# Connect TDI to SWDIO via a suitable series resistor (220-470 Ohm or
# so depending on the drive capability of the target and adapter);
# connect TDO directly to SWDIO.
# You also need to have reliable GND connection between the target and
# adapter. Vref of the adapter should be supplied with a voltage equal
# to the target's (preferrably connect it to Vcc). You can also
# optionally connect nSRST. Leave everything else unconnected.
# FTDI                          Target
# ----                          ------
# 1  - Vref   ----------------- Vcc
# 3  - nTRST  -
# 4  - GND    ----------------- GND
# 5  - TDI    ---/\470 Ohm/\--- SWDIO
# 7  - TMS    -
# 9  - TCK    ----------------- SWCLK
# 11 - RTCK   -
# 13 - TDO    ----------------- SWDIO
# 15 - nSRST  - - - - - - - - - nRESET

transport select swd

ftdi_layout_signal SWD_EN -data 0