/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "driverlib.h" #include "MSP432E4_FlashLibIf.h" /* Local prototypes */ void msp432_flash_init(void); void msp432_flash_mass_erase(void); void msp432_flash_sector_erase(void); void msp432_flash_write(void); void msp432_flash_continous_write(void); void msp432_flash_exit(void); int main(void) { /* Disable interrupts */ __asm(" cpsid i"); /* Halt watchdog */ SYSCTL->RCGCWD &= ~(SYSCTL_RCGCWD_R1 + SYSCTL_RCGCWD_R0); while (1) { switch (FLASH_LOADER->FLASH_FUNCTION) { case FLASH_INIT: FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_BUSY; msp432_flash_init(); FLASH_LOADER->FLASH_FUNCTION = 0; break; case FLASH_MASS_ERASE: FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_BUSY; msp432_flash_mass_erase(); FLASH_LOADER->FLASH_FUNCTION = 0; break; case FLASH_SECTOR_ERASE: FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_BUSY; msp432_flash_sector_erase(); FLASH_LOADER->FLASH_FUNCTION = 0; break; case FLASH_PROGRAM: case FLASH_CONTINUOUS_PROGRAM: FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_BUSY; msp432_flash_continous_write(); FLASH_LOADER->FLASH_FUNCTION = 0; break; case FLASH_EXIT: FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_BUSY; msp432_flash_exit(); FLASH_LOADER->FLASH_FUNCTION = 0; break; case FLASH_NO_COMMAND: break; default: FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_WRONG_COMMAND; break; } } } /* Initialize flash */ void msp432_flash_init(void) { SCB->VTOR = 0x20000000; FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_SUCCESS; } /* Erase entire flash */ void msp432_flash_mass_erase(void) { bool success = false; /* Clear the flash access and error interrupts. */ FLASH_CTRL->FCMISC = (FLASH_FCMISC_AMISC | FLASH_FCMISC_VOLTMISC | FLASH_FCMISC_ERMISC | FLASH_FCMISC_PMISC); /* Trigger mass erase */ FLASH_CTRL->FMC = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC_MERASE; while (FLASH_CTRL->FMC & FLASH_FMC_MERASE) ; /* Return an error if an access violation occurred. */ success = !(FLASH_CTRL->FCRIS & (FLASH_FCRIS_ARIS | FLASH_FCRIS_VOLTRIS | FLASH_FCRIS_ERRIS)); if (!success) FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_VERIFY_ERROR; else FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_SUCCESS; } /* Erase one flash sector */ void msp432_flash_sector_erase(void) { bool success = false; /* Clear the flash access and error interrupts. */ FLASH_CTRL->FCMISC = (FLASH_FCMISC_AMISC | FLASH_FCMISC_VOLTMISC | FLASH_FCMISC_ERMISC | FLASH_FCMISC_PMISC); /* Set 16kB aligned flash page address to be erased (16kB block) */ FLASH_CTRL->FMA = FLASH_LOADER->DST_ADDRESS; /* Trigger sector erase (erase flash page) */ FLASH_CTRL->FMC = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC_ERASE; while (FLASH_CTRL->FMC & FLASH_FMC_ERASE) ; /* Return an error if an access violation occurred. */ success = !(FLASH_CTRL->FCRIS & (FLASH_FCRIS_ARIS | FLASH_FCRIS_VOLTRIS | FLASH_FCRIS_ERRIS)); if (!success) FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_ERROR; else FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_SUCCESS; } /* Write data to flash */ void msp432_flash_continous_write(void) { bool buffer1_in_use = false; bool buffer2_in_use = false; uint32_t *src_address = NULL; bool success = true; uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t address = FLASH_LOADER->DST_ADDRESS; uint32_t data_to_write = FLASH_LOADER->SRC_LENGTH; int32_t write_package = 0; /* Clear the flash access and error interrupts. */ FLASH_CTRL->FCMISC = (FLASH_FCMISC_AMISC | FLASH_FCMISC_VOLTMISC | FLASH_FCMISC_INVDMISC | FLASH_FCMISC_PROGMISC | FLASH_FCMISC_PMISC); do { if (data_to_write > SRC_LENGTH_MAX) { write_package = SRC_LENGTH_MAX; data_to_write -= write_package; } else { write_package = data_to_write; data_to_write -= write_package; } while (!(FLASH_LOADER->BUFFER1_STATUS_REGISTER & BUFFER_DATA_READY) && !(FLASH_LOADER->BUFFER2_STATUS_REGISTER & BUFFER_DATA_READY)) ; if (FLASH_LOADER->BUFFER1_STATUS_REGISTER & BUFFER_DATA_READY) { FLASH_LOADER->BUFFER1_STATUS_REGISTER |= BUFFER_ACTIVE; src_address = (uint32_t *) RAM_LOADER_BUFFER1; buffer1_in_use = true; } else if (FLASH_LOADER->BUFFER2_STATUS_REGISTER & BUFFER_DATA_READY) { FLASH_LOADER->BUFFER2_STATUS_REGISTER |= BUFFER_ACTIVE; src_address = (uint32_t *) RAM_LOADER_BUFFER2; buffer2_in_use = true; } /* * The flash hardware can only write complete words to flash. If * an unaligned address is passed in, we must do a read-modify-write * on a word with enough bytes to align the rest of the buffer. And * if less than a whole word remains at the end, we must also do a * read-modify-write on a final word to finish up. */ if (0 != (address & 0x3)) { uint32_t head; uint8_t *ui8head = (uint8_t *)&head; uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)src_address; /* Get starting offset for data to write (will be 1 to 3) */ uint32_t head_offset = address & 0x03; /* Get the aligned address to write this first word to */ uint32_t head_address = address & 0xfffffffc; /* Retrieve what is already in flash at the head address */ head = *(uint32_t *)head_address; /* Substitute in the new data to write */ while ((write_package > 0) && (head_offset < 4)) { ui8head[head_offset] = *buffer; head_offset++; address++; buffer++; write_package--; } src_address = (uint32_t *)buffer; FLASH_CTRL->FMD = head; FLASH_CTRL->FMA = head_address; FLASH_CTRL->FMC = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC_WRITE; /* Wait until the word has been programmed. */ while (FLASH_CTRL->FMC & FLASH_FMC_WRITE) ; /* Return an error if an access violation occurred. */ success = !(FLASH_CTRL->FCRIS & (FLASH_FCRIS_ARIS | FLASH_FCRIS_ERIS | FLASH_FCRIS_INVDRIS | FLASH_FCRIS_PROGRIS)); } /* Program a word at a time until aligned on 32-word boundary */ while ((write_package >= 4) && ((address & 0x7f) != 0) && success) { FLASH_CTRL->FMD = *src_address++; FLASH_CTRL->FMA = address; FLASH_CTRL->FMC = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC_WRITE; /* Wait until the word has been programmed. */ while (FLASH_CTRL->FMC & FLASH_FMC_WRITE) ; /* Prepare for next word to write */ write_package -= 4; address += 4; /* Return an error if an access violation occurred. */ success = !(FLASH_CTRL->FCRIS & (FLASH_FCRIS_ARIS | FLASH_FCRIS_ERIS | FLASH_FCRIS_INVDRIS | FLASH_FCRIS_PROGRIS)); } /* Program data in 32-word blocks */ while ((write_package >= 32) && success) { /* Loop over the words in this 32-word block. */ i = 0; do { FLASH_CTRL->FWBN[i] = *src_address++; write_package -= 4; i++; } while ((write_package > 0) && (i < 32)); FLASH_CTRL->FMA = address; FLASH_CTRL->FMC2 = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC2_WRBUF; /* Wait until the write buffer has been programmed. */ while (FLASH_CTRL->FMC2 & FLASH_FMC2_WRBUF) ; /* Increment destination address by words written */ address += 128; /* Return an error if an access violation occurred. */ success = !(FLASH_CTRL->FCRIS & (FLASH_FCRIS_ARIS | FLASH_FCRIS_ERIS | FLASH_FCRIS_INVDRIS | FLASH_FCRIS_PROGRIS)); } /* Program a word at a time on left over data */ while ((write_package >= 4) && success) { FLASH_CTRL->FMD = *src_address++; FLASH_CTRL->FMA = address; FLASH_CTRL->FMC = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC_WRITE; /* Wait until the word has been programmed. */ while (FLASH_CTRL->FMC & FLASH_FMC_WRITE) ; /* Prepare for next word to write */ write_package -= 4; address += 4; /* Return an error if an access violation occurred. */ success = !(FLASH_CTRL->FCRIS & (FLASH_FCRIS_ARIS | FLASH_FCRIS_ERIS | FLASH_FCRIS_INVDRIS | FLASH_FCRIS_PROGRIS)); } if ((write_package > 0) && success) { uint32_t tail; uint8_t *ui8tail = (uint8_t *)&tail; uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)src_address; /* Set starting offset for data to write */ uint32_t tail_offset = 0; /* Get the address to write this last word to */ uint32_t tail_address = address; /* Retrieve what is already in flash at the tail address */ tail = *(uint32_t *)address; /* Substitute in the new data to write */ while (write_package > 0) { ui8tail[tail_offset] = *buffer; tail_offset++; address++; buffer++; write_package--; } FLASH_CTRL->FMD = tail; FLASH_CTRL->FMA = tail_address; FLASH_CTRL->FMC = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC_WRITE; /* Wait until the word has been programmed. */ while (FLASH_CTRL->FMC & FLASH_FMC_WRITE) ; /* Return an error if an access violation occurred. */ success = !(FLASH_CTRL->FCRIS & (FLASH_FCRIS_ARIS | FLASH_FCRIS_ERIS | FLASH_FCRIS_INVDRIS | FLASH_FCRIS_PROGRIS)); } if (buffer1_in_use) { FLASH_LOADER->BUFFER1_STATUS_REGISTER &= ~(BUFFER_ACTIVE | BUFFER_DATA_READY); buffer1_in_use = false; } else if (buffer2_in_use) { FLASH_LOADER->BUFFER2_STATUS_REGISTER &= ~(BUFFER_ACTIVE | BUFFER_DATA_READY); buffer2_in_use = false; } } while (success && data_to_write); if (!success) FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_ERROR; else FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_SUCCESS; } /* Exit flash programming */ void msp432_flash_exit(void) { SCB->VTOR = 0x00000000; FLASH_LOADER->RETURN_CODE = FLASH_SUCCESS; }