# Defines basic Tcl procs for OpenOCD server modules # Handle GDB 'R' packet. Can be overridden by configuration script, # but it's not something one would expect target scripts to do # normally proc ocd_gdb_restart {target_id} { # Fix!!! we're resetting all targets here! Really we should reset only # one target reset halt } proc prevent_cps {} { echo "Possible SECURITY ATTACK detected." echo "It looks like somebody is sending POST or Host: commands to OpenOCD." echo "This is likely due to an attacker attempting to use Cross Protocol Scripting" echo "to compromise your OpenOCD instance. Connection aborted." exit } proc POST {args} { prevent_cps } proc Host: {args} { prevent_cps } # list of commands we don't want to appear in autocomplete lappend _telnet_autocomplete_skip _telnet_autocomplete_helper # helper for telnet autocomplete proc _telnet_autocomplete_helper pattern { set cmds [info commands $pattern] # skip matches in variable '_telnet_autocomplete_skip' foreach skip $::_telnet_autocomplete_skip { foreach n [lsearch -all -regexp $cmds "^$skip\$"] { set cmds [lreplace $cmds $n $n] } } return [lsort $cmds] }