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230 lines
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# Defines basic Tcl procs for OpenOCD target module
proc new_target_name { } {
return [target number [expr [target count] - 1 ]]
global in_process_reset
set in_process_reset 0
# Catch reset recursion
proc ocd_process_reset { MODE } {
global in_process_reset
if {$in_process_reset} {
set in_process_reset 0
return -code error "'reset' can not be invoked recursively"
set in_process_reset 1
set success [expr [catch {ocd_process_reset_inner $MODE} result]==0]
set in_process_reset 0
if {$success} {
return $result
} else {
return -code error $result
proc ocd_process_reset_inner { MODE } {
set targets [target names]
# If this target must be halted...
set halt -1
if { 0 == [string compare $MODE halt] } {
set halt 1
if { 0 == [string compare $MODE init] } {
set halt 1;
if { 0 == [string compare $MODE run ] } {
set halt 0;
if { $halt < 0 } {
return -code error "Invalid mode: $MODE, must be one of: halt, init, or run";
# Target event handlers *might* change which TAPs are enabled
# or disabled, so we fire all of them. But don't issue any
# target "arp_*" commands, which may issue JTAG transactions,
# unless we know the underlying TAP is active.
# NOTE: ARP == "Advanced Reset Process" ... "advanced" is
# relative to a previous restrictive scheme
foreach t $targets {
# New event script.
$t invoke-event reset-start
# Use TRST or TMS/TCK operations to reset all the tap controllers.
# TAP reset events get reported; they might enable some taps.
init_reset $MODE
# Examine all targets on enabled taps.
foreach t $targets {
if {![using_jtag] || [jtag tapisenabled [$t cget -chain-position]]} {
$t invoke-event examine-start
set err [catch "$t arp_examine allow-defer"]
if { $err == 0 } {
$t invoke-event examine-end
# Assert SRST, and report the pre/post events.
# Note: no target sees SRST before "pre" or after "post".
foreach t $targets {
$t invoke-event reset-assert-pre
foreach t $targets {
# C code needs to know if we expect to 'halt'
if {![using_jtag] || [jtag tapisenabled [$t cget -chain-position]]} {
$t arp_reset assert $halt
foreach t $targets {
$t invoke-event reset-assert-post
# Now de-assert SRST, and report the pre/post events.
# Note: no target sees !SRST before "pre" or after "post".
foreach t $targets {
$t invoke-event reset-deassert-pre
foreach t $targets {
# Again, de-assert code needs to know if we 'halt'
if {![using_jtag] || [jtag tapisenabled [$t cget -chain-position]]} {
$t arp_reset deassert $halt
foreach t $targets {
$t invoke-event reset-deassert-post
# Pass 1 - Now wait for any halt (requested as part of reset
# assert/deassert) to happen. Ideally it takes effect without
# first executing any instructions.
if { $halt } {
foreach t $targets {
if {[using_jtag] && ![jtag tapisenabled [$t cget -chain-position]]} {
# don't wait for targets where examination is deferred
# they can not be halted anyway at this point
if { ![$t was_examined] && [$t examine_deferred] } {
# Wait upto 1 second for target to halt. Why 1sec? Cause
# the JTAG tap reset signal might be hooked to a slow
# resistor/capacitor circuit - and it might take a while
# to charge
# Catch, but ignore any errors.
catch { $t arp_waitstate halted 1000 }
# Did we succeed?
set s [$t curstate]
if { 0 != [string compare $s "halted" ] } {
return -code error [format "TARGET: %s - Not halted" $t]
#Pass 2 - if needed "init"
if { 0 == [string compare init $MODE] } {
foreach t $targets {
if {[using_jtag] && ![jtag tapisenabled [$t cget -chain-position]]} {
# don't wait for targets where examination is deferred
# they can not be halted anyway at this point
if { ![$t was_examined] && [$t examine_deferred] } {
set err [catch "$t arp_waitstate halted 5000"]
# Did it halt?
if { $err == 0 } {
$t invoke-event reset-init
foreach t $targets {
$t invoke-event reset-end
proc using_jtag {} {
set _TRANSPORT [ transport select ]
expr { [ string first "jtag" $_TRANSPORT ] != -1 }
proc using_swd {} {
set _TRANSPORT [ transport select ]
expr { [ string first "swd" $_TRANSPORT ] != -1 }
proc using_hla {} {
set _TRANSPORT [ transport select ]
expr { [ string first "hla" $_TRANSPORT ] != -1 }
# Temporary migration aid. May be removed starting in January 2011.
proc armv4_5 params {
echo "DEPRECATED! use 'arm $params' not 'armv4_5 $params'"
arm $params
# Target/chain configuration scripts can either execute commands directly
# or define a procedure which is executed once all configuration
# scripts have completed.
# By default(classic) the config scripts will set up the target configuration
proc init_targets {} {
proc set_default_target_event {t e s} {
if {[$t cget -event $e] == ""} {
$t configure -event $e $s
proc init_target_events {} {
set targets [target names]
foreach t $targets {
set_default_target_event $t gdb-flash-erase-start "reset init"
set_default_target_event $t gdb-flash-write-end "reset halt"
set_default_target_event $t gdb-attach "halt"
# Additionally board config scripts can define a procedure init_board that will be executed after init and init_targets
proc init_board {} {
# deprecated target name cmds
proc cortex_m3 args {
echo "DEPRECATED! use 'cortex_m' not 'cortex_m3'"
eval cortex_m $args
proc cortex_a8 args {
echo "DEPRECATED! use 'cortex_a' not 'cortex_a8'"
eval cortex_a $args
# deprecated ftdi cmds
proc ftdi_location args {
echo "DEPRECATED! use 'adapter usb location' not 'ftdi_location'"
eval adapter usb location $args