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361 lines
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/// @file CAPI.h
/// @brief The C-language API for AppCore
/// @author
/// This file is a part of Ultralight, a fast, lightweight, HTML UI engine
/// Website: <http://ultralig.ht>
/// Copyright (C) 2019 Ultralight, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <Ultralight/CAPI.h>
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32)
# define ACExport __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define ACExport __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# define ACExport __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct C_Settings* ULSettings;
typedef struct C_App* ULApp;
typedef struct C_Window* ULWindow;
typedef struct C_Monitor* ULMonitor;
typedef struct C_Overlay* ULOverlay;
/// Window creation flags. @see Window::Create
typedef enum {
kWindowFlags_Borderless = 1 << 0,
kWindowFlags_Titled = 1 << 1,
kWindowFlags_Resizable = 1 << 2,
kWindowFlags_Maximizable = 1 << 3,
} ULWindowFlags;
/// Create settings with default values (see <AppCore/App.h>).
ACExport ULSettings ulCreateSettings();
/// Destroy settings.
ACExport void ulDestroySettings(ULSettings settings);
/// Set the root file path for our file system, you should set this to the
/// relative path where all of your app data is.
/// This will be used to resolve all file URLs, eg file:///page.html
/// @note By default, on macOS we use the app bundle's @resource_path,
/// on all other platforms we use the "./assets/" directory relative
/// to the executable's directory.
ACExport void ulSettingsSetFileSystemPath(ULSettings settings, ULString path);
/// Set whether or not we should load and compile shaders from the file system
/// (eg, from the /shaders/ path, relative to file_system_path).
/// If this is false (the default), we will instead load pre-compiled shaders
/// from memory which speeds up application startup time.
ACExport void ulSettingsSetLoadShadersFromFileSystem(ULSettings settings,
bool enabled);
/// Create the App singleton.
/// @param settings Settings to customize App runtime behavior. You can pass
/// NULL for this parameter to use default settings.
/// @param config Config options for the Ultralight renderer. You can pass
/// NULL for this parameter to use default config.
/// @note You should only create one of these per application lifetime.
/// @note Certain Config options may be overridden during App creation,
/// most commonly Config::face_winding and Config::device_scale_hint.
ACExport ULApp ulCreateApp(ULSettings settings, ULConfig config);
/// Destroy the App instance.
ACExport void ulDestroyApp(ULApp app);
/// Set the main window, you must set this before calling ulAppRun.
/// @param window The window to use for all rendering.
/// @note We currently only support one Window per App, this will change
/// later once we add support for multiple driver instances.
ACExport void ulAppSetWindow(ULApp app, ULWindow window);
/// Get the main window.
ACExport ULWindow ulAppGetWindow(ULApp app);
typedef void
(*ULUpdateCallback) (void* user_data);
/// Set a callback for whenever the App updates. You should update all app
/// logic here.
/// @note This event is fired right before the run loop calls
/// Renderer::Update and Renderer::Render.
ACExport void ulAppSetUpdateCallback(ULApp app, ULUpdateCallback callback,
void* user_data);
/// Whether or not the App is running.
ACExport bool ulAppIsRunning(ULApp app);
/// Get the main monitor (this is never NULL).
/// @note We'll add monitor enumeration later.
ACExport ULMonitor ulAppGetMainMonitor(ULApp app);
/// Get the underlying Renderer instance.
ACExport ULRenderer ulAppGetRenderer(ULApp app);
/// Run the main loop, make sure to call ulAppSetWindow before calling this.
ACExport void ulAppRun(ULApp app);
/// Quit the application.
ACExport void ulAppQuit(ULApp app);
/// Get the monitor's DPI scale (1.0 = 100%).
ACExport double ulMonitorGetScale(ULMonitor monitor);
/// Get the width of the monitor (in device coordinates).
ACExport unsigned int ulMonitorGetWidth(ULMonitor monitor);
/// Get the height of the monitor (in device coordinates).
ACExport unsigned int ulMonitorGetHeight(ULMonitor monitor);
/// Create a new Window.
/// @param monitor The monitor to create the Window on.
/// @param width The width (in device coordinates).
/// @param height The height (in device coordinates).
/// @param fullscreen Whether or not the window is fullscreen.
/// @param window_flags Various window flags.
ACExport ULWindow ulCreateWindow(ULMonitor monitor, unsigned int width,
unsigned int height, bool fullscreen,
unsigned int window_flags);
/// Destroy a Window.
ACExport void ulDestroyWindow(ULWindow window);
typedef void
(*ULCloseCallback) (void* user_data);
/// Set a callback to be notified when a window closes.
ACExport void ulWindowSetCloseCallback(ULWindow window,
ULCloseCallback callback,
void* user_data);
typedef void
(*ULResizeCallback) (void* user_data, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
/// Set a callback to be notified when a window resizes
/// (parameters are passed back in device coordinates).
ACExport void ulWindowSetResizeCallback(ULWindow window,
ULResizeCallback callback,
void* user_data);
/// Get window width (in device coordinates).
ACExport unsigned int ulWindowGetWidth(ULWindow window);
/// Get window height (in device coordinates).
ACExport unsigned int ulWindowGetHeight(ULWindow window);
/// Get whether or not a window is fullscreen.
ACExport bool ulWindowIsFullscreen(ULWindow window);
/// Get the DPI scale of a window.
ACExport double ulWindowGetScale(ULWindow window);
/// Set the window title.
ACExport void ulWindowSetTitle(ULWindow window, const char* title);
/// Set the cursor for a window.
ACExport void ulWindowSetCursor(ULWindow window, ULCursor cursor);
/// Close a window.
ACExport void ulWindowClose(ULWindow window);
/// Convert device coordinates to pixels using the current DPI scale.
ACExport int ulWindowDeviceToPixel(ULWindow window, int val);
/// Convert pixels to device coordinates using the current DPI scale.
ACExport int ulWindowPixelsToDevice(ULWindow window, int val);
/// Create a new Overlay.
/// @param window The window to create the Overlay in. (we currently only
/// support one window per application)
/// @param width The width in device coordinates.
/// @param height The height in device coordinates.
/// @param x The x-position (offset from the left of the Window), in
/// device coordinates.
/// @param y The y-position (offset from the top of the Window), in
/// device coordinates.
/// @note Each Overlay is essentially a View and an on-screen quad. You should
/// create the Overlay then load content into the underlying View.
ACExport ULOverlay ulCreateOverlay(ULWindow window, unsigned int width,
unsigned int height, int x, int y);
/// Destroy an overlay.
ACExport void ulDestroyOverlay(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Get the underlying View.
ACExport ULView ulOverlayGetView(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Get the width (in device coordinates).
ACExport unsigned int ulOverlayGetWidth(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Get the height (in device coordinates).
ACExport unsigned int ulOverlayGetHeight(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Get the x-position (offset from the left of the Window), in device
/// coordinates.
ACExport int ulOverlayGetX(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Get the y-position (offset from the top of the Window), in device
/// coordinates.
ACExport int ulOverlayGetY(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Move the overlay to a new position (in device coordinates).
ACExport void ulOverlayMoveTo(ULOverlay overlay, int x, int y);
/// Resize the overlay (and underlying View), dimensions should be
/// specified in device coordinates.
ACExport void ulOverlayResize(ULOverlay overlay, unsigned int width,
unsigned int height);
/// Whether or not the overlay is hidden (not drawn).
ACExport bool ulOverlayIsHidden(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Hide the overlay (will no longer be drawn).
ACExport void ulOverlayHide(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Show the overlay.
ACExport void ulOverlayShow(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Whether or not an overlay has keyboard focus.
ACExport bool ulOverlayHasFocus(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Grant this overlay exclusive keyboard focus.
ACExport void ulOverlayFocus(ULOverlay overlay);
/// Remove keyboard focus.
ACExport void ulOverlayUnfocus(ULOverlay overlay);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // APPCORE_CAPI_H