# Analog Devices ADSP-SC584-EZBRD evaluation board
# Evaluation boards by Analog Devices (and designs derived from them) use a
# non-standard 10-pin 0.05" ARM Cortex Debug Connector.  In this bastardized
# implementation, pin 9 (GND or GNDDetect) has been usurped with JTAG /TRST.
# As a result, a standards-compliant debug pod will force /TRST active,
# putting the processor's debug interface into reset and preventing usage.
# A connector adapter must be employed on these boards to isolate or remap
# /TRST so that it is only asserted when intended.

# Analog expects users to use their proprietary ICE-1000 / ICE-2000 with all
# ADSP-SC58x designs, but this is an ARM target (and subject to the
# qualifications above) many ARM debug pods should be compatible.

#source [find interface/cmsis-dap.cfg]
source [find interface/jlink.cfg]

# Analog's silicon supports SWD and JTAG, but their proprietary ICE is limited
# to JTAG.  (This is presumably why their connector pinout was modified.)
# SWD is chosen here, as it is more efficient and doesn't require /TRST.

transport select swd

# chosen speed is 'safe' choice, but your adapter may be capable of more
adapter speed 400

source [find target/adsp-sc58x.cfg]