# configuration file for NXP i.MX8M family of SoCs
if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } {
} else {
   set  _CHIPNAME imx8m

if { [info exists CHIPCORES] } {
    set _cores $CHIPCORES
} else {
    set _cores 1

# CoreSight Debug Access Port
if { [info exists DAP_TAPID] } {
        set _DAP_TAPID $DAP_TAPID
} else {
        set _DAP_TAPID 0x5ba00477

# the DAP tap
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME cpu -irlen 4 -ircapture 0x01 -irmask 0x0f \
        -expected-id $_DAP_TAPID

dap create $_CHIPNAME.dap -chain-position $_CHIPNAME.cpu


set DBGBASE {0x80410000 0x80510000 0x80610000 0x80710000}
set CTIBASE {0x80420000 0x80520000 0x80620000 0x80720000}

for { set _core 0 } { $_core < $_cores } { incr _core } {

    cti create $_CTINAME.$_core -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -ap-num 1 \
        -ctibase [lindex $CTIBASE $_core]

    set _command "target create $_TARGETNAME.$_core aarch64 -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap \
        -dbgbase [lindex $DBGBASE $_core] -cti $_CTINAME.$_core"

    if { $_core != 0 } {
        # non-boot core examination may fail
        set _command "$_command -defer-examine"
        set _smp_command "$_smp_command $_TARGETNAME.$_core"
    } else {
        set _smp_command "target smp $_TARGETNAME.$_core"

    eval $_command

eval $_smp_command

# declare the auxiliary Cortex-M4 core on AP #4
target create ${_CHIPNAME}.m4 cortex_m -dap ${_CHIPNAME}.dap -ap-num 4 \

# AHB-AP for direct access to soc bus
target create ${_CHIPNAME}.ahb mem_ap -dap ${_CHIPNAME}.dap -ap-num 0

# default target is A53 core 0
targets $_TARGETNAME.0