source [find target/alphascale_asm9260t.cfg]

reset_config trst_and_srst

$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init {
	echo "Configure clock"
	# Enable SRAM clk
	mww 0x80040024 0x4
	# Enable IRQ clk
	mww 0x80040034 0x100
	# Enable DMA0,1 clk
	mww 0x80040024 0x600
	# Make sysre syspll is enabled
	mww 0x80040238 0x750
	mww 0x8004017C 0x2
	mww 0x80040180 0x2
	# Set PLL freq to 480MHz
	mww 0x80040100 480
	# normally we shoul waiting here until we get 0x1 (0x80040104)&0x1)==0x0)
	sleep 100

	# select PLL as main source
	mww 0x80040120 0x1
	# disable and enble main clk to update changes?
	mww 0x80040124 0x0
	mww 0x80040124 0x1

	echo "Configure memory"
	#enable EMI CLK
	mww 0x80040024 0x40

	# configure memory controller for internal SRAM
	mww 0x80700000 0x1188
	# change default emi clk delay
	mww 0x8004034C 0xA0503
	# make sure chip_select_register2_low has correct value (why?)
	mww 0x8070001c 0x20000000
	# set type to sdram and size to 32MB
	mww 0x8070005c 0xa
	# configure internal SDRAM timing
	mww 0x80700004 0x024996d9
	# configure Static Memory timing
	mww 0x80700094 0x00542b4f

	echo "Configure uart4"
	# enable pinctrl clk
	mww 0x80040024 0x2000000
	# mux GPIO3_0 and GPIO3_1 to UART4
	mww 0x80044060 0x2
	mww 0x80044064 0x2
	# configure UART4CLKDIV
	mww 0x800401a8 0x1
	# enable uart4 clk
	mww 0x80040024 0x8000
	# clear softrst and clkgate on uart4
	mww 0x80010008 0xC0000000
	# set bandrate 115200 12M
	mww 0x80010030 0x00062070
	# enable Rx&Tx
	mww 0x80010024 0x301
	# clear hw control
	mww 0x80010028 0xc000

$_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-phys 0x21ffe000 -work-area-virt 0xc1ffe000 -work-area-size 0x1000
$_TARGETNAME arm7_9 fast_memory_access enable
$_TARGETNAME arm7_9 dcc_downloads enable