# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#   File : Makefile                                                         *
#   Contents : Code for NanoXplore USB-JTAG ANGIE adapter hardware.         *
#   Based on openULINK project by: Martin Schmoelzer.                       *
#   Copyright 2023, Ahmed Errached BOUDJELIDA, NanoXplore SAS.              *
#   <aboudjelida@nanoxplore.com>                                            *
#	<ahmederrachedbjld@gmail.com>											*
# ***************************************************************************/

# Define the name of tools.

# Small Device C Compiler: http://sdcc.sourceforge.net/
CC = $(PREFIX)sdcc

# 8051 assembler, part of the SDCC software package.
AS = $(PREFIX)sdas8051

# SDCC produces quite messy Intel HEX files. This tool is be used to re-format
# those files. It is not required for the firmware download functionality in
# the OpenOCD driver, but the resulting file is smaller.
PACKIHX = $(PREFIX)packihx

# GNU binutils size. Used to print the size of the IHX file generated by SDCC.
SIZE = size

# Source and header directories.
SRC_DIR     = src
INCLUDE_DIR = include

CODE_SIZE = 0x3C00
XRAM_LOC  = 0x3C00
XRAM_SIZE = 0x0400

CFLAGS  = --std-sdcc99 --opt-code-size --model-small
LDFLAGS = --code-loc 0x0000 --code-size $(CODE_SIZE) --xram-loc $(XRAM_LOC) \
          --xram-size $(XRAM_SIZE) --iram-size 256 --model-small

# list of base object files
OBJECTS = main.rel usb.rel protocol.rel jtag.rel delay.rel USBJmpTb.rel serial.rel gpif.rel i2c.rel
HEADERS = $(INCLUDE_DIR)/usb.h          \
          $(INCLUDE_DIR)/protocol.h     \
          $(INCLUDE_DIR)/jtag.h         \
          $(INCLUDE_DIR)/delay.h        \
          $(INCLUDE_DIR)/reg_ezusb.h    \
          $(INCLUDE_DIR)/io.h           \
          $(INCLUDE_DIR)/serial.h       \
          $(INCLUDE_DIR)/fx2macros.h    \
          $(INCLUDE_DIR)/msgtypes.h     \

# Disable all built-in rules.

# Targets which are executed even when identically named file is present.
.PHONY: all, clean

all: angie_firmware.ihx
	$(SIZE) angie_firmware.ihx

angie_firmware.ihx: $(OBJECTS)
	$(CC) -mmcs51 $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^

# Rebuild every C module (there are only 8 of them) if any header changes.
%.rel: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c $(HEADERS)
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -mmcs51 -I$(INCLUDE_DIR) -o $@ $<

%.rel: $(SRC_DIR)/%.a51
	$(AS) -lsgo $@ $<

	rm -f *.asm *.lst *.rel *.rst *.sym *.ihx *.lk *.map *.mem

bin: angie_firmware.ihx
	makebin -p angie_firmware.ihx angie_firmware.bin

hex: angie_firmware.ihx
	$(PACKIHX) angie_firmware.ihx > fx2.hex