# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # Dangerous Prototypes - Bus Blaster # # http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Bus_Blaster # # The Bus Blaster has a configurable buffer between the FTDI FT2232H # and the JTAG header which allows it to emulate various debugger # types. This config works with KT-Link compatible implementation from # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dergraaf/busblaster_v4/master/ktlink/ktlink.svf # # To reprogram the on-board CPLD do: # openocd -f board/dp_busblaster_v4.cfg -c "adapter speed 1000; init; svf <path_to_svf>; shutdown" # source [find interface/ftdi/dp_busblaster.cfg] ftdi_channel 1 jtag newtap xc2c64a tap -expected-id 0x06e5c093 -irlen 8