Submitting patches to the OpenOCD Gerrit server: OpenOCD is to some extent a "self service" open source project, so to contribute, you must follow the standard procedures to have the best possible chance to get your changes accepted. The procedure to create a patch is essentially: - make the changes - create a commit - send the changes to the Gerrit server for review - correct the patch and re-send it according to review feedback 0. Create a Gerrit account at: - On subsequent sign ins, use the full URL prefaced with 'http://' For example: 0.1. Add a username to your profile. After creating the Gerrit account and signing in, you will need to add a username to your profile. To do this, go to 'Settings', and add a username of your choice. Your username will be required in step 2 and substituted wherever the string 'USERNAME' is found. 0.2. Add an SSH public key Following the directions for your specific platform: for Windows: for OSX: for Linux: While these pages describe the setting up of git as well, you should scroll down the page till you get to the section: 'Next: Set Up SSH Keys', and follow the steps described. 1. Clone the git repository, rather than just download the source. git clone git:// or if you have problems with the "git:" protocol, use the slower http protocol: git clone 2. Set up Gerrit with your local repository. All this does it to instruct git locally how to send off the changes. Add a new remote to git using Gerrit username: git remote add review ssh:// git config HEAD:refs/for/master You will need to install this hook, we will look into a better solution: scp -p -P 29418 .git/hooks/ 3. Set up git with your name and email: git config --global "John Smith" git config --global "" 4. Work on your patches. Split the work into multiple small patches that can be reviewed and applied seperately and safely to the OpenOCD repository. while(!done) { work - edit files using your favorite editor. run "git commit -s -a" to commit all changes. } TIP! use "git add ." before commit to add new files. --- example comment, notice the short first line w/topic --- topic: short comment <blank line> longer comments over several lines... ----- 5. Next you need to make sure that your patches are on top of the latest stuff on the server and that there are no conflicts. git pull --rebase origin/master 6. Send the patches to the Gerrit server for review. git push review 7. Forgot something, want to add more? Just make the changes and do: git commit --amend git push review Further reading: