diff --git a/tcl/target/am335x.cfg b/tcl/target/am335x.cfg index 9a24ef00e..a5376c1d1 100644 --- a/tcl/target/am335x.cfg +++ b/tcl/target/am335x.cfg @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ if { [info exists JRC_TAPID ] } { } else { set _JRC_TAPID 0x0b94402f } -jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME jrc -irlen 6 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0x3f -expected-id $_JRC_TAPID +jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME jrc -irlen 6 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0x3f -expected-id $_JRC_TAPID -ignore-version jtag configure $_CHIPNAME.jrc -event setup "jtag tapenable $_CHIPNAME.dap" # some TCK tycles are required to activate the DEBUG power domain jtag configure $_CHIPNAME.jrc -event post-reset "runtest 100" diff --git a/tcl/target/omapl138.cfg b/tcl/target/omapl138.cfg index d3e472c6d..9a10d530c 100644 --- a/tcl/target/omapl138.cfg +++ b/tcl/target/omapl138.cfg @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if { [info exists JRC_TAPID] } { } else { set _JRC_TAPID 0x0b7d102f } -jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME jrc -irlen 6 -irmask 0x3f -expected-id $_JRC_TAPID +jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME jrc -irlen 6 -irmask 0x3f -expected-id $_JRC_TAPID -ignore-version jtag configure $_CHIPNAME.jrc -event setup \ "jtag tapenable $_CHIPNAME.etb; jtag tapenable $_CHIPNAME.arm"