# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

# DM6446 EVM board
#   http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/folders/print/tmdsevm6446.html
#   http://c6000.spectrumdigital.com/davincievm/
# EVM is just the board; buy that at Spectrum.
# The "kit" from TI also has: video camera, LCD video monitor, more.

source [find target/ti_dm6446.cfg]

# J4 controls what CS2 hooks up to, usually NOR or NAND flash.
# S3.1/S3.2 controls boot mode, which may force J4 and S3.3 settings.
# S3.3 controls AEMIF bus width.

if { [info exists J4_OPTION] } {
	# NOR, NAND, SRAM, ...
} else {
	set CS2_MODE ""

# ARM boot:
#  S3.1 = 0, S3.2 = 0	==> ROM/UBL boot via NAND (J4 == NAND)
#  S3.1 = 1, S3.2 = 0	==> AEMIF boot (J4 == NOR or SRAM)
#  S3.1 = 0, S3.2 = 1	==> ROM/UBL boot via HPI
#  S3.1 = 1, S3.2 = 1	==> ROM/UBL boot via UART (J4 == don't care)
# AEMIF bus width:
#  S3.3 = 0		==> 8 bit bus width
#  S3.3 = 1		==> 16 bit bus width
# DSP boot:
#  S3.4 = 0		==> controlled by ARM

if { $CS2_MODE == "NOR" } {
	# 16 Mbytes address space; 16 bit bus width
	# (older boards used 32MB parts, with upper 16 MB unusable)
	flash bank $_FLASHNAME cfi 0x02000000 0x01000000 2 2 $_TARGETNAME
	proc flashprobe {} { flash probe 0 }
} elseif { $CS2_MODE == "NAND" } {
	# 64 Mbyte small page; 8 bit bus width
	nand device davinci $_TARGETNAME 0x02000000 hwecc1 0x01e00000
	proc flashprobe {} { nand probe 0 }
} elseif { $CS2_MODE == "SRAM" } {
	# 4 Mbyte address space; 16 bit bus width
	# loaded via JTAG or HPI
	proc flashprobe {} {}
} else {
	# maybe it's HPI boot?  can't tell...
	echo "WARNING:  CS2/flash configuration not recognized"
	proc flashprobe {} {}

# NOTE:  disable or replace this call to dm6446evm_init if you're
# debugging new UBL code from SRAM (for NAND boot).
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init { dm6446evm_init }

# This post-reset init is called when the MMU isn't active, all IRQs
# are disabled, etc.  It should do most of what a UBL does, except for
# loading code (like U-Boot) into DRAM and running it.
proc dm6446evm_init {} {

	echo "Initialize DM6446 EVM board"

	# FIXME initialize everything:
	#  - PLL1
	#  - PLL2
	#  - PINMUX
	#  - PSC
	#  - DDR
	#  - AEMIF
	#  - UART0
	#  - icache
