/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 Øyvind Harboe * * oyvind.harboe@zylin.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "tcl_server.h" #include <target/target.h> #include <helper/binarybuffer.h> #define TCL_SERVER_VERSION "TCL Server 0.1" #define TCL_LINE_INITIAL (4*1024) #define TCL_LINE_MAX (4*1024*1024) struct tcl_connection { int tc_linedrop; int tc_lineoffset; int tc_line_size; char *tc_line; int tc_outerror;/* flag an output error */ enum target_state tc_laststate; bool tc_notify; bool tc_trace; }; static char *tcl_port; /* handlers */ static int tcl_new_connection(struct connection *connection); static int tcl_input(struct connection *connection); static int tcl_output(struct connection *connection, const void *buf, ssize_t len); static int tcl_closed(struct connection *connection); static int tcl_target_callback_event_handler(struct target *target, enum target_event event, void *priv) { struct connection *connection = priv; struct tcl_connection *tclc; char buf[256]; tclc = connection->priv; if (tclc->tc_notify) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "type target_event event %s\r\n\x1a", target_event_name(event)); tcl_output(connection, buf, strlen(buf)); } if (tclc->tc_laststate != target->state) { tclc->tc_laststate = target->state; if (tclc->tc_notify) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "type target_state state %s\r\n\x1a", target_state_name(target)); tcl_output(connection, buf, strlen(buf)); } } return ERROR_OK; } static int tcl_target_callback_reset_handler(struct target *target, enum target_reset_mode reset_mode, void *priv) { struct connection *connection = priv; struct tcl_connection *tclc; char buf[256]; tclc = connection->priv; if (tclc->tc_notify) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "type target_reset mode %s\r\n\x1a", target_reset_mode_name(reset_mode)); tcl_output(connection, buf, strlen(buf)); } return ERROR_OK; } static int tcl_target_callback_trace_handler(struct target *target, size_t len, uint8_t *data, void *priv) { struct connection *connection = priv; struct tcl_connection *tclc; char *header = "type target_trace data "; char *trailer = "\r\n\x1a"; size_t hex_len = len * 2 + 1; size_t max_len = hex_len + strlen(header) + strlen(trailer); char *buf, *hex; tclc = connection->priv; if (tclc->tc_trace) { hex = malloc(hex_len); buf = malloc(max_len); hexify(hex, data, len, hex_len); snprintf(buf, max_len, "%s%s%s", header, hex, trailer); tcl_output(connection, buf, strlen(buf)); free(hex); free(buf); } return ERROR_OK; } /* write data out to a socket. * * this is a blocking write, so the return value must equal the length, if * that is not the case then flag the connection with an output error. */ int tcl_output(struct connection *connection, const void *data, ssize_t len) { ssize_t wlen; struct tcl_connection *tclc; tclc = connection->priv; if (tclc->tc_outerror) return ERROR_SERVER_REMOTE_CLOSED; wlen = connection_write(connection, data, len); if (wlen == len) return ERROR_OK; LOG_ERROR("error during write: %d != %d", (int)wlen, (int)len); tclc->tc_outerror = 1; return ERROR_SERVER_REMOTE_CLOSED; } /* connections */ static int tcl_new_connection(struct connection *connection) { struct tcl_connection *tclc; tclc = calloc(1, sizeof(struct tcl_connection)); if (!tclc) return ERROR_CONNECTION_REJECTED; tclc->tc_line_size = TCL_LINE_INITIAL; tclc->tc_line = malloc(tclc->tc_line_size); if (!tclc->tc_line) { free(tclc); return ERROR_CONNECTION_REJECTED; } connection->priv = tclc; struct target *target = get_current_target_or_null(connection->cmd_ctx); if (target) tclc->tc_laststate = target->state; /* store the connection object on cmd_ctx so we can access it from command handlers */ connection->cmd_ctx->output_handler_priv = connection; target_register_event_callback(tcl_target_callback_event_handler, connection); target_register_reset_callback(tcl_target_callback_reset_handler, connection); target_register_trace_callback(tcl_target_callback_trace_handler, connection); return ERROR_OK; } static int tcl_input(struct connection *connection) { Jim_Interp *interp = (Jim_Interp *)connection->cmd_ctx->interp; int retval; int i; ssize_t rlen; const char *result; int reslen; struct tcl_connection *tclc; unsigned char in[256]; char *tc_line_new; int tc_line_size_new; rlen = connection_read(connection, &in, sizeof(in)); if (rlen <= 0) { if (rlen < 0) LOG_ERROR("error during read: %s", strerror(errno)); return ERROR_SERVER_REMOTE_CLOSED; } tclc = connection->priv; if (!tclc) return ERROR_CONNECTION_REJECTED; /* push as much data into the line as possible */ for (i = 0; i < rlen; i++) { /* buffer the data */ tclc->tc_line[tclc->tc_lineoffset] = in[i]; if (tclc->tc_lineoffset + 1 < tclc->tc_line_size) { tclc->tc_lineoffset++; } else if (tclc->tc_line_size >= TCL_LINE_MAX) { /* maximum line size reached, drop line */ tclc->tc_linedrop = 1; } else { /* grow line buffer: exponential below 1 MB, linear above */ if (tclc->tc_line_size <= 1*1024*1024) tc_line_size_new = tclc->tc_line_size * 2; else tc_line_size_new = tclc->tc_line_size + 1*1024*1024; if (tc_line_size_new > TCL_LINE_MAX) tc_line_size_new = TCL_LINE_MAX; tc_line_new = realloc(tclc->tc_line, tc_line_size_new); if (!tc_line_new) { tclc->tc_linedrop = 1; } else { tclc->tc_line = tc_line_new; tclc->tc_line_size = tc_line_size_new; tclc->tc_lineoffset++; } } /* ctrl-z is end of command. When testing from telnet, just * press ctrl-z a couple of times first to put telnet into the * mode where it will send 0x1a in response to pressing ctrl-z */ if (in[i] != '\x1a') continue; /* process the line */ if (tclc->tc_linedrop) { #define ESTR "line too long\n" retval = tcl_output(connection, ESTR, sizeof(ESTR)); if (retval != ERROR_OK) return retval; #undef ESTR } else { tclc->tc_line[tclc->tc_lineoffset-1] = '\0'; command_run_line(connection->cmd_ctx, tclc->tc_line); result = Jim_GetString(Jim_GetResult(interp), &reslen); retval = tcl_output(connection, result, reslen); if (retval != ERROR_OK) return retval; /* Always output ctrl-z as end of line to allow multiline results */ tcl_output(connection, "\x1a", 1); } tclc->tc_lineoffset = 0; tclc->tc_linedrop = 0; } return ERROR_OK; } static int tcl_closed(struct connection *connection) { struct tcl_connection *tclc; tclc = connection->priv; /* cleanup connection context */ if (tclc) { free(tclc->tc_line); free(tclc); connection->priv = NULL; } target_unregister_event_callback(tcl_target_callback_event_handler, connection); target_unregister_reset_callback(tcl_target_callback_reset_handler, connection); target_unregister_trace_callback(tcl_target_callback_trace_handler, connection); return ERROR_OK; } static const struct service_driver tcl_service_driver = { .name = "tcl", .new_connection_during_keep_alive_handler = NULL, .new_connection_handler = tcl_new_connection, .input_handler = tcl_input, .connection_closed_handler = tcl_closed, .keep_client_alive_handler = NULL, }; int tcl_init(void) { if (strcmp(tcl_port, "disabled") == 0) { LOG_INFO("tcl server disabled"); return ERROR_OK; } return add_service(&tcl_service_driver, tcl_port, CONNECTION_LIMIT_UNLIMITED, NULL); } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_tcl_port_command) { return CALL_COMMAND_HANDLER(server_pipe_command, &tcl_port); } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_tcl_notifications_command) { struct connection *connection = NULL; struct tcl_connection *tclc = NULL; if (CMD_CTX->output_handler_priv) connection = CMD_CTX->output_handler_priv; if (connection && !strcmp(connection->service->name, "tcl")) { tclc = connection->priv; return CALL_COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_command_parse_bool, &tclc->tc_notify, "Target Notification output "); } else { LOG_ERROR("%s: can only be called from the tcl server", CMD_NAME); return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; } } COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_tcl_trace_command) { struct connection *connection = NULL; struct tcl_connection *tclc = NULL; if (CMD_CTX->output_handler_priv) connection = CMD_CTX->output_handler_priv; if (connection && !strcmp(connection->service->name, "tcl")) { tclc = connection->priv; return CALL_COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_command_parse_bool, &tclc->tc_trace, "Target trace output "); } else { LOG_ERROR("%s: can only be called from the tcl server", CMD_NAME); return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR; } } static const struct command_registration tcl_command_handlers[] = { { .name = "tcl_port", .handler = handle_tcl_port_command, .mode = COMMAND_CONFIG, .help = "Specify port on which to listen " "for incoming Tcl syntax. " "Read help on 'gdb_port'.", .usage = "[port_num]", }, { .name = "tcl_notifications", .handler = handle_tcl_notifications_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "Target Notification output", .usage = "[on|off]", }, { .name = "tcl_trace", .handler = handle_tcl_trace_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "Target trace output", .usage = "[on|off]", }, COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE }; int tcl_register_commands(struct command_context *cmd_ctx) { tcl_port = strdup("6666"); return register_commands(cmd_ctx, NULL, tcl_command_handlers); } void tcl_service_free(void) { free(tcl_port); }