Included in these directories are the src to the various ram loaders used
within openocd.

** target checksum loaders **

checksum/armv4_5_crc.s :
 - ARMv4 and ARMv5 checksum loader : see target/arm_crc_code.c:arm_crc_code

checksum/armv7m_crc.s :
 - ARMv7m checksum loader : see target/armv7m.c:cortex_m_crc_code

checksum/mips32.s :
 - MIPS32 checksum loader : see target/mips32.c:mips_crc_code

** target flash loaders **

flash/pic32mx.s :
 - Microchip PIC32 flash loader : see flash/nor/pic32mx.c:pic32mx_flash_write_code

flash/stellaris.s :
 - TI Stellaris flash loader : see flash/nor/stellaris.c:stellaris_write_code

flash/stm32x.s :
 - ST STM32 flash loader : see flash/nor/stm32x.c:stm32x_flash_write_code

flash/str7x.s :
 - ST STR7 flash loader : see flash/nor/str7x.c:str7x_flash_write_code

flash/str9x.s :
 - ST STR9 flash loader : see flash/nor/str9x.c:str9x_flash_write_code

Spencer Oliver