16 lines
532 B
16 lines
532 B
This project is compiled with the following Vivado version
Vivado v2017.4 (64-bit)
SW Build: 2086221 on Fri Dec 15 20:55:39 MST 2017
IP Build: 2085800 on Fri Dec 15 22:25:07 MST 2017
It uses two Xilinx IP modules that require temporary hardware licenses
axi_ethernet_0 AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet Subsystem:7.1
axi_usb2_device_0 AXI USB2 Device:5.0
From the command line
Go to the directory this file is in
Type vivado -mode tcl
At the vivado prompt
Type source bist_sha256.tcl
The project will be built in the bist_sha256 directory