# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

# Generic LPC1850 board w/ SPIFI flash.
# This config file is intended as an example of how to
# use the lpcspifi flash driver, but it should be functional
# for most LPC1850 boards utilizing SPIFI flash.

set CHIPNAME lpc1850

source [find target/lpc1850.cfg]

#A large working area greatly reduces flash write times
set _WORKAREASIZE 0x4000

$_CHIPNAME.m3 configure -work-area-phys 0x10000000 -work-area-size $_WORKAREASIZE

#Configure the flash bank; 0x14000000 is the base address for
#lpc43xx/lpc18xx family micros.
flash bank SPIFI_FLASH lpcspifi 0x14000000 0 0 0 $_CHIPNAME.m3