/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by Dominic Rath * * Dominic.Rath@gmx.de * * * * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Øyvind Harboe * * oyvind.harboe@zylin.com * * * * Copyright (C) 2009 SoftPLC Corporation * * http://softplc.com * * dick@softplc.com * * * * Copyright (C) 2009 Zachary T Welch * * zw@superlucidity.net * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "jtag.h" #include "swd.h" #include "minidriver.h" #include "interface.h" #include "interfaces.h" #include "tcl.h" #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H #include #endif #include #include "transport/transport.h" /** * @file * Holds support for accessing JTAG-specific mechanisms from TCl scripts. */ static const struct jim_nvp nvp_jtag_tap_event[] = { { .value = JTAG_TRST_ASSERTED, .name = "post-reset" }, { .value = JTAG_TAP_EVENT_SETUP, .name = "setup" }, { .value = JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE, .name = "tap-enable" }, { .value = JTAG_TAP_EVENT_DISABLE, .name = "tap-disable" }, { .name = NULL, .value = -1 } }; struct jtag_tap *jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(Jim_Interp *interp, Jim_Obj *o) { const char *cp = Jim_GetString(o, NULL); struct jtag_tap *t = cp ? jtag_tap_by_string(cp) : NULL; if (NULL == cp) cp = "(unknown)"; if (NULL == t) Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "Tap '%s' could not be found", cp); return t; } static bool scan_is_safe(tap_state_t state) { switch (state) { case TAP_RESET: case TAP_IDLE: case TAP_DRPAUSE: case TAP_IRPAUSE: return true; default: return false; } } static int Jim_Command_drscan(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *args) { int retval; struct scan_field *fields; int num_fields; int field_count = 0; int i, e; struct jtag_tap *tap; tap_state_t endstate; /* args[1] = device * args[2] = num_bits * args[3] = hex string * ... repeat num bits and hex string ... * * .. optionally: * args[N-2] = "-endstate" * args[N-1] = statename */ if ((argc < 4) || ((argc % 2) != 0)) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "wrong arguments"); return JIM_ERR; } endstate = TAP_IDLE; /* validate arguments as numbers */ e = JIM_OK; for (i = 2; i < argc; i += 2) { long bits; const char *cp; e = Jim_GetLong(interp, args[i], &bits); /* If valid - try next arg */ if (e == JIM_OK) continue; /* Not valid.. are we at the end? */ if (((i + 2) != argc)) { /* nope, then error */ return e; } /* it could be: "-endstate FOO" * e.g. DRPAUSE so we can issue more instructions * before entering RUN/IDLE and executing them. */ /* get arg as a string. */ cp = Jim_GetString(args[i], NULL); /* is it the magic? */ if (0 == strcmp("-endstate", cp)) { /* is the statename valid? */ cp = Jim_GetString(args[i + 1], NULL); /* see if it is a valid state name */ endstate = tap_state_by_name(cp); if (endstate < 0) { /* update the error message */ Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "endstate: %s invalid", cp); } else { if (!scan_is_safe(endstate)) LOG_WARNING("drscan with unsafe " "endstate \"%s\"", cp); /* valid - so clear the error */ e = JIM_OK; /* and remove the last 2 args */ argc -= 2; } } /* Still an error? */ if (e != JIM_OK) return e; /* too bad */ } /* validate args */ assert(e == JIM_OK); tap = jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(interp, args[1]); if (tap == NULL) return JIM_ERR; num_fields = (argc-2)/2; if (num_fields <= 0) { Jim_SetResultString(interp, "drscan: no scan fields supplied", -1); return JIM_ERR; } fields = malloc(sizeof(struct scan_field) * num_fields); for (i = 2; i < argc; i += 2) { long bits; int len; const char *str; Jim_GetLong(interp, args[i], &bits); str = Jim_GetString(args[i + 1], &len); fields[field_count].num_bits = bits; void *t = malloc(DIV_ROUND_UP(bits, 8)); fields[field_count].out_value = t; str_to_buf(str, len, t, bits, 0); fields[field_count].in_value = t; field_count++; } jtag_add_dr_scan(tap, num_fields, fields, endstate); retval = jtag_execute_queue(); if (retval != ERROR_OK) { Jim_SetResultString(interp, "drscan: jtag execute failed", -1); for (i = 0; i < field_count; i++) free(fields[i].in_value); free(fields); return JIM_ERR; } field_count = 0; Jim_Obj *list = Jim_NewListObj(interp, NULL, 0); for (i = 2; i < argc; i += 2) { long bits; char *str; Jim_GetLong(interp, args[i], &bits); str = buf_to_hex_str(fields[field_count].in_value, bits); free(fields[field_count].in_value); Jim_ListAppendElement(interp, list, Jim_NewStringObj(interp, str, strlen(str))); free(str); field_count++; } Jim_SetResult(interp, list); free(fields); return JIM_OK; } static int Jim_Command_pathmove(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *args) { tap_state_t states[8]; if ((argc < 2) || ((size_t)argc > (ARRAY_SIZE(states) + 1))) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "wrong arguments"); return JIM_ERR; } int i; for (i = 0; i < argc-1; i++) { const char *cp; cp = Jim_GetString(args[i + 1], NULL); states[i] = tap_state_by_name(cp); if (states[i] < 0) { /* update the error message */ Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "endstate: %s invalid", cp); return JIM_ERR; } } if ((jtag_add_statemove(states[0]) != ERROR_OK) || (jtag_execute_queue() != ERROR_OK)) { Jim_SetResultString(interp, "pathmove: jtag execute failed", -1); return JIM_ERR; } jtag_add_pathmove(argc - 2, states + 1); if (jtag_execute_queue() != ERROR_OK) { Jim_SetResultString(interp, "pathmove: failed", -1); return JIM_ERR; } return JIM_OK; } static int Jim_Command_flush_count(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *args) { Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewIntObj(interp, jtag_get_flush_queue_count())); return JIM_OK; } /* REVISIT Just what about these should "move" ... ? * These registrations, into the main JTAG table? * * There's a minor compatibility issue, these all show up twice; * that's not desirable: * - jtag drscan ... NOT DOCUMENTED! * - drscan ... * * The "irscan" command (for example) doesn't show twice. */ static const struct command_registration jtag_command_handlers_to_move[] = { { .name = "drscan", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .jim_handler = Jim_Command_drscan, .help = "Execute Data Register (DR) scan for one TAP. " "Other TAPs must be in BYPASS mode.", .usage = "tap_name [num_bits value]* ['-endstate' state_name]", }, { .name = "flush_count", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .jim_handler = Jim_Command_flush_count, .help = "Returns the number of times the JTAG queue " "has been flushed.", }, { .name = "pathmove", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .jim_handler = Jim_Command_pathmove, .usage = "start_state state1 [state2 [state3 ...]]", .help = "Move JTAG state machine from current state " "(start_state) to state1, then state2, state3, etc.", }, COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE }; enum jtag_tap_cfg_param { JCFG_EVENT, JCFG_IDCODE, }; static struct jim_nvp nvp_config_opts[] = { { .name = "-event", .value = JCFG_EVENT }, { .name = "-idcode", .value = JCFG_IDCODE }, { .name = NULL, .value = -1 } }; static int jtag_tap_configure_event(struct jim_getopt_info *goi, struct jtag_tap *tap) { if (goi->argc == 0) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event ..."); return JIM_ERR; } struct jim_nvp *n; int e = jim_getopt_nvp(goi, nvp_jtag_tap_event, &n); if (e != JIM_OK) { jim_getopt_nvp_unknown(goi, nvp_jtag_tap_event, 1); return e; } if (goi->isconfigure) { if (goi->argc != 1) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event "); return JIM_ERR; } } else { if (goi->argc != 0) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event "); return JIM_ERR; } } struct jtag_tap_event_action *jteap = tap->event_action; /* replace existing event body */ bool found = false; while (jteap) { if (jteap->event == (enum jtag_event)n->value) { found = true; break; } jteap = jteap->next; } Jim_SetEmptyResult(goi->interp); if (goi->isconfigure) { if (!found) jteap = calloc(1, sizeof(*jteap)); else if (NULL != jteap->body) Jim_DecrRefCount(goi->interp, jteap->body); jteap->interp = goi->interp; jteap->event = n->value; Jim_Obj *o; jim_getopt_obj(goi, &o); jteap->body = Jim_DuplicateObj(goi->interp, o); Jim_IncrRefCount(jteap->body); if (!found) { /* add to head of event list */ jteap->next = tap->event_action; tap->event_action = jteap; } } else if (found) { jteap->interp = goi->interp; Jim_SetResult(goi->interp, Jim_DuplicateObj(goi->interp, jteap->body)); } return JIM_OK; } static int jtag_tap_configure_cmd(struct jim_getopt_info *goi, struct jtag_tap *tap) { /* parse config or cget options */ while (goi->argc > 0) { Jim_SetEmptyResult(goi->interp); struct jim_nvp *n; int e = jim_getopt_nvp(goi, nvp_config_opts, &n); if (e != JIM_OK) { jim_getopt_nvp_unknown(goi, nvp_config_opts, 0); return e; } switch (n->value) { case JCFG_EVENT: e = jtag_tap_configure_event(goi, tap); if (e != JIM_OK) return e; break; case JCFG_IDCODE: if (goi->isconfigure) { Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi->interp, "not settable: %s", n->name); return JIM_ERR; } else { if (goi->argc != 0) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "NO PARAMS"); return JIM_ERR; } } Jim_SetResult(goi->interp, Jim_NewIntObj(goi->interp, tap->idcode)); break; default: Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi->interp, "unknown value: %s", n->name); return JIM_ERR; } } return JIM_OK; } static int is_bad_irval(int ir_length, jim_wide w) { jim_wide v = 1; v <<= ir_length; v -= 1; v = ~v; return (w & v) != 0; } static int jim_newtap_expected_id(struct jim_nvp *n, struct jim_getopt_info *goi, struct jtag_tap *pTap) { jim_wide w; int e = jim_getopt_wide(goi, &w); if (e != JIM_OK) { Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi->interp, "option: %s bad parameter", n->name); return e; } uint32_t *p = realloc(pTap->expected_ids, (pTap->expected_ids_cnt + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (!p) { Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi->interp, "no memory"); return JIM_ERR; } pTap->expected_ids = p; pTap->expected_ids[pTap->expected_ids_cnt++] = w; return JIM_OK; } #define NTAP_OPT_IRLEN 0 #define NTAP_OPT_IRMASK 1 #define NTAP_OPT_IRCAPTURE 2 #define NTAP_OPT_ENABLED 3 #define NTAP_OPT_DISABLED 4 #define NTAP_OPT_EXPECTED_ID 5 #define NTAP_OPT_VERSION 6 static int jim_newtap_ir_param(struct jim_nvp *n, struct jim_getopt_info *goi, struct jtag_tap *pTap) { jim_wide w; int e = jim_getopt_wide(goi, &w); if (e != JIM_OK) { Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi->interp, "option: %s bad parameter", n->name); return e; } switch (n->value) { case NTAP_OPT_IRLEN: if (w > (jim_wide) (8 * sizeof(pTap->ir_capture_value))) { LOG_WARNING("%s: huge IR length %d", pTap->dotted_name, (int) w); } pTap->ir_length = w; break; case NTAP_OPT_IRMASK: if (is_bad_irval(pTap->ir_length, w)) { LOG_ERROR("%s: IR mask %x too big", pTap->dotted_name, (int) w); return JIM_ERR; } if ((w & 3) != 3) LOG_WARNING("%s: nonstandard IR mask", pTap->dotted_name); pTap->ir_capture_mask = w; break; case NTAP_OPT_IRCAPTURE: if (is_bad_irval(pTap->ir_length, w)) { LOG_ERROR("%s: IR capture %x too big", pTap->dotted_name, (int) w); return JIM_ERR; } if ((w & 3) != 1) LOG_WARNING("%s: nonstandard IR value", pTap->dotted_name); pTap->ir_capture_value = w; break; default: return JIM_ERR; } return JIM_OK; } static int jim_newtap_cmd(struct jim_getopt_info *goi) { struct jtag_tap *pTap; int x; int e; struct jim_nvp *n; char *cp; const struct jim_nvp opts[] = { { .name = "-irlen", .value = NTAP_OPT_IRLEN }, { .name = "-irmask", .value = NTAP_OPT_IRMASK }, { .name = "-ircapture", .value = NTAP_OPT_IRCAPTURE }, { .name = "-enable", .value = NTAP_OPT_ENABLED }, { .name = "-disable", .value = NTAP_OPT_DISABLED }, { .name = "-expected-id", .value = NTAP_OPT_EXPECTED_ID }, { .name = "-ignore-version", .value = NTAP_OPT_VERSION }, { .name = NULL, .value = -1 }, }; pTap = calloc(1, sizeof(struct jtag_tap)); if (!pTap) { Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi->interp, "no memory"); return JIM_ERR; } /* * we expect CHIP + TAP + OPTIONS * */ if (goi->argc < 3) { Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi->interp, "Missing CHIP TAP OPTIONS ...."); free(pTap); return JIM_ERR; } const char *tmp; jim_getopt_string(goi, &tmp, NULL); pTap->chip = strdup(tmp); jim_getopt_string(goi, &tmp, NULL); pTap->tapname = strdup(tmp); /* name + dot + name + null */ x = strlen(pTap->chip) + 1 + strlen(pTap->tapname) + 1; cp = malloc(x); sprintf(cp, "%s.%s", pTap->chip, pTap->tapname); pTap->dotted_name = cp; LOG_DEBUG("Creating New Tap, Chip: %s, Tap: %s, Dotted: %s, %d params", pTap->chip, pTap->tapname, pTap->dotted_name, goi->argc); if (!transport_is_jtag()) { /* SWD doesn't require any JTAG tap parameters */ pTap->enabled = true; jtag_tap_init(pTap); return JIM_OK; } /* IEEE specifies that the two LSBs of an IR scan are 01, so make * that the default. The "-ircapture" and "-irmask" options are only * needed to cope with nonstandard TAPs, or to specify more bits. */ pTap->ir_capture_mask = 0x03; pTap->ir_capture_value = 0x01; while (goi->argc) { e = jim_getopt_nvp(goi, opts, &n); if (e != JIM_OK) { jim_getopt_nvp_unknown(goi, opts, 0); free(cp); free(pTap); return e; } LOG_DEBUG("Processing option: %s", n->name); switch (n->value) { case NTAP_OPT_ENABLED: pTap->disabled_after_reset = false; break; case NTAP_OPT_DISABLED: pTap->disabled_after_reset = true; break; case NTAP_OPT_EXPECTED_ID: e = jim_newtap_expected_id(n, goi, pTap); if (JIM_OK != e) { free(cp); free(pTap); return e; } break; case NTAP_OPT_IRLEN: case NTAP_OPT_IRMASK: case NTAP_OPT_IRCAPTURE: e = jim_newtap_ir_param(n, goi, pTap); if (JIM_OK != e) { free(cp); free(pTap); return e; } break; case NTAP_OPT_VERSION: pTap->ignore_version = true; break; } /* switch (n->value) */ } /* while (goi->argc) */ /* default is enabled-after-reset */ pTap->enabled = !pTap->disabled_after_reset; /* Did all the required option bits get cleared? */ if (pTap->ir_length != 0) { jtag_tap_init(pTap); return JIM_OK; } Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi->interp, "newtap: %s missing IR length", pTap->dotted_name); jtag_tap_free(pTap); return JIM_ERR; } static void jtag_tap_handle_event(struct jtag_tap *tap, enum jtag_event e) { struct jtag_tap_event_action *jteap; int retval; for (jteap = tap->event_action; jteap != NULL; jteap = jteap->next) { if (jteap->event != e) continue; struct jim_nvp *nvp = jim_nvp_value2name_simple(nvp_jtag_tap_event, e); LOG_DEBUG("JTAG tap: %s event: %d (%s)\n\taction: %s", tap->dotted_name, e, nvp->name, Jim_GetString(jteap->body, NULL)); retval = Jim_EvalObj(jteap->interp, jteap->body); if (retval == JIM_RETURN) retval = jteap->interp->returnCode; if (retval != JIM_OK) { Jim_MakeErrorMessage(jteap->interp); LOG_USER("%s", Jim_GetString(Jim_GetResult(jteap->interp), NULL)); continue; } switch (e) { case JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE: case JTAG_TAP_EVENT_DISABLE: /* NOTE: we currently assume the handlers * can't fail. Right here is where we should * really be verifying the scan chains ... */ tap->enabled = (e == JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE); LOG_INFO("JTAG tap: %s %s", tap->dotted_name, tap->enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); break; default: break; } } } static int jim_jtag_arp_init(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { struct jim_getopt_info goi; jim_getopt_setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1); if (goi.argc != 0) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 1, goi.argv-1, "(no params)"); return JIM_ERR; } struct command_context *context = current_command_context(interp); int e = jtag_init_inner(context); if (e != ERROR_OK) { Jim_Obj *obj = Jim_NewIntObj(goi.interp, e); Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi.interp, "error: %#s", obj); return JIM_ERR; } return JIM_OK; } static int jim_jtag_arp_init_reset(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { int e = ERROR_OK; struct jim_getopt_info goi; jim_getopt_setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1); if (goi.argc != 0) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 1, goi.argv-1, "(no params)"); return JIM_ERR; } struct command_context *context = current_command_context(interp); if (transport_is_jtag()) e = jtag_init_reset(context); else if (transport_is_swd()) e = swd_init_reset(context); if (e != ERROR_OK) { Jim_Obj *obj = Jim_NewIntObj(goi.interp, e); Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi.interp, "error: %#s", obj); return JIM_ERR; } return JIM_OK; } int jim_jtag_newtap(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { struct jim_getopt_info goi; jim_getopt_setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1); return jim_newtap_cmd(&goi); } static bool jtag_tap_enable(struct jtag_tap *t) { if (t->enabled) return false; jtag_tap_handle_event(t, JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE); if (!t->enabled) return false; /* FIXME add JTAG sanity checks, w/o TLR * - scan chain length grew by one (this) * - IDs and IR lengths are as expected */ jtag_call_event_callbacks(JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE); return true; } static bool jtag_tap_disable(struct jtag_tap *t) { if (!t->enabled) return false; jtag_tap_handle_event(t, JTAG_TAP_EVENT_DISABLE); if (t->enabled) return false; /* FIXME add JTAG sanity checks, w/o TLR * - scan chain length shrank by one (this) * - IDs and IR lengths are as expected */ jtag_call_event_callbacks(JTAG_TAP_EVENT_DISABLE); return true; } int jim_jtag_tap_enabler(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { struct command *c = jim_to_command(interp); const char *cmd_name = c->name; struct jim_getopt_info goi; jim_getopt_setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1); if (goi.argc != 1) { Jim_SetResultFormatted(goi.interp, "usage: %s ", cmd_name); return JIM_ERR; } struct jtag_tap *t; t = jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(goi.interp, goi.argv[0]); if (t == NULL) return JIM_ERR; if (strcasecmp(cmd_name, "tapisenabled") == 0) { /* do nothing, just return the value */ } else if (strcasecmp(cmd_name, "tapenable") == 0) { if (!jtag_tap_enable(t)) { LOG_WARNING("failed to enable tap %s", t->dotted_name); return JIM_ERR; } } else if (strcasecmp(cmd_name, "tapdisable") == 0) { if (!jtag_tap_disable(t)) { LOG_WARNING("failed to disable tap %s", t->dotted_name); return JIM_ERR; } } else { LOG_ERROR("command '%s' unknown", cmd_name); return JIM_ERR; } bool e = t->enabled; Jim_SetResult(goi.interp, Jim_NewIntObj(goi.interp, e)); return JIM_OK; } int jim_jtag_configure(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { struct command *c = jim_to_command(interp); const char *cmd_name = c->name; struct jim_getopt_info goi; jim_getopt_setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1); goi.isconfigure = !strcmp(cmd_name, "configure"); if (goi.argc < 2 + goi.isconfigure) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 0, NULL, " ..."); return JIM_ERR; } struct jtag_tap *t; Jim_Obj *o; jim_getopt_obj(&goi, &o); t = jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(goi.interp, o); if (t == NULL) return JIM_ERR; return jtag_tap_configure_cmd(&goi, t); } static int jim_jtag_names(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { struct jim_getopt_info goi; jim_getopt_setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1); if (goi.argc != 0) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 1, goi.argv, "Too many parameters"); return JIM_ERR; } Jim_SetResult(goi.interp, Jim_NewListObj(goi.interp, NULL, 0)); struct jtag_tap *tap; for (tap = jtag_all_taps(); tap; tap = tap->next_tap) { Jim_ListAppendElement(goi.interp, Jim_GetResult(goi.interp), Jim_NewStringObj(goi.interp, tap->dotted_name, -1)); } return JIM_OK; } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_jtag_init_command) { if (CMD_ARGC != 0) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; static bool jtag_initialized; if (jtag_initialized) { LOG_INFO("'jtag init' has already been called"); return ERROR_OK; } jtag_initialized = true; LOG_DEBUG("Initializing jtag devices..."); return jtag_init(CMD_CTX); } static const struct command_registration jtag_subcommand_handlers[] = { { .name = "init", .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .handler = handle_jtag_init_command, .help = "initialize jtag scan chain", .usage = "" }, { .name = "arp_init", .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .jim_handler = jim_jtag_arp_init, .help = "Validates JTAG scan chain against the list of " "declared TAPs using just the four standard JTAG " "signals.", }, { .name = "arp_init-reset", .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .jim_handler = jim_jtag_arp_init_reset, .help = "Uses TRST and SRST to try resetting everything on " "the JTAG scan chain, then performs 'jtag arp_init'." }, { .name = "newtap", .mode = COMMAND_CONFIG, .jim_handler = jim_jtag_newtap, .help = "Create a new TAP instance named basename.tap_type, " "and appends it to the scan chain.", .usage = "basename tap_type '-irlen' count " "['-enable'|'-disable'] " "['-expected_id' number] " "['-ignore-version'] " "['-ircapture' number] " "['-mask' number]", }, { .name = "tapisenabled", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .jim_handler = jim_jtag_tap_enabler, .help = "Returns a Tcl boolean (0/1) indicating whether " "the TAP is enabled (1) or not (0).", .usage = "tap_name", }, { .name = "tapenable", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .jim_handler = jim_jtag_tap_enabler, .help = "Try to enable the specified TAP using the " "'tap-enable' TAP event.", .usage = "tap_name", }, { .name = "tapdisable", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .jim_handler = jim_jtag_tap_enabler, .help = "Try to disable the specified TAP using the " "'tap-disable' TAP event.", .usage = "tap_name", }, { .name = "configure", .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .jim_handler = jim_jtag_configure, .help = "Provide a Tcl handler for the specified " "TAP event.", .usage = "tap_name '-event' event_name handler", }, { .name = "cget", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .jim_handler = jim_jtag_configure, .help = "Return any Tcl handler for the specified " "TAP event.", .usage = "tap_name '-event' event_name", }, { .name = "names", .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .jim_handler = jim_jtag_names, .help = "Returns list of all JTAG tap names.", }, { .chain = jtag_command_handlers_to_move, }, COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE }; void jtag_notify_event(enum jtag_event event) { struct jtag_tap *tap; for (tap = jtag_all_taps(); tap; tap = tap->next_tap) jtag_tap_handle_event(tap, event); } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_scan_chain_command) { struct jtag_tap *tap; char expected_id[12]; tap = jtag_all_taps(); command_print(CMD, " TapName Enabled IdCode Expected IrLen IrCap IrMask"); command_print(CMD, "-- ------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- ------"); while (tap) { uint32_t expected, expected_mask, ii; snprintf(expected_id, sizeof(expected_id), "0x%08x", (unsigned)((tap->expected_ids_cnt > 0) ? tap->expected_ids[0] : 0)); if (tap->ignore_version) expected_id[2] = '*'; expected = buf_get_u32(tap->expected, 0, tap->ir_length); expected_mask = buf_get_u32(tap->expected_mask, 0, tap->ir_length); command_print(CMD, "%2d %-18s %c 0x%08x %s %5d 0x%02x 0x%02x", tap->abs_chain_position, tap->dotted_name, tap->enabled ? 'Y' : 'n', (unsigned int)(tap->idcode), expected_id, (unsigned int)(tap->ir_length), (unsigned int)(expected), (unsigned int)(expected_mask)); for (ii = 1; ii < tap->expected_ids_cnt; ii++) { snprintf(expected_id, sizeof(expected_id), "0x%08x", (unsigned) tap->expected_ids[ii]); if (tap->ignore_version) expected_id[2] = '*'; command_print(CMD, " %s", expected_id); } tap = tap->next_tap; } return ERROR_OK; } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_jtag_ntrst_delay_command) { if (CMD_ARGC > 1) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; if (CMD_ARGC == 1) { unsigned delay; COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(uint, CMD_ARGV[0], delay); jtag_set_ntrst_delay(delay); } command_print(CMD, "jtag_ntrst_delay: %u", jtag_get_ntrst_delay()); return ERROR_OK; } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_jtag_ntrst_assert_width_command) { if (CMD_ARGC > 1) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; if (CMD_ARGC == 1) { unsigned delay; COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(uint, CMD_ARGV[0], delay); jtag_set_ntrst_assert_width(delay); } command_print(CMD, "jtag_ntrst_assert_width: %u", jtag_get_ntrst_assert_width()); return ERROR_OK; } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_jtag_rclk_command) { if (CMD_ARGC > 1) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; int retval = ERROR_OK; if (CMD_ARGC == 1) { unsigned khz = 0; COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(uint, CMD_ARGV[0], khz); retval = jtag_config_rclk(khz); if (ERROR_OK != retval) return retval; } int cur_khz = jtag_get_speed_khz(); retval = jtag_get_speed_readable(&cur_khz); if (ERROR_OK != retval) return retval; if (cur_khz) command_print(CMD, "RCLK not supported - fallback to %d kHz", cur_khz); else command_print(CMD, "RCLK - adaptive"); return retval; } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_runtest_command) { if (CMD_ARGC != 1) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; unsigned num_clocks; COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(uint, CMD_ARGV[0], num_clocks); jtag_add_runtest(num_clocks, TAP_IDLE); return jtag_execute_queue(); } /* * For "irscan" or "drscan" commands, the "end" (really, "next") state * should be stable ... and *NOT* a shift state, otherwise free-running * jtag clocks could change the values latched by the update state. * Not surprisingly, this is the same constraint as SVF; the "irscan" * and "drscan" commands are a write-only subset of what SVF provides. */ COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_irscan_command) { int i; struct scan_field *fields; struct jtag_tap *tap = NULL; tap_state_t endstate; if ((CMD_ARGC < 2) || (CMD_ARGC % 2)) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; /* optional "-endstate" "statename" at the end of the arguments, * so that e.g. IRPAUSE can let us load the data register before * entering RUN/IDLE to execute the instruction we load here. */ endstate = TAP_IDLE; if (CMD_ARGC >= 4) { /* have at least one pair of numbers. * is last pair the magic text? */ if (strcmp("-endstate", CMD_ARGV[CMD_ARGC - 2]) == 0) { endstate = tap_state_by_name(CMD_ARGV[CMD_ARGC - 1]); if (endstate == TAP_INVALID) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; if (!scan_is_safe(endstate)) LOG_WARNING("unstable irscan endstate \"%s\"", CMD_ARGV[CMD_ARGC - 1]); CMD_ARGC -= 2; } } int num_fields = CMD_ARGC / 2; if (num_fields > 1) { /* we really should be looking at plain_ir_scan if we want * anything more fancy. */ LOG_ERROR("Specify a single value for tap"); return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; } fields = calloc(num_fields, sizeof(*fields)); int retval; for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { tap = jtag_tap_by_string(CMD_ARGV[i*2]); if (tap == NULL) { free(fields); command_print(CMD, "Tap: %s unknown", CMD_ARGV[i*2]); return ERROR_FAIL; } uint64_t value; retval = parse_u64(CMD_ARGV[i * 2 + 1], &value); if (ERROR_OK != retval) goto error_return; int field_size = tap->ir_length; fields[i].num_bits = field_size; uint8_t *v = calloc(1, DIV_ROUND_UP(field_size, 8)); if (!v) { LOG_ERROR("Out of memory"); goto error_return; } buf_set_u64(v, 0, field_size, value); fields[i].out_value = v; fields[i].in_value = NULL; } /* did we have an endstate? */ jtag_add_ir_scan(tap, fields, endstate); retval = jtag_execute_queue(); error_return: for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) free((void *)fields[i].out_value); free(fields); return retval; } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_verify_ircapture_command) { if (CMD_ARGC > 1) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; if (CMD_ARGC == 1) { bool enable; COMMAND_PARSE_ENABLE(CMD_ARGV[0], enable); jtag_set_verify_capture_ir(enable); } const char *status = jtag_will_verify_capture_ir() ? "enabled" : "disabled"; command_print(CMD, "verify Capture-IR is %s", status); return ERROR_OK; } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_verify_jtag_command) { if (CMD_ARGC > 1) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; if (CMD_ARGC == 1) { bool enable; COMMAND_PARSE_ENABLE(CMD_ARGV[0], enable); jtag_set_verify(enable); } const char *status = jtag_will_verify() ? "enabled" : "disabled"; command_print(CMD, "verify jtag capture is %s", status); return ERROR_OK; } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_tms_sequence_command) { if (CMD_ARGC > 1) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; if (CMD_ARGC == 1) { bool use_new_table; if (strcmp(CMD_ARGV[0], "short") == 0) use_new_table = true; else if (strcmp(CMD_ARGV[0], "long") == 0) use_new_table = false; else return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; tap_use_new_tms_table(use_new_table); } command_print(CMD, "tms sequence is %s", tap_uses_new_tms_table() ? "short" : "long"); return ERROR_OK; } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_jtag_flush_queue_sleep) { if (CMD_ARGC != 1) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; int sleep_ms; COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(int, CMD_ARGV[0], sleep_ms); jtag_set_flush_queue_sleep(sleep_ms); return ERROR_OK; } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_wait_srst_deassert) { if (CMD_ARGC != 1) return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; int timeout_ms; COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(int, CMD_ARGV[0], timeout_ms); if ((timeout_ms <= 0) || (timeout_ms > 100000)) { LOG_ERROR("Timeout must be an integer between 0 and 100000"); return ERROR_FAIL; } LOG_USER("Waiting for srst assert + deassert for at most %dms", timeout_ms); int asserted_yet; int64_t then = timeval_ms(); while (jtag_srst_asserted(&asserted_yet) == ERROR_OK) { if ((timeval_ms() - then) > timeout_ms) { LOG_ERROR("Timed out"); return ERROR_FAIL; } if (asserted_yet) break; } while (jtag_srst_asserted(&asserted_yet) == ERROR_OK) { if ((timeval_ms() - then) > timeout_ms) { LOG_ERROR("Timed out"); return ERROR_FAIL; } if (!asserted_yet) break; } return ERROR_OK; } static const struct command_registration jtag_command_handlers[] = { { .name = "jtag_flush_queue_sleep", .handler = handle_jtag_flush_queue_sleep, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "For debug purposes(simulate long delays of interface) " "to test performance or change in behavior. Default 0ms.", .usage = "[sleep in ms]", }, { .name = "jtag_rclk", .handler = handle_jtag_rclk_command, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "With an argument, change to to use adaptive clocking " "if possible; else to use the fallback speed. " "With or without argument, display current setting.", .usage = "[fallback_speed_khz]", }, { .name = "jtag_ntrst_delay", .handler = handle_jtag_ntrst_delay_command, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "delay after deasserting trst in ms", .usage = "[milliseconds]", }, { .name = "jtag_ntrst_assert_width", .handler = handle_jtag_ntrst_assert_width_command, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "delay after asserting trst in ms", .usage = "[milliseconds]", }, { .name = "scan_chain", .handler = handle_scan_chain_command, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "print current scan chain configuration", .usage = "" }, { .name = "runtest", .handler = handle_runtest_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "Move to Run-Test/Idle, and issue TCK for num_cycles.", .usage = "num_cycles" }, { .name = "irscan", .handler = handle_irscan_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "Execute Instruction Register (IR) scan. The " "specified opcodes are put into each TAP's IR, " "and other TAPs are put in BYPASS.", .usage = "[tap_name instruction]* ['-endstate' state_name]", }, { .name = "verify_ircapture", .handler = handle_verify_ircapture_command, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "Display or assign flag controlling whether to " "verify values captured during Capture-IR.", .usage = "['enable'|'disable']", }, { .name = "verify_jtag", .handler = handle_verify_jtag_command, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "Display or assign flag controlling whether to " "verify values captured during IR and DR scans.", .usage = "['enable'|'disable']", }, { .name = "tms_sequence", .handler = handle_tms_sequence_command, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "Display or change what style TMS sequences to use " "for JTAG state transitions: short (default) or " "long. Only for working around JTAG bugs.", /* Specifically for working around DRIVER bugs... */ .usage = "['short'|'long']", }, { .name = "wait_srst_deassert", .handler = handle_wait_srst_deassert, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "Wait for an SRST deassert. " "Useful for cases where you need something to happen within ms " "of an srst deassert. Timeout in ms", .usage = "ms", }, { .name = "jtag", .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "perform jtag tap actions", .usage = "", .chain = jtag_subcommand_handlers, }, { .chain = jtag_command_handlers_to_move, }, COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE }; int jtag_register_commands(struct command_context *cmd_ctx) { return register_commands(cmd_ctx, NULL, jtag_command_handlers); }