# script for Nuvoton MuMicro Cortex-M0 Series # Adapt based on what transport is active. source [find target/swj-dp.tcl] # Set Chipname if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } { set _CHIPNAME $CHIPNAME } else { set _CHIPNAME NuMicro } # SWD DP-ID Nuvoton NuMicro Cortex-M0 has SWD Transport only. if { [info exists CPUDAPID] } { set _CPUDAPID $CPUDAPID } else { set _CPUDAPID 0x0BB11477 } # Work-area is a space in RAM used for flash programming # By default use 2kB if { [info exists WORKAREASIZE] } { set _WORKAREASIZE $WORKAREASIZE } else { set _WORKAREASIZE 0x800 } # Debug Adapter Target Settings swj_newdap $_CHIPNAME cpu -irlen 4 -expected-id $_CPUDAPID set _TARGETNAME $_CHIPNAME.cpu target create $_TARGETNAME cortex_m -chain-position $_TARGETNAME $_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-phys 0x20000000 -work-area-size $_WORKAREASIZE -work-area-backup 0 # flash bank <name> numicro <base> <size(autodetect,set to 0)> 0 0 <target#> #set _FLASHNAME $_CHIPNAME.flash #flash bank $_FLASHNAME numicro 0 $_FLASHSIZE 0 0 $_TARGETNAME # flash size will be probed set _FLASHNAME $_CHIPNAME.flash_aprom flash bank $_FLASHNAME numicro 0x00000000 0 0 0 $_TARGETNAME set _FLASHNAME $_CHIPNAME.flash_data flash bank $_FLASHNAME numicro 0x0001F000 0 0 0 $_TARGETNAME set _FLASHNAME $_CHIPNAME.flash_ldrom flash bank $_FLASHNAME numicro 0x00100000 0 0 0 $_TARGETNAME set _FLASHNAME $_CHIPNAME.flash_config flash bank $_FLASHNAME numicro 0x00300000 0 0 0 $_TARGETNAME # set default SWCLK frequency adapter_khz 1000 # set default srst setting "none" reset_config none # HLA doesn't have cortex_m commands if {![using_hla]} { # if srst is not fitted use SYSRESETREQ to # perform a soft reset cortex_m reset_config sysresetreq }