:03:05 -06:00
syntax = "proto3";
// Look at "example/fruit.proto" not this file
// this file is actually used by autogenpb
// here are some docs, but probably it's just easier to run
// autogenpb on this file and see what gets autogenerated
// in this directory. All autogenerated files are named *.pb.go
// the 'uuid' standard at the end is an experiment
// establish a way to identify arbitrary .pb files
// You can generate Marshal & Unmarshal for any struct (message) you want
// You can generate SortBy and Append functions ONLY FOR 'repeated <message>'
// Also, those structs must be defined in the same file
// Additionally, you must use `autogenpb:mutex` on the parent struct.
// The autogenerated code requires a RW mutex and autogenpb will insert it into the struct
package main;
// below are the actual structs autogen uses
// autogen parses the .proto file and then store the information
// it needs in these protobuf files, then it processes the
// protobuf files to write out *.sort.pb.go and *.marshal.pb.go files
2025-01-10 07:40:24 -06:00
message MsgVar {
2025-02-12 15:10:13 -06:00
string varName = 1; // the variable name
string varType = 2; // the variable type
bool isRepeated = 3; // does the variable repeate
bool hasSort = 4; // marked with sort
bool hasUnique = 5; // marked with unique
2025-01-10 07:40:24 -06:00
2025-01-09 15:03:05 -06:00
message MsgName {
2025-02-12 15:10:13 -06:00
string name = 1; // the name of the message aka struct. for this example: "Shelf"
string lockname = 2; // name of the lockfile. ends in Mu
bool doMarshal = 3; // if msg struct should have Marshal & Unmarshal functions
bool doMutex = 4; // true if a mutex is needed for the message struct
bool doProtocMutex = 5; // an experiment to insert a mutex into the protoc generated msg struct (bad idea?)
bool mutexFound = 6; // true if the mutex was added to the protoc pb.go file
repeated string sort = 7; // keys to sort on
repeated string unique = 8; // if the fields should have AppendUnique() functions
repeated MsgVar vars = 9; // store all the vars in the message
bool needIter = 10; // true if the sort iterator has not been generated yet
bool needAll = 11; // true if the sort iterator has not been generated yet
bool noMutex = 12; // only use the global mutex
2025-01-12 01:32:52 -06:00
message Sort {
2025-02-12 15:10:13 -06:00
string msgName = 1; // `autogenpb:unique` File
string varType = 2; // `autogenpb:unique` MsgName
string varName = 3; // `autogenpb:unique` msgNames, sortNames
string lockname = 4; //
bool needAll = 5; //
2025-01-12 01:32:52 -06:00
message Find {
2025-02-12 15:10:13 -06:00
string parent = 1; // `autogenpb:unique` File
string varType = 2; // `autogenpb:unique` MsgName
string varName = 3; // `autogenpb:unique` msgNames, sortNames
bool needAll = 4; //
2025-01-09 15:03:05 -06:00
2025-01-09 20:23:52 -06:00
message File {
2025-02-12 15:10:13 -06:00
// `autogenpb:var:w io.Writer`
string Package = 1; // whatever the package name is at the top of the .go file
string filename = 2; // yellow.proto
string pbfilename = 3; // yellow.pb.go
string filebase = 4; // yellow
string uuid = 5; // the uuid to use in a func NewMsgName()
string version = 6; // the version to use in a func NewMsgName()
MsgName bases = 7; // the message in "plural" form
MsgName base = 8; // the primary repeated message for the master struct
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2025-02-12 15:10:13 -06:00
// every struct in this proto file, this file has: "Apple", "Apples", ... "File", etc...
repeated MsgName msgNames = 9;
repeated MsgName sortNames = 10; // variables that are repeated can have the standard functions generated (Sort(), etc)
map<string, string> iterMap = 11;
repeated Sort toSort = 12; // variables that are repeated can have the standard functions generated (Sort(), etc)
string goPath = 13; // the version to use in a func NewMsgName()
2025-02-20 09:38:47 -06:00
bool doGui = 14; // if a gui.pb.go file should be created
2025-01-09 15:03:05 -06:00
// I know, I know, the whole point of using protobuf
// is so you don't need a uuid or versions because it's
// inherently forward compatable. nonetheless, a simple stubbed out
// trivial and empty protobuf message can marshal and identify all the files
// also, this could be used to modify /usr/bin/file /usr/share/magic to identify the files
// maybe this is already been done and is pointless, but it seems like a good idea
2025-02-12 15:10:13 -06:00
message Files { // `autogenpb:marshal`
string uuid = 1; // `autogenpb:uuid:6c9ae4dd-648d-4b51-9738-bd59fb8fafd5`
string version = 2; // `autogenpb:version:v0.0.38`
repeated File Files = 3; // an array of each .proto file in the working directory
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// this generic message is used by autogen to identify and
// then dump the uuid and version from any arbitrary .pb file
2025-02-12 15:10:13 -06:00
message Identify { // `autogenpb:marshal`
string uuid = 1; //
string version = 2; //
2025-01-09 15:03:05 -06:00