# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

#  Copyright (C) 2015, 2020 Synopsys, Inc.
#  Anton Kolesov <anton.kolesov@synopsys.com>
#  Didin Evgeniy <didin@synopsys.com>

source [find cpu/arc/common.tcl]

# Currently 'examine_target' can only read JTAG registers and set properties -
# but it shouldn't write any of registers - writes will be cached, but cache
# will be invalidated before flushing after examine_target, and changes will be
# lost.  Perhaps that would be fixed later - perhaps writes shouldn't be cached
# after all.  But if write to register is really needed from TCL - then it
# should be done via "arc jtag" for now.
proc arc_v2_examine_target { {target ""} } {
	# Set current target, because OpenOCD event handlers don't do this for us.
	if { $target != "" } {
		targets $target

	# Those registers always exist. DEBUG and DEBUGI are formally optional,
	# however they come with JTAG interface, and so far there is no way
	# OpenOCD can communicate with target without JTAG interface.
	arc set-reg-exists identity pc status32 bta debug lp_start lp_end \
		eret erbta erstatus ecr efa

	# 32 core registers
	arc set-reg-exists \
		r0  r1  r2  r3  r4  r5  r6  r7  r8  r9  r10 r11 r12 \
		r13 r14 r15 r16 r17 r18 r19 r20 r21 r22 r23 r24 r25 \
		gp fp sp ilink r30 blink lp_count pcl

	# Actionpoints
	if { [arc get-reg-field ap_build version] == 5 } {
		set ap_build_type [arc get-reg-field ap_build type]
		# AP_BUILD.TYPE > 0b0110 is reserved in current ISA.
		# Current ISA supports up to 8 actionpoints.
		if { $ap_build_type < 8 } {
			# Two LSB bits of AP_BUILD.TYPE define amount of actionpoints:
			# 0b00 - 2 actionpoints
			# 0b01 - 4 actionpoints
			# 0b10 - 8 actionpoints
			# 0b11 - reserved.
			set ap_num [expr {0x2 << ($ap_build_type & 3)}]
			# Expression on top may produce 16 action points - which is a
			# reserved value for now.
			if { $ap_num < 16 } {
				# Enable actionpoint registers
				for {set i 0} {$i < $ap_num} {incr i} {
					arc set-reg-exists ap_amv$i ap_amm$i ap_ac$i

				# Set amount of actionpoints
				arc num-actionpoints $ap_num

	set dccm_version [arc get-reg-field dccm_build version]
	if { $dccm_version == 3 || $dccm_version == 4 } {
		arc set-reg-exists aux_dccm

	if { [arc get-reg-field iccm_build version] == 4 } {
		arc set-reg-exists aux_iccm

	# MPU
	if { [arc get-reg-field mpu_build version] >= 2 &&
		 [arc get-reg-field mpu_build version] <= 4 } {
		arc set-reg-exists mpu_en mpu_ecr
		set mpu_regions [arc get-reg-field mpu_build regions]
		for {set i 0} {$i < $mpu_regions} {incr i} {
			arc set-reg-exists mpu_rdp$i mpu_rdb$i

		# Secure MPU
		if { [arc get-reg-field mpu_build version] == 4 } {
			arc set-reg-exists mpu_index mpu_rstart mpu_rend mpu_rper

proc arc_v2_init_regs { } {
	# XML features
	set core_feature "org.gnu.gdb.arc.core.v2"
	set aux_min_feature "org.gnu.gdb.arc.aux-minimal"
	set aux_other_feature "org.gnu.gdb.arc.aux-other"

	# Describe types
	# Types are sorted alphabetically according to their name.
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name ap_build_t -bitfield version 0 7 \
		-bitfield type 8 11
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name ap_control_t -bitfield at 0 3 -bitfield tt 4 5 \
		-bitfield m 6 6 -bitfield p 7 7 -bitfield aa 8 8 -bitfield q 9 9
	# Cycles field added in version 4.
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name dccm_build_t -bitfield version 0 7 \
		-bitfield size0 8 11 -bitfield size1 12 15 -bitfield cycles 17 19

	arc add-reg-type-struct -name debug_t \
		-bitfield fh 1 1   -bitfield ah 2 2   -bitfield asr 3 10 \
		-bitfield is 11 11 -bitfield ep 19 19 -bitfield ed 20 20 \
		-bitfield eh 21 21 -bitfield ra 22 22 -bitfield zz 23 23 \
		-bitfield sm 24 26 -bitfield ub 28 28 -bitfield bh 29 29 \
		-bitfield sh 30 30 -bitfield ld 31 31

	arc add-reg-type-struct -name ecr_t \
		-bitfield parameter 0 7 \
		-bitfield cause 8 15 \
		-bitfield vector 16 23 \
		-bitfield U 30 30 \
		-bitfield P 31 31
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name iccm_build_t -bitfield version 0 7 \
		-bitfield iccm0_size0  8 11 -bitfield iccm1_size0 12 15 \
		-bitfield iccm0_size1 16 19 -bitfield iccm1_size1 20 23
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name identity_t \
		-bitfield arcver 0 7 -bitfield arcnum 8 15 -bitfield chipid 16 31
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name isa_config_t -bitfield version 0 7 \
		-bitfield pc_size 8 11 -bitfield lpc_size 12 15 -bitfield addr_size 16 19 \
		-bitfield b 20 20 -bitfield a 21 21 -bitfield n 22 22 -bitfield l 23 23 \
		-bitfield c 24 27 -bitfield d 28 31
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name mpu_build_t -bitfield version 0 7 \
		-bitfield regions 8 15 \
		-bitfield s 16 16 \
		-bitfield i 17 17
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name mpu_ecr_t \
		-bitfield MR 0 7 \
		-bitfield VT 8 9 \
		-bitfield EC_CODE 16 31
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name mpu_en_t \
		-bitfield UE  3  3 -bitfield UW   4  4 -bitfield UR 5 5 \
		-bitfield KE  6  6 -bitfield KW   7  7 -bitfield KR 8 8 \
		-bitfield S  15 15 -bitfield SID 16 23 \
		-bitfield EN 30 30
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name mpu_index_t \
		-bitfield I 0 3 -bitfield M 30 30 -bitfield D 31 31
	arc add-reg-type-struct -name mpu_rper_t \
		-bitfield V 0 0 \
		-bitfield UE 3 3 -bitfield UW 4 4 -bitfield UR 5 5 \
		-bitfield KE 6 6 -bitfield KW 7 7 -bitfield KR 8 8 \
		-bitfield S 15 15 -bitfield SID 16 23
	arc add-reg-type-flags -name status32_t \
		-flag   H  0 -flag E0   1 -flag E1   2 -flag E2  3 \
		-flag  E3  4 -flag AE   5 -flag DE   6 -flag  U  7 \
		-flag   V  8 -flag  C   9 -flag  N  10 -flag  Z 11 \
		-flag   L 12 -flag DZ  13 -flag SC  14 -flag ES 15 \
		-flag RB0 16 -flag RB1 17 -flag RB2 18 \
		-flag  AD 19 -flag US  20 -flag IE  31

	# Core registers
	set core_regs {
		r0       0  uint32
		r1       1  uint32
		r2       2  uint32
		r3       3  uint32
		r4       4  uint32
		r5       5  uint32
		r6       6  uint32
		r7       7  uint32
		r8       8  uint32
		r9       9  uint32
		r10      10 uint32
		r11      11 uint32
		r12      12 uint32
		r13      13 uint32
		r14      14 uint32
		r15      15 uint32
		r16      16 uint32
		r17      17 uint32
		r18      18 uint32
		r19      19 uint32
		r20      20 uint32
		r21      21 uint32
		r22      22 uint32
		r23      23 uint32
		r24      24 uint32
		r25      25 uint32
		gp       26 data_ptr
		fp       27 data_ptr
		sp       28 data_ptr
		ilink    29 code_ptr
		r30      30 uint32
		blink    31 code_ptr
		r32      32 uint32
		r33      33 uint32
		r34      34 uint32
		r35      35 uint32
		r36      36 uint32
		r37      37 uint32
		r38      38 uint32
		r39      39 uint32
		r40      40 uint32
		r41      41 uint32
		r42      42 uint32
		r43      43 uint32
		r44      44 uint32
		r45      45 uint32
		r46      46 uint32
		r47      47 uint32
		r48      48 uint32
		r49      49 uint32
		r50      50 uint32
		r51      51 uint32
		r52      52 uint32
		r53      53 uint32
		r54      54 uint32
		r55      55 uint32
		r56      56 uint32
		r57      57 uint32
		accl     58 uint32
		acch     59 uint32
		lp_count 60 uint32
		limm     61 uint32
		reserved 62 uint32
		pcl      63 code_ptr
	foreach {reg count type} $core_regs {
		arc add-reg -name $reg -num $count -core -type $type -g \
			-feature $core_feature

	# AUX min
	set aux_min {
		0x6 pc       code_ptr
		0x2 lp_start code_ptr
		0x3 lp_end   code_ptr
		0xA status32 status32_t
	foreach {num name type} $aux_min {
		arc add-reg -name $name -num $num -type $type -feature $aux_min_feature -g

	# AUX other
	set aux_other {
		0x004 identity	identity_t
		0x005 debug		debug_t
		0x018 aux_dccm	int
		0x208 aux_iccm	int

		0x220 ap_amv0	uint32
		0x221 ap_amm0	uint32
		0x222 ap_ac0	ap_control_t
		0x223 ap_amv1	uint32
		0x224 ap_amm1	uint32
		0x225 ap_ac1	ap_control_t
		0x226 ap_amv2	uint32
		0x227 ap_amm2	uint32
		0x228 ap_ac2	ap_control_t
		0x229 ap_amv3	uint32
		0x22A ap_amm3	uint32
		0x22B ap_ac3	ap_control_t
		0x22C ap_amv4	uint32
		0x22D ap_amm4	uint32
		0x22E ap_ac4	ap_control_t
		0x22F ap_amv5	uint32
		0x230 ap_amm5	uint32
		0x231 ap_ac5	ap_control_t
		0x232 ap_amv6	uint32
		0x233 ap_amm6	uint32
		0x234 ap_ac6	ap_control_t
		0x235 ap_amv7	uint32
		0x236 ap_amm7	uint32
		0x237 ap_ac7	ap_control_t

		0x400 eret		code_ptr
		0x401 erbta		code_ptr
		0x402 erstatus	status32_t
		0x403 ecr		ecr_t
		0x404 efa		data_ptr

		0x409 mpu_en	mpu_en_t

		0x412 bta		code_ptr

		0x420 mpu_ecr	mpu_ecr_t
		0x422 mpu_rdb0	int
		0x423 mpu_rdp0	int
		0x424 mpu_rdb1	int
		0x425 mpu_rdp1	int
		0x426 mpu_rdb2	int
		0x427 mpu_rdp2	int
		0x428 mpu_rdb3	int
		0x429 mpu_rdp3	int
		0x42A mpu_rdb4	int
		0x42B mpu_rdp4	int
		0x42C mpu_rdb5	int
		0x42D mpu_rdp5	int
		0x42E mpu_rdb6	int
		0x42F mpu_rdp6	int
		0x430 mpu_rdb7	int
		0x431 mpu_rdp7	int
		0x432 mpu_rdb8	int
		0x433 mpu_rdp8	int
		0x434 mpu_rdb9	int
		0x435 mpu_rdp9	int
		0x436 mpu_rdb10	int
		0x437 mpu_rdp10	int
		0x438 mpu_rdb11	int
		0x439 mpu_rdp11	int
		0x43A mpu_rdb12	int
		0x43B mpu_rdp12	int
		0x43C mpu_rdb13	int
		0x43D mpu_rdp13	int
		0x43E mpu_rdb14	int
		0x43F mpu_rdp14	int
		0x440 mpu_rdb15	int
		0x441 mpu_rdp15	int
		0x448 mpu_index	mpu_index_t
		0x449 mpu_rstart uint32
		0x44A mpu_rend	uint32
		0x44B mpu_rper	mpu_rper_t
		0x44C mpu_probe uint32
	foreach {num name type} $aux_other {
		arc add-reg -name $name -num $num -type $type -feature $aux_other_feature

	set bcr {
		0x6D mpu_build
		0x74 dccm_build
		0x76 ap_build
		0x78 iccm_build
		0xC1 isa_config
	foreach {num reg} $bcr {
		arc add-reg -name $reg -num $num -type ${reg}_t -bcr -feature $aux_other_feature

	[target current] configure \
		-event examine-end "arc_v2_examine_target [target current]"

proc arc_v2_reset { {target ""} } {
	arc_common_reset $target

	# Disable all actionpoints.  Cannot write via regcache yet, because it will
	# not be flushed and all changes to registers will get lost.  Therefore has
	# to write directly via JTAG layer...
	set num_ap [arc num-actionpoints]
	for {set i 0} {$i < $num_ap} {incr i} {
		arc jtag set-aux-reg [expr {0x222 + $i * 3}] 0