2014-02-28 05:09:40 -06:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
OpenOCD RPC example, covered by GNU GPLv3 or later
Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Ortmann (ortmann@finf.uni-hannover.de)
Example output:
echo says hi!
target state: halted
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x00000188 msp: 0x10000fd8
variable @ 0x10000000: 0x01c9c380
variable @ 0x10000000: 0xdeadc0de
memory (before): ['0xdeadc0de', '0x00000011', '0xaaaaaaaa', '0x00000023',
'0x00000042', '0x0000ffff']
memory (after): ['0x00000001', '0x00000000', '0xaaaaaaaa', '0x00000023',
'0x00000042', '0x0000ffff']
import socket
import itertools
def strToHex(data):
return map(strToHex, data) if isinstance(data, list) else int(data, 16)
def hexify(data):
return "<None>" if data is None else ("0x%08x" % data)
def compareData(a, b):
for i, j, num in zip(a, b, itertools.count(0)):
if i != j:
print("difference at %d: %s != %s" % (num, hexify(i), hexify(j)))
class OpenOcd:
def __init__(self, verbose=False):
self.verbose = verbose
self.tclRpcIp = ""
self.tclRpcPort = 6666
self.bufferSize = 4096
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def __enter__(self):
self.sock.connect((self.tclRpcIp, self.tclRpcPort))
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def send(self, cmd):
"""Send a command string to TCL RPC. Return the result that was read."""
data = (cmd + OpenOcd.COMMAND_TOKEN).encode("utf-8")
if self.verbose:
print("<- ", data)
return self._recv()
def _recv(self):
"""Read from the stream until the token (\x1a) was received."""
data = bytes()
while True:
chunk = self.sock.recv(self.bufferSize)
data += chunk
if bytes(OpenOcd.COMMAND_TOKEN, encoding="utf-8") in chunk:
if self.verbose:
print("-> ", data)
data = data.decode("utf-8").strip()
data = data[:-1] # strip trailing \x1a
return data
def readVariable(self, address):
raw = self.send("ocd_mdw 0x%x" % address).split(": ")
return None if (len(raw) < 2) else strToHex(raw[1])
def readMemory(self, wordLen, address, n):
self.send("array unset output") # better to clear the array before
self.send("mem2array output %d 0x%x %d" % (wordLen, address, n))
2018-04-09 15:00:10 -05:00
output = [*map(int, self.send("ocd_echo $output").split(" "))]
d = dict([tuple(output[i:i + 2]) for i in range(0, len(output), 2)])
2014-02-28 05:09:40 -06:00
2018-04-09 15:00:10 -05:00
return [d[k] for k in sorted(d.keys())]
2014-02-28 05:09:40 -06:00
def writeVariable(self, address, value):
assert value is not None
self.send("mww 0x%x 0x%x" % (address, value))
def writeMemory(self, wordLen, address, n, data):
array = " ".join(["%d 0x%x" % (a, b) for a, b in enumerate(data)])
self.send("array unset 1986ве1т") # better to clear the array before
self.send("array set 1986ве1т { %s }" % array)
self.send("array2mem 1986ве1т 0x%x %s %d" % (wordLen, address, n))
if __name__ == "__main__":
def show(*args):
print(*args, end="\n\n")
with OpenOcd() as ocd:
show(ocd.send("ocd_echo \"echo says hi!\"")[:-1])
show(ocd.send("capture \"ocd_halt\"")[:-1])
# Read the first few words at the RAM region (put starting adress of RAM
# region into 'addr')
addr = 0x10000000
value = ocd.readVariable(addr)
show("variable @ %s: %s" % (hexify(addr), hexify(value)))
ocd.writeVariable(addr, 0xdeadc0de)
show("variable @ %s: %s" % (hexify(addr), hexify(ocd.readVariable(addr))))
data = [1, 0, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0x23, 0x42, 0xffff]
wordlen = 32
n = len(data)
read = ocd.readMemory(wordlen, addr, n)
show("memory (before):", list(map(hexify, read)))
ocd.writeMemory(wordlen, addr, n, data)
read = ocd.readMemory(wordlen, addr, n)
show("memory (after):", list(map(hexify, read)))
compareData(read, data)