
987 lines
31 KiB

* *
* Copyright (C) 2017 by Bohdan Tymkiv *
* bohdan.tymkiv@cypress.com bohdan200@gmail.com *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
#include "config.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "imp.h"
#include "target/target.h"
#include "target/cortex_m.h"
#include "target/breakpoints.h"
#include "target/target_type.h"
#include "time_support.h"
#include "target/algorithm.h"
* PSoC6 device definitions
#define MFLASH_SECTOR_SIZE (256u * 1024u)
#define WFLASH_SECTOR_SIZE (32u * 1024u)
#define MEM_BASE_MFLASH 0x10000000u
#define MEM_BASE_WFLASH 0x14000000u
#define MEM_WFLASH_SIZE 32768u
#define MEM_BASE_SFLASH 0x16000000u
#define RAM_STACK_WA_SIZE 2048u
#define PSOC6_SPCIF_GEOMETRY 0x4025F00Cu
#define PROTECTION_DEAD 0x04u
#define MEM_BASE_IPC 0x40230000u
#define IPC_STRUCT_SIZE 0x20u
#define MEM_IPC_ACQUIRE(n) (MEM_IPC(n) + 0x00u)
#define MEM_IPC_NOTIFY(n) (MEM_IPC(n) + 0x08u)
#define MEM_IPC_DATA(n) (MEM_IPC(n) + 0x0Cu)
#define MEM_IPC_LOCK_STATUS(n) (MEM_IPC(n) + 0x10u)
#define MEM_BASE_IPC_INTR 0x40231000u
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT_SIZE 0x20u
#define MEM_IPC_INTR_MASK(n) (MEM_IPC_INTR(n) + 0x08u)
#define IPC_ACQUIRE_SUCCESS_MSK 0x80000000u
#define IPC_LOCK_ACQUIRED_MSK 0x80000000u
#define IPC_ID 2u
#define IPC_INTR_ID 0u
#define IPC_TIMEOUT_MS 1000
#define SROMAPI_SIID_REQ 0x00000001u
#define SROMAPI_WRITEROW_REQ 0x05000100u
#define SROMAPI_PROGRAMROW_REQ 0x06000100u
#define SROMAPI_ERASESECTOR_REQ 0x14000100u
#define SROMAPI_ERASEALL_REQ 0x0A000100u
#define SROMAPI_ERASEROW_REQ 0x1C000100u
#define SROMAPI_STATUS_MSK 0xF0000000u
#define SROMAPI_STAT_SUCCESS 0xA0000000u
#define SROMAPI_DATA_LOCATION_MSK 0x00000001u
struct psoc6_target_info {
uint32_t silicon_id;
uint8_t protection;
uint32_t main_flash_sz;
uint32_t row_sz;
bool is_probed;
struct timeout {
int64_t start_time;
long timeout_ms;
struct row_region {
uint32_t addr;
size_t size;
static struct row_region safe_sflash_regions[] = {
{0x16000800, 0x800}, /* SFLASH: User Data */
{0x16001A00, 0x200}, /* SFLASH: NAR */
{0x16005A00, 0xC00}, /* SFLASH: Public Key */
{0x16007C00, 0x400}, /* SFLASH: TOC2 */
#define SFLASH_NUM_REGIONS (sizeof(safe_sflash_regions) / sizeof(safe_sflash_regions[0]))
static struct working_area *g_stack_area;
* Initializes timeout_s structure with given timeout in milliseconds
static void timeout_init(struct timeout *to, long timeout_ms)
to->start_time = timeval_ms();
to->timeout_ms = timeout_ms;
* Returns true if given timeout_s object has expired
static bool timeout_expired(struct timeout *to)
return (timeval_ms() - to->start_time) > to->timeout_ms;
* Prepares PSoC6 for running pseudo flash algorithm. This function allocates Working Area for
* the algorithm and for CPU Stack.
static int sromalgo_prepare(struct target *target)
int hr;
/* Initialize Vector Table Offset register (in case FW modified it) */
hr = target_write_u32(target, 0xE000ED08, 0x00000000);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
/* Allocate Working Area for Stack and Flash algorithm */
hr = target_alloc_working_area(target, RAM_STACK_WA_SIZE, &g_stack_area);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
/* Restore THUMB bit in xPSR register */
const struct armv7m_common *cm = target_to_armv7m(target);
hr = cm->store_core_reg_u32(target, ARMV7M_xPSR, 0x01000000);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
goto exit_free_wa;
return ERROR_OK;
/* Something went wrong, free allocated area */
if (g_stack_area) {
target_free_working_area(target, g_stack_area);
g_stack_area = NULL;
return hr;
* Releases working area
static int sromalgo_release(struct target *target)
int hr = ERROR_OK;
/* Free Stack/Flash algorithm working area */
if (g_stack_area) {
hr = target_free_working_area(target, g_stack_area);
g_stack_area = NULL;
return hr;
* Runs pseudo flash algorithm. Algorithm itself consist of couple of NOPs followed by BKPT
* instruction. The trick here is that NMI has already been posted to CM0 via IPC structure
* prior to calling this function. CM0 will immediately jump to NMI handler and execute
* SROM API code.
* This approach is borrowed from PSoC4 Flash Driver.
static int sromalgo_run(struct target *target)
int hr;
struct armv7m_algorithm armv7m_info;
armv7m_info.common_magic = ARMV7M_COMMON_MAGIC;
armv7m_info.core_mode = ARM_MODE_THREAD;
struct reg_param reg_params;
init_reg_param(&reg_params, "sp", 32, PARAM_OUT);
buf_set_u32(reg_params.value, 0, 32, g_stack_area->address + g_stack_area->size);
/* mov r8, r8; mov r8, r8 */
hr = target_write_u32(target, g_stack_area->address + 0, 0x46C046C0);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
/* mov r8, r8; bkpt #0 */
hr = target_write_u32(target, g_stack_area->address + 4, 0xBE0046C0);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
hr = target_run_algorithm(target, 0, NULL, 1, &reg_params, g_stack_area->address,
0, SROMAPI_CALL_TIMEOUT_MS, &armv7m_info);
return hr;
* Waits for expected IPC lock status.
* PSoC6 uses IPC structures for inter-core communication. Same IPCs are used to invoke SROM API.
* IPC structure must be locked prior to invoking any SROM API. This ensures nothing else in the
* system will use same IPC thus corrupting our data. Locking is performed by ipc_acquire(), this
* function ensures that IPC is actually in expected state
static int ipc_poll_lock_stat(struct target *target, uint32_t ipc_id, bool lock_expected)
int hr;
uint32_t reg_val;
struct timeout to;
timeout_init(&to, IPC_TIMEOUT_MS);
while (!timeout_expired(&to)) {
/* Process any server requests */
/* Read IPC Lock status */
hr = target_read_u32(target, MEM_IPC_LOCK_STATUS(ipc_id), &reg_val);
if (hr != ERROR_OK) {
LOG_ERROR("Unable to read IPC Lock Status register");
return hr;
bool is_locked = (reg_val & IPC_LOCK_ACQUIRED_MSK) != 0;
if (lock_expected == is_locked)
return ERROR_OK;
if (target->coreid) {
LOG_WARNING("SROM API calls via CM4 target are supported on single-core PSoC6 devices only. "
"Please perform all Flash-related operations via CM0+ target on dual-core devices.");
LOG_ERROR("Timeout polling IPC Lock Status");
* Acquires IPC structure
* PSoC6 uses IPC structures for inter-core communication. Same IPCs are used to invoke SROM API.
* IPC structure must be locked prior to invoking any SROM API. This ensures nothing else in the
* system will use same IPC thus corrupting our data. This function locks the IPC.
static int ipc_acquire(struct target *target, char ipc_id)
int hr = ERROR_OK;
bool is_acquired = false;
uint32_t reg_val;
struct timeout to;
timeout_init(&to, IPC_TIMEOUT_MS);
while (!timeout_expired(&to)) {
hr = target_write_u32(target, MEM_IPC_ACQUIRE(ipc_id), IPC_ACQUIRE_SUCCESS_MSK);
if (hr != ERROR_OK) {
LOG_ERROR("Unable to write to IPC Acquire register");
return hr;
/* Check if data is written on first step */
hr = target_read_u32(target, MEM_IPC_ACQUIRE(ipc_id), &reg_val);
if (hr != ERROR_OK) {
LOG_ERROR("Unable to read IPC Acquire register");
return hr;
is_acquired = (reg_val & IPC_ACQUIRE_SUCCESS_MSK) != 0;
if (is_acquired) {
/* If IPC structure is acquired, the lock status should be set */
hr = ipc_poll_lock_stat(target, ipc_id, true);
if (!is_acquired)
LOG_ERROR("Timeout acquiring IPC structure");
return hr;
* Invokes SROM API functions which are responsible for Flash operations
static int call_sromapi(struct target *target,
uint32_t req_and_params,
uint32_t working_area,
uint32_t *data_out)
int hr;
bool is_data_in_ram = (req_and_params & SROMAPI_DATA_LOCATION_MSK) == 0;
hr = ipc_acquire(target, IPC_ID);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
if (is_data_in_ram)
hr = target_write_u32(target, MEM_IPC_DATA(IPC_ID), working_area);
hr = target_write_u32(target, MEM_IPC_DATA(IPC_ID), req_and_params);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
/* Enable notification interrupt of IPC_INTR_STRUCT0(CM0+) for IPC_STRUCT2 */
hr = target_write_u32(target, MEM_IPC_INTR_MASK(IPC_INTR_ID), 1u << (16 + IPC_ID));
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
hr = target_write_u32(target, MEM_IPC_NOTIFY(IPC_ID), 1);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
hr = sromalgo_run(target);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
/* Poll lock status */
hr = ipc_poll_lock_stat(target, IPC_ID, false);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
/* Poll Data byte */
if (is_data_in_ram)
hr = target_read_u32(target, working_area, data_out);
hr = target_read_u32(target, MEM_IPC_DATA(IPC_ID), data_out);
if (hr != ERROR_OK) {
LOG_ERROR("Error reading SROM API Status location");
return hr;
bool is_success = (*data_out & SROMAPI_STATUS_MSK) == SROMAPI_STAT_SUCCESS;
if (!is_success) {
LOG_ERROR("SROM API execution failed. Status: 0x%08X", (uint32_t)*data_out);
return ERROR_OK;
* Retrieves SiliconID and Protection status of the target device
static int get_silicon_id(struct target *target, uint32_t *si_id, uint8_t *protection)
int hr;
uint32_t family_rev, siid_prot;
hr = sromalgo_prepare(target);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
/* Read FamilyID and Revision */
hr = call_sromapi(target, SROMAPI_SIID_REQ_FAMILY_REVISION, 0, &family_rev);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
/* Read SiliconID and Protection */
hr = call_sromapi(target, SROMAPI_SIID_REQ_SIID_PROTECTION, 0, &siid_prot);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
*si_id = (siid_prot & 0x0000FFFF) << 16;
*si_id |= (family_rev & 0x00FF0000) >> 8;
*si_id |= (family_rev & 0x000000FF) >> 0;
*protection = (siid_prot & 0x000F0000) >> 0x10;
hr = sromalgo_release(target);
return hr;
* Translates Protection status to openocd-friendly boolean value
static int psoc6_protect_check(struct flash_bank *bank)
int is_protected;
struct psoc6_target_info *psoc6_info = bank->driver_priv;
int hr = get_silicon_id(bank->target, &psoc6_info->silicon_id, &psoc6_info->protection);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
switch (psoc6_info->protection) {
is_protected = 0;
is_protected = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < bank->num_sectors; i++)
bank->sectors[i].is_protected = is_protected;
return ERROR_OK;
* Life Cycle transition is not currently supported
static int psoc6_protect(struct flash_bank *bank, int set, int first, int last)
LOG_WARNING("Life Cycle transition for PSoC6 is not supported");
return ERROR_OK;
* Translates Protection status to string
static const char *protection_to_str(uint8_t protection)
switch (protection) {
return "VIRGIN";
return "NORMAL";
return "SECURE";
return "DEAD";
return "UNKNOWN";
* Displays human-readable information about acquired device
static int psoc6_get_info(struct flash_bank *bank, char *buf, int buf_size)
struct psoc6_target_info *psoc6_info = bank->driver_priv;
if (psoc6_info->is_probed == false)
return ERROR_FAIL;
int hr = get_silicon_id(bank->target, &psoc6_info->silicon_id, &psoc6_info->protection);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
snprintf(buf, buf_size,
"PSoC6 Silicon ID: 0x%08X\n"
"Protection: %s\n"
"Main Flash size: %d kB\n"
"Work Flash size: 32 kB\n",
psoc6_info->main_flash_sz / 1024);
return ERROR_OK;
* Returns true if flash bank name represents Supervisory Flash
static bool is_sflash_bank(struct flash_bank *bank)
for (size_t i = 0; i < SFLASH_NUM_REGIONS; i++) {
if (bank->base == safe_sflash_regions[i].addr)
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if flash bank name represents Work Flash
static inline bool is_wflash_bank(struct flash_bank *bank)
return (bank->base == MEM_BASE_WFLASH);
* Returns true if flash bank name represents Main Flash
static inline bool is_mflash_bank(struct flash_bank *bank)
return (bank->base == MEM_BASE_MFLASH);
* Probes the device and populates related data structures with target flash geometry data.
* This is done in non-intrusive way, no SROM API calls are involved so GDB can safely attach to a
* running target.
* Function assumes that size of Work Flash is 32kB (true for all current part numbers)
static int psoc6_probe(struct flash_bank *bank)
struct target *target = bank->target;
struct psoc6_target_info *psoc6_info = bank->driver_priv;
int hr = ERROR_OK;
/* Retrieve data from SPCIF_GEOMATRY */
uint32_t geom;
target_read_u32(target, PSOC6_SPCIF_GEOMETRY, &geom);
uint32_t row_sz_lg2 = (geom & 0xF0) >> 4;
uint32_t row_sz = (0x01 << row_sz_lg2);
uint32_t row_cnt = 1 + ((geom & 0x00FFFF00) >> 8);
uint32_t bank_cnt = 1 + ((geom & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
/* Calculate size of Main Flash*/
uint32_t flash_sz_bytes = bank_cnt * row_cnt * row_sz;
if (bank->sectors) {
bank->sectors = NULL;
size_t bank_size = 0;
if (is_mflash_bank(bank))
bank_size = flash_sz_bytes;
else if (is_wflash_bank(bank))
bank_size = MEM_WFLASH_SIZE;
else if (is_sflash_bank(bank)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < SFLASH_NUM_REGIONS; i++) {
if (safe_sflash_regions[i].addr == bank->base) {
bank_size = safe_sflash_regions[i].size;
if (bank_size == 0) {
LOG_ERROR("Invalid Flash Bank base address in config file");
size_t num_sectors = bank_size / row_sz;
bank->size = bank_size;
bank->chip_width = 4;
bank->bus_width = 4;
bank->erased_value = 0;
bank->default_padded_value = 0;
bank->num_sectors = num_sectors;
bank->sectors = calloc(num_sectors, sizeof(struct flash_sector));
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_sectors; i++) {
bank->sectors[i].size = row_sz;
bank->sectors[i].offset = i * row_sz;
bank->sectors[i].is_erased = -1;
bank->sectors[i].is_protected = -1;
psoc6_info->is_probed = true;
psoc6_info->main_flash_sz = flash_sz_bytes;
psoc6_info->row_sz = row_sz;
return hr;
* Probes target device only if it hasn't been probed yet
static int psoc6_auto_probe(struct flash_bank *bank)
struct psoc6_target_info *psoc6_info = bank->driver_priv;
int hr;
if (psoc6_info->is_probed)
hr = ERROR_OK;
hr = psoc6_probe(bank);
return hr;
* Erases single sector (256k) on target device
static int psoc6_erase_sector(struct flash_bank *bank, struct working_area *wa, uint32_t addr)
struct target *target = bank->target;
LOG_DEBUG("Erasing SECTOR @%08X", addr);
int hr = target_write_u32(target, wa->address, SROMAPI_ERASESECTOR_REQ);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
hr = target_write_u32(target, wa->address + 0x04, addr);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
uint32_t data_out;
hr = call_sromapi(target, SROMAPI_ERASESECTOR_REQ, wa->address, &data_out);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
LOG_ERROR("SECTOR @%08X not erased!", addr);
return hr;
* Erases single row (512b) on target device
static int psoc6_erase_row(struct flash_bank *bank, struct working_area *wa, uint32_t addr)
struct target *target = bank->target;
LOG_DEBUG("Erasing ROW @%08X", addr);
int hr = target_write_u32(target, wa->address, SROMAPI_ERASEROW_REQ);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
hr = target_write_u32(target, wa->address + 0x04, addr);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
uint32_t data_out;
hr = call_sromapi(target, SROMAPI_ERASEROW_REQ, wa->address, &data_out);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
LOG_ERROR("ROW @%08X not erased!", addr);
return hr;
* Performs Erase operation.
* Function will try to use biggest erase block possible to speedup the operation
static int psoc6_erase(struct flash_bank *bank, int first, int last)
struct target *target = bank->target;
struct psoc6_target_info *psoc6_info = bank->driver_priv;
const uint32_t sector_size = is_wflash_bank(bank) ? WFLASH_SECTOR_SIZE : MFLASH_SECTOR_SIZE;
int hr;
struct working_area *wa;
if (is_sflash_bank(bank)) {
LOG_INFO("Erase operation on Supervisory Flash is not required, skipping");
return ERROR_OK;
hr = sromalgo_prepare(target);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
hr = target_alloc_working_area(target, psoc6_info->row_sz + 32, &wa);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
goto exit;
/* Number of rows in single sector */
const int rows_in_sector = sector_size / psoc6_info->row_sz;
while (last >= first) {
/* Erase Sector if we are on sector boundary and erase size covers whole sector */
if ((first % rows_in_sector) == 0 &&
(last - first + 1) >= rows_in_sector) {
hr = psoc6_erase_sector(bank, wa, bank->base + first * psoc6_info->row_sz);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
goto exit_free_wa;
for (int i = first; i < first + rows_in_sector; i++)
bank->sectors[i].is_erased = 1;
first += rows_in_sector;
} else {
/* Perform Row Erase otherwise */
hr = psoc6_erase_row(bank, wa, bank->base + first * psoc6_info->row_sz);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
goto exit_free_wa;
bank->sectors[first].is_erased = 1;
first += 1;
target_free_working_area(target, wa);
return hr;
* Programs single Flash Row
static int psoc6_program_row(struct flash_bank *bank,
uint32_t addr,
const uint8_t *buffer,
bool is_sflash)
struct target *target = bank->target;
struct psoc6_target_info *psoc6_info = bank->driver_priv;
struct working_area *wa;
const uint32_t sromapi_req = is_sflash ? SROMAPI_WRITEROW_REQ : SROMAPI_PROGRAMROW_REQ;
uint32_t data_out;
int hr = ERROR_OK;
LOG_DEBUG("Programming ROW @%08X", addr);
hr = target_alloc_working_area(target, psoc6_info->row_sz + 32, &wa);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
goto exit;
hr = target_write_u32(target, wa->address, sromapi_req);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
goto exit_free_wa;
hr = target_write_u32(target,
wa->address + 0x04,
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
goto exit_free_wa;
hr = target_write_u32(target, wa->address + 0x08, addr);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
goto exit_free_wa;
hr = target_write_u32(target, wa->address + 0x0C, wa->address + 0x10);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
goto exit_free_wa;
hr = target_write_buffer(target, wa->address + 0x10, psoc6_info->row_sz, buffer);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
goto exit_free_wa;
hr = call_sromapi(target, sromapi_req, wa->address, &data_out);
target_free_working_area(target, wa);
return hr;
* Programs set of Rows
static int psoc6_program(struct flash_bank *bank,
const uint8_t *buffer,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t count)
struct target *target = bank->target;
struct psoc6_target_info *psoc6_info = bank->driver_priv;
const bool is_sflash = is_sflash_bank(bank);
int hr;
hr = sromalgo_prepare(target);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
uint8_t page_buf[psoc6_info->row_sz];
while (count) {
uint32_t row_offset = offset % psoc6_info->row_sz;
uint32_t aligned_addr = bank->base + offset - row_offset;
uint32_t row_bytes = MIN(psoc6_info->row_sz - row_offset, count);
memset(page_buf, 0, sizeof(page_buf));
memcpy(&page_buf[row_offset], buffer, row_bytes);
hr = psoc6_program_row(bank, aligned_addr, page_buf, is_sflash);
if (hr != ERROR_OK) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to program Flash at address 0x%08X", aligned_addr);
buffer += row_bytes;
offset += row_bytes;
count -= row_bytes;
hr = sromalgo_release(target);
return hr;
* Performs Mass Erase of given flash bank
* Syntax: psoc6 mass_erase bank_id
if (CMD_ARGC != 1)
struct flash_bank *bank;
int hr = CALL_COMMAND_HANDLER(flash_command_get_bank, 0, &bank);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
hr = psoc6_erase(bank, 0, bank->num_sectors - 1);
return hr;
* Simulates broken Vector Catch
* Function will try to determine entry point of user application. If it succeeds it will set HW
* breakpoint at that address, issue SW Reset and remove the breakpoint afterwards.
* In case of CM0, SYSRESETREQ is used. This allows to reset all peripherals. Boot code will
* reset CM4 anyway, so using SYSRESETREQ is safe here.
* In case of CM4, VECTRESET is used instead of SYSRESETREQ to not disturb CM0 core.
int handle_reset_halt(struct target *target)
int hr;
uint32_t reset_addr;
bool is_cm0 = (target->coreid == 0);
/* Halt target device */
if (target->state != TARGET_HALTED) {
hr = target_halt(target);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
target_wait_state(target, TARGET_HALTED, IPC_TIMEOUT_MS);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
/* Read Vector Offset register */
uint32_t vt_base;
const uint32_t vt_offset_reg = is_cm0 ? 0x402102B0 : 0x402102C0;
hr = target_read_u32(target, vt_offset_reg, &vt_base);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return ERROR_OK;
/* Invalid value means flash is empty */
vt_base &= 0xFFFFFF00;
if ((vt_base == 0) || (vt_base == 0xFFFFFF00))
return ERROR_OK;
/* Read Reset Vector value*/
hr = target_read_u32(target, vt_base + 4, &reset_addr);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
/* Invalid value means flash is empty */
if ((reset_addr == 0) || (reset_addr == 0xFFFFFF00))
return ERROR_OK;
/* Set breakpoint at User Application entry point */
hr = breakpoint_add(target, reset_addr, 2, BKPT_HARD);
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
const struct armv7m_common *cm = target_to_armv7m(target);
if (is_cm0) {
/* Reset the CM0 by asserting SYSRESETREQ. This will also reset CM4 */
LOG_INFO("psoc6.cm0: bkpt @0x%08X, issuing SYSRESETREQ", reset_addr);
hr = mem_ap_write_atomic_u32(cm->debug_ap,
/* Wait for bootcode and initialize DAP */
} else {
LOG_INFO("psoc6.cm4: bkpt @0x%08X, issuing VECTRESET", reset_addr);
hr = mem_ap_write_atomic_u32(cm->debug_ap,
if (hr != ERROR_OK)
return hr;
target_wait_state(target, TARGET_HALTED, IPC_TIMEOUT_MS);
/* Remove the break point */
breakpoint_remove(target, reset_addr);
return hr;
struct target *target = get_current_target(CMD_CTX);
return handle_reset_halt(target);
struct psoc6_target_info *psoc6_info;
int hr = ERROR_OK;
if (CMD_ARGC < 6)
else {
psoc6_info = calloc(1, sizeof(struct psoc6_target_info));
psoc6_info->is_probed = false;
bank->driver_priv = psoc6_info;
return hr;
static const struct command_registration psoc6_exec_command_handlers[] = {
.name = "mass_erase",
.handler = psoc6_handle_mass_erase_command,
.usage = NULL,
.help = "Erases entire Main Flash",
.name = "reset_halt",
.handler = psoc6_handle_reset_halt,
.usage = NULL,
.help = "Tries to simulate broken Vector Catch",
static const struct command_registration psoc6_command_handlers[] = {
.name = "psoc6",
.mode = COMMAND_ANY,
.help = "PSoC 6 flash command group",
.usage = "",
.chain = psoc6_exec_command_handlers,
struct flash_driver psoc6_flash = {
.name = "psoc6",
.commands = psoc6_command_handlers,
.flash_bank_command = psoc6_flash_bank_command,
.erase = psoc6_erase,
.protect = psoc6_protect,
.write = psoc6_program,
.read = default_flash_read,
.probe = psoc6_probe,
.auto_probe = psoc6_auto_probe,
.erase_check = default_flash_blank_check,
.protect_check = psoc6_protect_check,
.info = psoc6_get_info,
.free_driver_priv = default_flash_free_driver_priv,