u8500.cfg : ste u8500 support
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
# Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
# Author : michel.jaouen@stericsson.com
# U8500 target
proc mmu_off {} {
set cp [arm mrc 15 0 1 0 0]
set cp [expr ($cp & ~1)]
arm mcr 15 0 1 0 0 $cp
proc mmu_on {} {
set cp [arm mrc 15 0 1 0 0]
set cp [expr ($cp | 1)]
arm mcr 15 0 1 0 0 $cp
proc ocd_gdb_restart {target_id} {
global _TARGETNAME_1
global _SMP
targets $_TARGETNAME_1
if { [expr ($_SMP == 1)] } {
cortex_a8 smp_off
if { [expr ($_SMP == 1)]} {
cortex_a8 smp_on
proc smp_reg {} {
global _TARGETNAME_1
global _TARGETNAME_2
targets $_TARGETNAME_1
echo "$_TARGETNAME_1"
set pc1 [reg pc]
set stck1 [reg sp_svc]
targets $_TARGETNAME_2
echo "$_TARGETNAME_1"
set pc2 [reg pc]
set stck2 [reg sp_svc]
proc u8500_tapenable {chip val} {
echo "JTAG tap enable $chip"
proc pwrsts { } {
global _CHIPNAME
irscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 0x3a
drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 4 0
set pwrsts [drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 16 0]
echo "pwrsts ="$pwrsts
set a9 [expr (0x$pwrsts & 0xc)]
set ape [expr (0x$pwrsts & 0x3)]
if {[string equal "0" $ape]} {
echo "ape off"
} else {
echo "ape on"
echo "$a9"
switch $a9 {
4 {
echo "A9 in retention"
8 {
echo "A9 100% DVFS"
c {
echo "A9 50% DVFS"
proc poll_pwrsts { } {
global _CHIPNAME
set result 1
set i 0
irscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 0x3a
drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 4 0
set pwrsts [drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 16 0]
set pwrsts [expr (0x$pwrsts & 0xc)]
while {[string equal "4" $pwrsts] && $i<20} {
irscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 0x3a
drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 4 0;
set pwrsts [drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 16 0]
set pwrsts [expr (0x$pwrsts & 0xc)]
if {![string equal "4" $pwrsts]} {
set result 1
} else {
set result 0
sleep 200
echo "loop $i"
incr i
return $result
proc halt_ { } {
if {[poll_pwrsts]==1} {
} else {
echo "halt failed : target in retention"
proc u8500_dapenable {chip} {
proc u8500_tapdisable {chip val} {
echo "JTAG tap disable $chip"
proc enable_apetap {} {
global _CHIPNAME
global _TARGETNAME_2
global _TARGETNAME_1
poll off
irscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 0x3e
drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 8 0xcf
jtag tapenable $_CHIPNAME.dap
irscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 0x6
drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 32 0
irscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 0x6
drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 32 0
set status [$_TARGETNAME_1 curstate]
if {[string equal "unknown" $status]} {
$_TARGETNAME_1 arp_examine
set status [$_TARGETNAME_2 curstate]
if {[string equal "unknown" $status]} {
$_TARGETNAME_2 arp_examine
tcl_port 5555
telnet_port 4444
gdb_port 3333
if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } {
global _CHIPNAME
} else {
global _CHIPNAME
set _CHIPNAME u8500
if { [info exists ENDIAN] } {
} else {
# this defaults to a bigendian
set _ENDIAN little
# Subsidiary TAP: APE with scan chains for ARM Debug, EmbeddedICE-RT,
if { [info exists CPUTAPID ] } {
} else {
set _CPUTAPID 0x4ba00477
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME dap -irlen 4 -ircapture 0xe -irmask 0xf -expected-id $_CPUTAPID -disable
jtag configure $_CHIPNAME.dap -event tap-enable \
"u8500_dapenable $_CHIPNAME.dap"
jtag configure $_CHIPNAME.dap -event tap-disable \
"u8500_tapdisable $_CHIPNAME.dap 0xc0"
#CLTAPC TAP JRC equivalent
if { [info exists CLTAPC_ID ] } {
} else {
set _CLTAPC_ID 0x22286041
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME jrc -irlen 6 -ircapture 0x6 -irmask 0xf -expected-id $_CLTAPC_ID -ignore-version
if { ![info exists TARGETNAME_1 ] } {
global _TARGETNAME_1
} else {
global _TARGETNAME_1
if { [info exists DAP_DBG1] } {
} else {
set _DAP_DBG1 0x801A8000
if { [info exists DAP_DBG2] } {
} else {
set _DAP_DBG2 0x801AA000
target create $_TARGETNAME_1 cortex_a8 -chain-position $_CHIPNAME.dap -dbgbase $_DAP_DBG1 -coreid 0
$_TARGETNAME_1 configure -event gdb-attach {
if { ![info exists TARGETNAME_2 ] } {
global _TARGETNAME_2
} else {
global _TARGETNAME_2
target create $_TARGETNAME_2 cortex_a8 -chain-position $_CHIPNAME.dap -dbgbase $_DAP_DBG2 -coreid 1
$_TARGETNAME_2 configure -event gdb-attach {
if {![info exists SMP]} {
global _SMP
set _SMP 1
} else {
global _SMP
set _SMP $SMP
global SMP
if { $_SMP == 1} {
target smp $_CHIPNAME.cpu2 $_CHIPNAME.cpu1
proc secsts1 { } {
global _CHIPNAME
irscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 0x3a
drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 4 4
set secsts1 [drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 16 0]
echo "secsts1 ="$secsts1
set secsts1 [expr (0x$secsts1 & 0x4)]
if {![string equal "4" $secsts1]} {
echo "APE target secured"
} else {
echo "APE target not secured"
proc att { } {
global _CHIPNAME
jtag arp_init
irscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 0x3a
drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 4 4
set secsts1 [drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 16 0]
echo "secsts1 ="$secsts1
set secsts1 [expr (0x$secsts1 & 0x4)]
if {[string equal "4" $secsts1]} {
if {[poll_pwrsts]==1} {
} else {
echo "target in retention"
} else {
echo "target secured"
proc rst_run { } {
global _CHIPNAME
global _TARGETNAME_2
global _TARGETNAME_1
set status [$_TARGETNAME_1 curstate]
if {[string equal "halted" $status]} {
targets $_TARGETNAME_1
set status [$_TARGETNAME_2 curstate]
if {[string equal "halted" $status]} {
targets $_TARGETNAME_2
poll off
jtag arp_init
sleep 20
irscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 0x3a
drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 4 4
set secsts1 [drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 16 0]
echo "secsts1 ="$secsts1
set secsts1 [expr (0x$secsts1 & 0x4)]
while {![string equal "4" $secsts1]} {
irscan u8500.jrc 0x3a
drscan u8500.jrc 4 4
set secsts1 [drscan $_CHIPNAME.jrc 16 0]
echo "secsts1 ="$secsts1
set secsts1 [expr (0x$secsts1 & 0x4)]
echo "ape debugable"
poll on
targets $_TARGETNAME_1
dap apsel 1
if {![info exists MAXSPEED]} {
global _MAXSPEED
set _MAXSPEED 15000
} else {
global _MAXSPEED
global _MAXSPEED
adapter_khz $_MAXSPEED
gdb_breakpoint_override hard
set mem inaccessible-by-default-off
jtag_ntrst_delay 100
reset_config trst_and_srst combined
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