/* To be built with arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0 -O3 bluenrgx.c */ /* Then postprocess output of command "arm-none-eabi-objdump -d bluenrgx.o" to make a C array of bytes */ #include <stdint.h> #include "../../../../src/flash/nor/bluenrg-x.h" /* Status Values ----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SUCCESS 0 #define ERR_UNALIGNED 1 #define ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS 2 #define ERR_INVALID_TYPE 3 #define ERR_WRITE_PROTECTED 4 #define ERR_WRITE_FAILED 5 #define ERR_ERASE_REQUIRED 6 #define ERR_VERIFY_FAILED 7 #define MFB_MASS_ERASE 0x01 #define MFB_PAGE_ERASE 0x02 #define DO_ERASE 0x0100 #define DO_VERIFY 0x0200 #define MFB_BOTTOM (0x10040000) #define MFB_SIZE_B(regs_base) ((16 * (((*(volatile uint32_t *)(regs_base + FLASH_SIZE_REG)) + 1) >> 12)) * 1024) #define MFB_SIZE_W (MFB_SIZE_B/4) #define MFB_TOP (MFB_BOTTOM+MFB_SIZE_B-1) #define MFB_PAGE_SIZE_B (2048) #define MFB_PAGE_SIZE_W (MFB_PAGE_SIZE_B/4) #define AREA_ERROR 0x01 #define AREA_MFB 0x04 typedef struct { volatile uint8_t *wp; uint8_t *rp; } work_area_t; /* Flash Commands --------------------------------------------------------*/ static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint32_t flashWrite(uint32_t address, uint8_t **data, uint32_t writeLength, uint32_t flash_regs_base) { uint32_t index, flash_word[4]; uint8_t i; *((volatile uint32_t *)(flash_regs_base + FLASH_REG_IRQMASK)) = 0; for (index = 0; index < writeLength; index += (FLASH_WORD_LEN*4)) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) flash_word[i] = (*(uint32_t *) (*data + i*4)); /* Clear the IRQ flags */ *((volatile uint32_t *)(flash_regs_base + FLASH_REG_IRQRAW)) = 0x0000003F; /* Load the flash address to write */ *((volatile uint32_t *)(flash_regs_base + FLASH_REG_ADDRESS)) = (uint16_t)((address + index - MFB_BOTTOM) >> 2); /* Prepare and load the data to flash */ *((volatile uint32_t *)(flash_regs_base + FLASH_REG_DATA0)) = flash_word[0]; *((volatile uint32_t *)(flash_regs_base + FLASH_REG_DATA1)) = flash_word[1]; *((volatile uint32_t *)(flash_regs_base + FLASH_REG_DATA2)) = flash_word[2]; *((volatile uint32_t *)(flash_regs_base + FLASH_REG_DATA3)) = flash_word[3]; /* Flash write command */ *((volatile uint32_t *)(flash_regs_base + FLASH_REG_COMMAND)) = FLASH_CMD_BURSTWRITE; /* Wait the end of the flash write command */ while ((*((volatile uint32_t *)(flash_regs_base + FLASH_REG_IRQRAW)) & FLASH_INT_CMDDONE) == 0) ; *data += (FLASH_WORD_LEN * 4); } return SUCCESS; } __attribute__((naked)) __attribute__((noreturn)) void write(uint8_t *work_area_p, uint8_t *fifo_end, uint8_t *target_address, uint32_t count, uint32_t flash_regs_base) { uint32_t retval; volatile work_area_t *work_area = (work_area_t *) work_area_p; uint8_t *fifo_start = (uint8_t *) work_area->rp; while (count) { volatile int32_t fifo_linear_size; /* Wait for some data in the FIFO */ while (work_area->rp == work_area->wp) ; if (work_area->wp == 0) { /* Aborted by other party */ break; } if (work_area->rp > work_area->wp) { fifo_linear_size = fifo_end-work_area->rp; } else { fifo_linear_size = (work_area->wp - work_area->rp); if (fifo_linear_size < 0) fifo_linear_size = 0; } if (fifo_linear_size < 16) { /* We should never get here */ continue; } retval = flashWrite((uint32_t) target_address, (uint8_t **) &work_area->rp, fifo_linear_size, flash_regs_base); if (retval != SUCCESS) { work_area->rp = (uint8_t *)retval; break; } target_address += fifo_linear_size; if (work_area->rp >= fifo_end) work_area->rp = fifo_start; count -= fifo_linear_size; } __asm("bkpt 0"); }