/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by Dominic Rath * * Dominic.Rath@gmx.de * * * * Copyright (C) 2008 by Spencer Oliver * * spen@spen-soft.co.uk * * * * Copyright (C) 2011 by Andreas Fritiofson * * andreas.fritiofson@gmail.com * * * * Copyright (C) 2013 by Roman Dmitrienko * * me@iamroman.org * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "imp.h" #include <helper/binarybuffer.h> #include <target/algorithm.h> #include <target/armv7m.h> #include <target/cortex_m.h> /* keep family IDs in decimal */ #define EFM_FAMILY_ID_GECKO 71 #define EFM_FAMILY_ID_GIANT_GECKO 72 #define EFM_FAMILY_ID_TINY_GECKO 73 #define EFM_FAMILY_ID_LEOPARD_GECKO 74 #define EFM32_FLASH_ERASE_TMO 100 #define EFM32_FLASH_WDATAREADY_TMO 100 #define EFM32_FLASH_WRITE_TMO 100 /* size in bytes, not words; must fit all Gecko devices */ #define LOCKBITS_PAGE_SZ 512 #define EFM32_MSC_INFO_BASE 0x0fe00000 #define EFM32_MSC_USER_DATA EFM32_MSC_INFO_BASE #define EFM32_MSC_LOCK_BITS (EFM32_MSC_INFO_BASE+0x4000) #define EFM32_MSC_DEV_INFO (EFM32_MSC_INFO_BASE+0x8000) /* PAGE_SIZE is only present in Leopard and Giant Gecko MCUs */ #define EFM32_MSC_DI_PAGE_SIZE (EFM32_MSC_DEV_INFO+0x1e7) #define EFM32_MSC_DI_FLASH_SZ (EFM32_MSC_DEV_INFO+0x1f8) #define EFM32_MSC_DI_RAM_SZ (EFM32_MSC_DEV_INFO+0x1fa) #define EFM32_MSC_DI_PART_NUM (EFM32_MSC_DEV_INFO+0x1fc) #define EFM32_MSC_DI_PART_FAMILY (EFM32_MSC_DEV_INFO+0x1fe) #define EFM32_MSC_DI_PROD_REV (EFM32_MSC_DEV_INFO+0x1ff) #define EFM32_MSC_REGBASE 0x400c0000 #define EFM32_MSC_WRITECTRL (EFM32_MSC_REGBASE+0x008) #define EFM32_MSC_WRITECTRL_WREN_MASK 0x1 #define EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD (EFM32_MSC_REGBASE+0x00c) #define EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD_LADDRIM_MASK 0x1 #define EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD_ERASEPAGE_MASK 0x2 #define EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD_WRITEONCE_MASK 0x8 #define EFM32_MSC_ADDRB (EFM32_MSC_REGBASE+0x010) #define EFM32_MSC_WDATA (EFM32_MSC_REGBASE+0x018) #define EFM32_MSC_STATUS (EFM32_MSC_REGBASE+0x01c) #define EFM32_MSC_STATUS_BUSY_MASK 0x1 #define EFM32_MSC_STATUS_LOCKED_MASK 0x2 #define EFM32_MSC_STATUS_INVADDR_MASK 0x4 #define EFM32_MSC_STATUS_WDATAREADY_MASK 0x8 #define EFM32_MSC_STATUS_WORDTIMEOUT_MASK 0x10 #define EFM32_MSC_STATUS_ERASEABORTED_MASK 0x20 #define EFM32_MSC_LOCK (EFM32_MSC_REGBASE+0x03c) #define EFM32_MSC_LOCK_LOCKKEY 0x1b71 struct efm32x_flash_bank { int probed; uint32_t lb_page[LOCKBITS_PAGE_SZ/4]; }; struct efm32_info { uint16_t flash_sz_kib; uint16_t ram_sz_kib; uint16_t part_num; uint8_t part_family; uint8_t prod_rev; uint16_t page_size; }; static int efm32x_write(struct flash_bank *bank, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count); static int efm32x_get_flash_size(struct flash_bank *bank, uint16_t *flash_sz) { return target_read_u16(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_DI_FLASH_SZ, flash_sz); } static int efm32x_get_ram_size(struct flash_bank *bank, uint16_t *ram_sz) { return target_read_u16(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_DI_RAM_SZ, ram_sz); } static int efm32x_get_part_num(struct flash_bank *bank, uint16_t *pnum) { return target_read_u16(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_DI_PART_NUM, pnum); } static int efm32x_get_part_family(struct flash_bank *bank, uint8_t *pfamily) { return target_read_u8(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_DI_PART_FAMILY, pfamily); } static int efm32x_get_prod_rev(struct flash_bank *bank, uint8_t *prev) { return target_read_u8(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_DI_PROD_REV, prev); } static int efm32x_read_info(struct flash_bank *bank, struct efm32_info *efm32_info) { int ret; uint32_t cpuid = 0; memset(efm32_info, 0, sizeof(struct efm32_info)); ret = target_read_u32(bank->target, CPUID, &cpuid); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; if (((cpuid >> 4) & 0xfff) == 0xc23) { /* Cortex M3 device */ } else { LOG_ERROR("Target is not CortexM3"); return ERROR_FAIL; } ret = efm32x_get_flash_size(bank, &(efm32_info->flash_sz_kib)); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; ret = efm32x_get_ram_size(bank, &(efm32_info->ram_sz_kib)); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; ret = efm32x_get_part_num(bank, &(efm32_info->part_num)); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; ret = efm32x_get_part_family(bank, &(efm32_info->part_family)); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; ret = efm32x_get_prod_rev(bank, &(efm32_info->prod_rev)); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; if (EFM_FAMILY_ID_GECKO == efm32_info->part_family || EFM_FAMILY_ID_TINY_GECKO == efm32_info->part_family) efm32_info->page_size = 512; else if (EFM_FAMILY_ID_GIANT_GECKO == efm32_info->part_family || EFM_FAMILY_ID_LEOPARD_GECKO == efm32_info->part_family) { if (efm32_info->prod_rev >= 18) { uint8_t pg_size = 0; ret = target_read_u8(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_DI_PAGE_SIZE, &pg_size); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; efm32_info->page_size = (1 << ((pg_size+10) & 0xff)); } else { /* EFM32 GG/LG errata: MEM_INFO_PAGE_SIZE is invalid for MCUs with PROD_REV < 18 */ if (efm32_info->flash_sz_kib < 512) efm32_info->page_size = 2048; else efm32_info->page_size = 4096; } if ((2048 != efm32_info->page_size) && (4096 != efm32_info->page_size)) { LOG_ERROR("Invalid page size %u", efm32_info->page_size); return ERROR_FAIL; } } else { LOG_ERROR("Unknown MCU family %d", efm32_info->part_family); return ERROR_FAIL; } return ERROR_OK; } /* flash bank efm32 <base> <size> 0 0 <target#> */ FLASH_BANK_COMMAND_HANDLER(efm32x_flash_bank_command) { struct efm32x_flash_bank *efm32x_info; if (CMD_ARGC < 6) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; efm32x_info = malloc(sizeof(struct efm32x_flash_bank)); bank->driver_priv = efm32x_info; efm32x_info->probed = 0; memset(efm32x_info->lb_page, 0xff, LOCKBITS_PAGE_SZ); return ERROR_OK; } /* set or reset given bits in a register */ static int efm32x_set_reg_bits(struct flash_bank *bank, uint32_t reg, uint32_t bitmask, int set) { int ret = 0; uint32_t reg_val = 0; ret = target_read_u32(bank->target, reg, ®_val); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; if (set) reg_val |= bitmask; else reg_val &= ~bitmask; return target_write_u32(bank->target, reg, reg_val); } static int efm32x_set_wren(struct flash_bank *bank, int write_enable) { return efm32x_set_reg_bits(bank, EFM32_MSC_WRITECTRL, EFM32_MSC_WRITECTRL_WREN_MASK, write_enable); } static int efm32x_msc_lock(struct flash_bank *bank, int lock) { return target_write_u32(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_LOCK, (lock ? 0 : EFM32_MSC_LOCK_LOCKKEY)); } static int efm32x_wait_status(struct flash_bank *bank, int timeout, uint32_t wait_mask, int wait_for_set) { int ret = 0; uint32_t status = 0; while (1) { ret = target_read_u32(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_STATUS, &status); if (ERROR_OK != ret) break; LOG_DEBUG("status: 0x%" PRIx32 "", status); if (((status & wait_mask) == 0) && (0 == wait_for_set)) break; else if (((status & wait_mask) != 0) && wait_for_set) break; if (timeout-- <= 0) { LOG_ERROR("timed out waiting for MSC status"); return ERROR_FAIL; } alive_sleep(1); } if (status & EFM32_MSC_STATUS_ERASEABORTED_MASK) LOG_WARNING("page erase was aborted"); return ret; } static int efm32x_erase_page(struct flash_bank *bank, uint32_t addr) { /* this function DOES NOT set WREN; must be set already */ /* 1. write address to ADDRB 2. write LADDRIM 3. check status (INVADDR, LOCKED) 4. write ERASEPAGE 5. wait until !STATUS_BUSY */ int ret = 0; uint32_t status = 0; LOG_DEBUG("erasing flash page at 0x%08" PRIx32, addr); ret = target_write_u32(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_ADDRB, addr); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; ret = efm32x_set_reg_bits(bank, EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD, EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD_LADDRIM_MASK, 1); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; ret = target_read_u32(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_STATUS, &status); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; LOG_DEBUG("status 0x%" PRIx32, status); if (status & EFM32_MSC_STATUS_LOCKED_MASK) { LOG_ERROR("Page is locked"); return ERROR_FAIL; } else if (status & EFM32_MSC_STATUS_INVADDR_MASK) { LOG_ERROR("Invalid address 0x%" PRIx32, addr); return ERROR_FAIL; } ret = efm32x_set_reg_bits(bank, EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD, EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD_ERASEPAGE_MASK, 1); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; return efm32x_wait_status(bank, EFM32_FLASH_ERASE_TMO, EFM32_MSC_STATUS_BUSY_MASK, 0); } static int efm32x_erase(struct flash_bank *bank, int first, int last) { struct target *target = bank->target; int i = 0; int ret = 0; if (TARGET_HALTED != target->state) { LOG_ERROR("Target not halted"); return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED; } efm32x_msc_lock(bank, 0); ret = efm32x_set_wren(bank, 1); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to enable MSC write"); return ret; } for (i = first; i <= last; i++) { ret = efm32x_erase_page(bank, bank->sectors[i].offset); if (ERROR_OK != ret) LOG_ERROR("Failed to erase page %d", i); } ret = efm32x_set_wren(bank, 0); efm32x_msc_lock(bank, 1); return ret; } static int efm32x_read_lock_data(struct flash_bank *bank) { struct efm32x_flash_bank *efm32x_info = bank->driver_priv; struct target *target = bank->target; int i = 0; int data_size = 0; uint32_t *ptr = NULL; int ret = 0; assert(!(bank->num_sectors & 0x1f)); data_size = bank->num_sectors / 8; /* number of data bytes */ data_size /= 4; /* ...and data dwords */ ptr = efm32x_info->lb_page; for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++, ptr++) { ret = target_read_u32(target, EFM32_MSC_LOCK_BITS+i*4, ptr); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read PLW %d", i); return ret; } } /* also, read ULW, DLW and MLW */ /* ULW, word 126 */ ptr = efm32x_info->lb_page + 126; ret = target_read_u32(target, EFM32_MSC_LOCK_BITS+126*4, ptr); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read ULW"); return ret; } /* DLW, word 127 */ ptr = efm32x_info->lb_page + 127; ret = target_read_u32(target, EFM32_MSC_LOCK_BITS+127*4, ptr); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read DLW"); return ret; } /* MLW, word 125, present in GG and LG */ ptr = efm32x_info->lb_page + 125; ret = target_read_u32(target, EFM32_MSC_LOCK_BITS+125*4, ptr); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read MLW"); return ret; } return ERROR_OK; } static int efm32x_write_lock_data(struct flash_bank *bank) { struct efm32x_flash_bank *efm32x_info = bank->driver_priv; int ret = 0; ret = efm32x_erase_page(bank, EFM32_MSC_LOCK_BITS); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to erase LB page"); return ret; } return efm32x_write(bank, (uint8_t *)efm32x_info->lb_page, EFM32_MSC_LOCK_BITS, LOCKBITS_PAGE_SZ); } static int efm32x_get_page_lock(struct flash_bank *bank, size_t page) { struct efm32x_flash_bank *efm32x_info = bank->driver_priv; uint32_t dw = efm32x_info->lb_page[page >> 5]; uint32_t mask = 0; mask = 1 << (page & 0x1f); return (dw & mask) ? 0 : 1; } static int efm32x_set_page_lock(struct flash_bank *bank, size_t page, int set) { struct efm32x_flash_bank *efm32x_info = bank->driver_priv; uint32_t *dw = &efm32x_info->lb_page[page >> 5]; uint32_t mask = 0; mask = 1 << (page & 0x1f); if (!set) *dw |= mask; else *dw &= ~mask; return ERROR_OK; } static int efm32x_protect(struct flash_bank *bank, int set, int first, int last) { struct target *target = bank->target; int i = 0; int ret = 0; if (!set) { LOG_ERROR("Erase device data to reset page locks"); return ERROR_FAIL; } if (target->state != TARGET_HALTED) { LOG_ERROR("Target not halted"); return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED; } for (i = first; i <= last; i++) { ret = efm32x_set_page_lock(bank, i, set); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to set lock on page %d", i); return ret; } } ret = efm32x_write_lock_data(bank); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to write LB page"); return ret; } return ERROR_OK; } static int efm32x_write_block(struct flash_bank *bank, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count) { struct target *target = bank->target; uint32_t buffer_size = 16384; struct working_area *write_algorithm; struct working_area *source; uint32_t address = bank->base + offset; struct reg_param reg_params[5]; struct armv7m_algorithm armv7m_info; int ret = ERROR_OK; /* see contrib/loaders/flash/efm32.S for src */ static const uint8_t efm32x_flash_write_code[] = { /* #define EFM32_MSC_WRITECTRL_OFFSET 0x008 */ /* #define EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD_OFFSET 0x00c */ /* #define EFM32_MSC_ADDRB_OFFSET 0x010 */ /* #define EFM32_MSC_WDATA_OFFSET 0x018 */ /* #define EFM32_MSC_STATUS_OFFSET 0x01c */ /* #define EFM32_MSC_LOCK_OFFSET 0x03c */ 0x15, 0x4e, /* ldr r6, =#0x1b71 */ 0xc6, 0x63, /* str r6, [r0, #EFM32_MSC_LOCK_OFFSET] */ 0x01, 0x26, /* movs r6, #1 */ 0x86, 0x60, /* str r6, [r0, #EFM32_MSC_WRITECTRL_OFFSET] */ /* wait_fifo: */ 0x16, 0x68, /* ldr r6, [r2, #0] */ 0x00, 0x2e, /* cmp r6, #0 */ 0x22, 0xd0, /* beq exit */ 0x55, 0x68, /* ldr r5, [r2, #4] */ 0xb5, 0x42, /* cmp r5, r6 */ 0xf9, 0xd0, /* beq wait_fifo */ 0x04, 0x61, /* str r4, [r0, #EFM32_MSC_ADDRB_OFFSET] */ 0x01, 0x26, /* movs r6, #1 */ 0xc6, 0x60, /* str r6, [r0, #EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD_OFFSET] */ 0xc6, 0x69, /* ldr r6, [r0, #EFM32_MSC_STATUS_OFFSET] */ 0x06, 0x27, /* movs r7, #6 */ 0x3e, 0x42, /* tst r6, r7 */ 0x16, 0xd1, /* bne error */ /* wait_wdataready: */ 0xc6, 0x69, /* ldr r6, [r0, #EFM32_MSC_STATUS_OFFSET] */ 0x08, 0x27, /* movs r7, #8 */ 0x3e, 0x42, /* tst r6, r7 */ 0xfb, 0xd0, /* beq wait_wdataready */ 0x2e, 0x68, /* ldr r6, [r5] */ 0x86, 0x61, /* str r6, [r0, #EFM32_MSC_WDATA_OFFSET] */ 0x08, 0x26, /* movs r6, #8 */ 0xc6, 0x60, /* str r6, [r0, #EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD_OFFSET] */ 0x04, 0x35, /* adds r5, #4 */ 0x04, 0x34, /* adds r4, #4 */ /* busy: */ 0xc6, 0x69, /* ldr r6, [r0, #EFM32_MSC_STATUS_OFFSET] */ 0x01, 0x27, /* movs r7, #1 */ 0x3e, 0x42, /* tst r6, r7 */ 0xfb, 0xd1, /* bne busy */ 0x9d, 0x42, /* cmp r5, r3 */ 0x01, 0xd3, /* bcc no_wrap */ 0x15, 0x46, /* mov r5, r2 */ 0x08, 0x35, /* adds r5, #8 */ /* no_wrap: */ 0x55, 0x60, /* str r5, [r2, #4] */ 0x01, 0x39, /* subs r1, r1, #1 */ 0x00, 0x29, /* cmp r1, #0 */ 0x02, 0xd0, /* beq exit */ 0xdb, 0xe7, /* b wait_fifo */ /* error: */ 0x00, 0x20, /* movs r0, #0 */ 0x50, 0x60, /* str r0, [r2, #4] */ /* exit: */ 0x30, 0x46, /* mov r0, r6 */ 0x00, 0xbe, /* bkpt #0 */ /* LOCKKEY */ 0x71, 0x1b, 0x00, 0x00 }; /* flash write code */ if (target_alloc_working_area(target, sizeof(efm32x_flash_write_code), &write_algorithm) != ERROR_OK) { LOG_WARNING("no working area available, can't do block memory writes"); return ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE; }; ret = target_write_buffer(target, write_algorithm->address, sizeof(efm32x_flash_write_code), efm32x_flash_write_code); if (ret != ERROR_OK) return ret; /* memory buffer */ while (target_alloc_working_area_try(target, buffer_size, &source) != ERROR_OK) { buffer_size /= 2; buffer_size &= ~3UL; /* Make sure it's 4 byte aligned */ if (buffer_size <= 256) { /* we already allocated the writing code, but failed to get a * buffer, free the algorithm */ target_free_working_area(target, write_algorithm); LOG_WARNING("no large enough working area available, can't do block memory writes"); return ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } }; init_reg_param(®_params[0], "r0", 32, PARAM_IN_OUT); /* flash base (in), status (out) */ init_reg_param(®_params[1], "r1", 32, PARAM_OUT); /* count (word-32bit) */ init_reg_param(®_params[2], "r2", 32, PARAM_OUT); /* buffer start */ init_reg_param(®_params[3], "r3", 32, PARAM_OUT); /* buffer end */ init_reg_param(®_params[4], "r4", 32, PARAM_IN_OUT); /* target address */ buf_set_u32(reg_params[0].value, 0, 32, EFM32_MSC_REGBASE); buf_set_u32(reg_params[1].value, 0, 32, count); buf_set_u32(reg_params[2].value, 0, 32, source->address); buf_set_u32(reg_params[3].value, 0, 32, source->address + source->size); buf_set_u32(reg_params[4].value, 0, 32, address); armv7m_info.common_magic = ARMV7M_COMMON_MAGIC; armv7m_info.core_mode = ARM_MODE_THREAD; ret = target_run_flash_async_algorithm(target, buf, count, 4, 0, NULL, 5, reg_params, source->address, source->size, write_algorithm->address, 0, &armv7m_info); if (ret == ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED) { LOG_ERROR("flash write failed at address 0x%"PRIx32, buf_get_u32(reg_params[4].value, 0, 32)); if (buf_get_u32(reg_params[0].value, 0, 32) & EFM32_MSC_STATUS_LOCKED_MASK) { LOG_ERROR("flash memory write protected"); } if (buf_get_u32(reg_params[0].value, 0, 32) & EFM32_MSC_STATUS_INVADDR_MASK) { LOG_ERROR("invalid flash memory write address"); } } target_free_working_area(target, source); target_free_working_area(target, write_algorithm); destroy_reg_param(®_params[0]); destroy_reg_param(®_params[1]); destroy_reg_param(®_params[2]); destroy_reg_param(®_params[3]); destroy_reg_param(®_params[4]); return ret; } static int efm32x_write_word(struct flash_bank *bank, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) { /* this function DOES NOT set WREN; must be set already */ /* 1. write address to ADDRB 2. write LADDRIM 3. check status (INVADDR, LOCKED) 4. wait for WDATAREADY 5. write data to WDATA 6. write WRITECMD_WRITEONCE to WRITECMD 7. wait until !STATUS_BUSY */ /* FIXME: EFM32G ref states (7.3.2) that writes should be * performed twice per dword */ int ret = 0; uint32_t status = 0; /* if not called, GDB errors will be reported during large writes */ keep_alive(); ret = target_write_u32(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_ADDRB, addr); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; ret = efm32x_set_reg_bits(bank, EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD, EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD_LADDRIM_MASK, 1); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; ret = target_read_u32(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_STATUS, &status); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; LOG_DEBUG("status 0x%" PRIx32, status); if (status & EFM32_MSC_STATUS_LOCKED_MASK) { LOG_ERROR("Page is locked"); return ERROR_FAIL; } else if (status & EFM32_MSC_STATUS_INVADDR_MASK) { LOG_ERROR("Invalid address 0x%" PRIx32, addr); return ERROR_FAIL; } ret = efm32x_wait_status(bank, EFM32_FLASH_WDATAREADY_TMO, EFM32_MSC_STATUS_WDATAREADY_MASK, 1); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Wait for WDATAREADY failed"); return ret; } ret = target_write_u32(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_WDATA, val); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("WDATA write failed"); return ret; } ret = target_write_u32(bank->target, EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD, EFM32_MSC_WRITECMD_WRITEONCE_MASK); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("WRITECMD write failed"); return ret; } ret = efm32x_wait_status(bank, EFM32_FLASH_WRITE_TMO, EFM32_MSC_STATUS_BUSY_MASK, 0); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Wait for BUSY failed"); return ret; } return ERROR_OK; } static int efm32x_write(struct flash_bank *bank, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count) { struct target *target = bank->target; uint8_t *new_buffer = NULL; if (target->state != TARGET_HALTED) { LOG_ERROR("Target not halted"); return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED; } if (offset & 0x3) { LOG_ERROR("offset 0x%" PRIx32 " breaks required 4-byte " "alignment", offset); return ERROR_FLASH_DST_BREAKS_ALIGNMENT; } if (count & 0x3) { uint32_t old_count = count; count = (old_count | 3) + 1; new_buffer = malloc(count); if (new_buffer == NULL) { LOG_ERROR("odd number of bytes to write and no memory " "for padding buffer"); return ERROR_FAIL; } LOG_INFO("odd number of bytes to write (%" PRIu32 "), extending to %" PRIu32 " " "and padding with 0xff", old_count, count); memset(buffer, 0xff, count); buffer = memcpy(new_buffer, buffer, old_count); } uint32_t words_remaining = count / 4; int retval, retval2; /* unlock flash registers */ efm32x_msc_lock(bank, 0); retval = efm32x_set_wren(bank, 1); if (retval != ERROR_OK) goto cleanup; /* try using a block write */ retval = efm32x_write_block(bank, buffer, offset, words_remaining); if (retval == ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE) { /* if block write failed (no sufficient working area), * we use normal (slow) single word accesses */ LOG_WARNING("couldn't use block writes, falling back to single " "memory accesses"); while (words_remaining > 0) { uint32_t value; memcpy(&value, buffer, sizeof(uint32_t)); retval = efm32x_write_word(bank, offset, value); if (retval != ERROR_OK) goto reset_pg_and_lock; words_remaining--; buffer += 4; offset += 4; } } reset_pg_and_lock: retval2 = efm32x_set_wren(bank, 0); efm32x_msc_lock(bank, 1); if (retval == ERROR_OK) retval = retval2; cleanup: if (new_buffer) free(new_buffer); return retval; } static int efm32x_probe(struct flash_bank *bank) { struct efm32x_flash_bank *efm32x_info = bank->driver_priv; struct efm32_info efm32_mcu_info; int ret; int i; uint32_t base_address = 0x00000000; efm32x_info->probed = 0; memset(efm32x_info->lb_page, 0xff, LOCKBITS_PAGE_SZ); ret = efm32x_read_info(bank, &efm32_mcu_info); if (ERROR_OK != ret) return ret; switch (efm32_mcu_info.part_family) { case EFM_FAMILY_ID_GECKO: LOG_INFO("Gecko MCU detected"); break; case EFM_FAMILY_ID_GIANT_GECKO: LOG_INFO("Giant Gecko MCU detected"); break; case EFM_FAMILY_ID_TINY_GECKO: LOG_INFO("Tiny Gecko MCU detected"); break; case EFM_FAMILY_ID_LEOPARD_GECKO: LOG_INFO("Leopard Gecko MCU detected"); break; default: LOG_ERROR("Unsupported MCU family %d", efm32_mcu_info.part_family); return ERROR_FAIL; } LOG_INFO("flash size = %dkbytes", efm32_mcu_info.flash_sz_kib); LOG_INFO("flash page size = %dbytes", efm32_mcu_info.page_size); assert(0 != efm32_mcu_info.page_size); int num_pages = efm32_mcu_info.flash_sz_kib * 1024 / efm32_mcu_info.page_size; assert(num_pages > 0); if (bank->sectors) { free(bank->sectors); bank->sectors = NULL; } bank->base = base_address; bank->size = (num_pages * efm32_mcu_info.page_size); bank->num_sectors = num_pages; ret = efm32x_read_lock_data(bank); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read LB data"); return ret; } bank->sectors = malloc(sizeof(struct flash_sector) * num_pages); for (i = 0; i < num_pages; i++) { bank->sectors[i].offset = i * efm32_mcu_info.page_size; bank->sectors[i].size = efm32_mcu_info.page_size; bank->sectors[i].is_erased = -1; bank->sectors[i].is_protected = 1; } efm32x_info->probed = 1; return ERROR_OK; } static int efm32x_auto_probe(struct flash_bank *bank) { struct efm32x_flash_bank *efm32x_info = bank->driver_priv; if (efm32x_info->probed) return ERROR_OK; return efm32x_probe(bank); } static int efm32x_protect_check(struct flash_bank *bank) { struct target *target = bank->target; int ret = 0; int i = 0; if (target->state != TARGET_HALTED) { LOG_ERROR("Target not halted"); return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED; } ret = efm32x_read_lock_data(bank); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read LB data"); return ret; } assert(NULL != bank->sectors); for (i = 0; i < bank->num_sectors; i++) bank->sectors[i].is_protected = efm32x_get_page_lock(bank, i); return ERROR_OK; } static int get_efm32x_info(struct flash_bank *bank, char *buf, int buf_size) { struct efm32_info info; int ret = 0; int printed = 0; ret = efm32x_read_info(bank, &info); if (ERROR_OK != ret) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read EFM32 info"); return ret; } printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "EFM32 "); buf += printed; buf_size -= printed; if (0 >= buf_size) return ERROR_BUF_TOO_SMALL; switch (info.part_family) { case EFM_FAMILY_ID_GECKO: printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "Gecko"); break; case EFM_FAMILY_ID_GIANT_GECKO: printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "Giant Gecko"); break; case EFM_FAMILY_ID_TINY_GECKO: printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "Tiny Gecko"); break; case EFM_FAMILY_ID_LEOPARD_GECKO: printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "Leopard Gecko"); break; } buf += printed; buf_size -= printed; if (0 >= buf_size) return ERROR_BUF_TOO_SMALL; printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, " - Rev: %d", info.prod_rev); buf += printed; buf_size -= printed; if (0 >= buf_size) return ERROR_BUF_TOO_SMALL; return ERROR_OK; } static const struct command_registration efm32x_exec_command_handlers[] = { COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE }; static const struct command_registration efm32x_command_handlers[] = { { .name = "efm32", .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "efm32 flash command group", .usage = "", .chain = efm32x_exec_command_handlers, }, COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE }; struct flash_driver efm32_flash = { .name = "efm32", .commands = efm32x_command_handlers, .flash_bank_command = efm32x_flash_bank_command, .erase = efm32x_erase, .protect = efm32x_protect, .write = efm32x_write, .read = default_flash_read, .probe = efm32x_probe, .auto_probe = efm32x_auto_probe, .erase_check = default_flash_blank_check, .protect_check = efm32x_protect_check, .info = get_efm32x_info, };