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/// @file Config.h
/// @brief The header for the Config struct.
/// @author
/// This file is a part of Ultralight, a fast, lightweight, HTML UI engine
/// Website: <http://ultralig.ht>
/// Copyright (C) 2019 Ultralight, Inc. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#include <Ultralight/Defines.h>
#include <Ultralight/String16.h>
namespace ultralight {
/// The winding order for front-facing triangles.
/// @note In most 3D engines, there is the concept that triangles have a
/// a "front" and a "back". All the front-facing triangles (eg, those
/// that are facing the camera) are rendered, and all back-facing
/// triangles are culled (ignored). The winding-order of the triangle's
/// vertices is used to determine which side is front and back. You
/// should tell Ultralight which winding-order your 3D engine uses.
enum FaceWinding {
/// Clockwise Winding (Direct3D, etc.)
/// Counter-Clockwise Winding (OpenGL, etc.)
/// @brief Configurations settings for Ultralight.
/// This is intended to be implemented by users and defined before creating the
/// Renderer. @see Platform::set_config.
struct UExport Config {
/// The winding order for front-facing triangles. @see FaceWinding
FaceWinding face_winding = kFaceWinding_CounterClockwise;
/// Whether or not images should be enabled.
bool enable_images = true;
/// Whether or not JavaScript should be enabled
bool enable_javascript = true;
/// When using the default, offscreen GPU driver, whether or not we
/// should use BGRA byte order (instead of RGBA). @see View::bitmap
bool use_bgra_for_offscreen_rendering = false;
/// The amount that the application DPI has been scaled (200% = 2.0).
/// Used for scaling device coordinates to pixels and oversampling raster
/// shapes.
double device_scale_hint = 1.0;
/// Default font-family to use.
String16 font_family_standard = "Times New Roman";
/// Default font-family to use for fixed fonts. (pre/code)
String16 font_family_fixed = "Courier New";
/// Default font-family to use for serif fonts.
String16 font_family_serif = "Times New Roman";
/// Default font-family to use for sans-serif fonts.
String16 font_family_sans_serif = "Arial";
/// Default user-agent string.
String16 user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) "
"AppleWebKit/602.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
"Ultralight/0.9.2 Safari/602.1";
/// Default user stylesheet. You should set this to your own custom CSS
/// string to define default styles for various DOM elements, scrollbars,
/// and platform input widgets.
String16 user_stylesheet;
} // namespace ultralight