# script for Atmel SAMD, SAMR, SAML or SAMC, a Cortex-M0 chip

# samdXX devices only support SWD transports.
source [find target/swj-dp.tcl]

if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } {
} else {
   set _CHIPNAME at91samd

if { [info exists ENDIAN] } {
} else {
   set _ENDIAN little

# Work-area is a space in RAM used for flash programming
# By default use 2kB
if { [info exists WORKAREASIZE] } {
} else {
   set _WORKAREASIZE 0x800

if { [info exists CPUTAPID] } {
} else {
   set _CPUTAPID 0x4ba00477

swj_newdap $_CHIPNAME cpu -irlen 4 -expected-id $_CPUTAPID

target create $_TARGETNAME cortex_m -endian $_ENDIAN -chain-position $_TARGETNAME

$_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-phys 0x20000000 -work-area-size $_WORKAREASIZE -work-area-backup 0

# SAMD DSU will hold the CPU in reset if TCK is low when RESET_N
# deasserts (see datasheet Atmel-42181E–SAM-D21_Datasheet–02/2015, section 12.6.2)
# dsu_reset_deassert configures whether we want to run or halt out of reset,
# then instruct the DSU to let us out of reset.
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-deassert-post {
        at91samd dsu_reset_deassert

# SRST (wired to RESET_N) resets debug circuitry
# srst_pulls_trst is not configured here to avoid an error raised in reset halt
reset_config srst_gates_jtag

# Do not use a reset button with other SWD adapter than Atmel's EDBG.
# DSU usually locks MCU in reset state until you issue a reset command
# in OpenOCD.

# SAMD runs at SYSCLK = 1 MHz divided from RC oscillator after reset.
# Other members of family usually use SYSCLK = 4 MHz after reset.
# Datasheet does not specify SYSCLK to SWD clock ratio.
# Usually used SYSCLK/6 is slow, testing shows that debugging can
# work @ SYSCLK/2 but your mileage may vary.
# This limit is most probably imposed by incorrectly handled SWD WAIT
# on some SWD adapters.

adapter_khz 400

# Atmel's EDBG (on-board cmsis-dap adapter of Xplained kits) works
# without problem at maximal clock speed. Atmel recommends
# adapter speed less than 10 * CPU clock.
# adapter_khz 5000

if {![using_hla]} {
   # if srst is not fitted use SYSRESETREQ to
   # perform a soft reset
   cortex_m reset_config sysresetreq

flash bank $_FLASHNAME at91samd 0x00000000 0 1 1 $_TARGETNAME