# Texas Instruments OMAP 2420
#	http://www.ti.com/omap

if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } {
} else {
   set  _CHIPNAME omap2420

# NOTE: likes slowish clock on reset (1.5 MBit/s or less) or use RCLK
reset_config srst_nogate

# Subsidiary TAP:  ARM7TDMIr4 plus imaging ... must add via ICEpick (addr 6).
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME iva -irlen 4 -disable

# Subsidiary TAP: C55x DSP ... must add via ICEpick (addr 2).
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME dsp -irlen 38 -disable

# Subsidiary TAP: ARM ETB11, with scan chain for 4K of ETM trace buffer
if { [info exists ETB_TAPID ] } {
} else {
   set _ETB_TAPID 0x2b900f0f
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME etb -irlen 4 -expected-id $_ETB_TAPID

# Subsidiary TAP: ARM1136jf-s with scan chains for ARM Debug, EmbeddedICE-RT, ETM.
if { [info exists CPU_TAPID ] } {
} else {
   set _CPU_TAPID 0x07b3602f
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME arm -irlen 5 -expected-id $_CPU_TAPID

# Primary TAP: ICEpick-B (JTAG route controller) and boundary scan
if { [info exists JRC_TAPID ] } {
} else {
   set _JRC_TAPID 0x01ce4801
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME jrc -irlen 2 -expected-id $_JRC_TAPID

# GDB target:  the ARM.
target create $_TARGETNAME arm11 -chain-position $_TARGETNAME

# scratch:  framebuffer, may be initially unavailable in some chips
$_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-phys 0x40210000
$_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-size 0x00081000
$_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-backup 0

# trace setup
# REVISIT ... as of 12-June-2009, OpenOCD's ETM code can't talk to ARM11 cores.
#etm config $_TARGETNAME 16 normal full etb
#etb config $_TARGETNAME $_CHIPNAME.etb